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Trance Forum » » Forum  Equipment - Moog Sub Phatty freezing Live 9.1.1
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Moog Sub Phatty freezing Live 9.1.1


Started Topics :  1
Posts :  3
Posted : Feb 21, 2014 16:22:41
HI All - Wondering if anyone can share some experiences with their setup of a Moog Sub Phatty and Live 9.1.1 64-bit (Mavericks 10.9.1) Macbook pro retina 15 late 2013 versioon .

I've routed everything as you normally would when setting up an external synth, running a midi channel to capture the midi through the use of an 'External Instrument' and audio that is rerouted from the synth into a instrument channel on the audio interface (RME fireface UC) and back into live. This is the correct method if i'm not mistaken, i'm able to monitor key strokes directly played from the synth etc.

Things get crazy when i'm able to get it all to work just perfectly then I try to map the parameters of the Sub phatty VST to the knobs and buttons on the Synth itself to help with automation and midi goes crazy, randomly triggering midi notes then when I try to access the sub phatty VST or editor, Live freezes....this is a constant occurrence.

This has been happening since it was purchased a few days ago and it may well be i'm doing something wrong, any help would be awesome. Sent a request and crash report to Ableton, hope to hear back from them shortly, appears to be effecting people and not others. SUb phatty on latest firmware also.

Standalone is fun, however dying to work on a track that needs more moog

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  93
Posts :  2822
Posted : Feb 22, 2014 00:12
I would also submit your problems to moog support to see if they have anything to say about it            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe

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Posts :  3
Posted : Feb 27, 2014 12:51
I've managed to get the unit working, with some changes to the Midi preferences, with only track enabled for the moog for both midi input / output.

However when I drop the VST in and try to enable the knobs to be able to record automation it freezes on and has to be a moog issue, ableton and all other vst's are working flawlessly. I've disabled local control too, however it only allows automation of parameters and control of the instrument like a VST, i'm unable to use the keyboard and the knobs to control the synth due to the freezing.

I'm about to submit the issue to Moog, i'll still kick on for the answer in the meantime, however anyone else experiencing similar issues and have solved it?

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Posts :  3
Posted : Mar 9, 2014 07:25
There's a light at the end of the tunnel, the team at Moog are onto it and have had some traction on the issue - If you're experiencing any issues with your Subphatty and you're trying to use the VST plugin then check the official moog forum for updates.

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  123
Posts :  1397
Posted : Mar 9, 2014 12:33
i am also having issues with the editor. using win7 cubase. vsti does not work. (hardware disconnected message). and editor standalone while cubase is open also not working when i sequence the midi over usb.

using midi din now for sequencing. only presetmanagement by usb. works.

sure a moog issue, not ableton or cubase. i am not expecting moog to solve this. usb is complicated field moog is not like access. but who knows...

also no problems standalone. 

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  3
Posted : Apr 11, 2014 05:51

On 2014-03-09 12:33, vipal wrote:
i am also having issues with the editor. using win7 cubase. vsti does not work. (hardware disconnected message). and editor standalone while cubase is open also not working when i sequence the midi over usb.

using midi din now for sequencing. only presetmanagement by usb. works.

sure a moog issue, not ableton or cubase. i am not expecting moog to solve this. usb is complicated field moog is not like access. but who knows...

also no problems standalone.

I've managed to get this working with my setup, a new update and firmware has made it all stable for my config.

There are some limitations around midi over USB on Windows machines, can't remember exactly why, however not an issue on Mac OS machines.

I've posted a lengthy response of my setup on the Moog forum, i've included a link below for reference, hope it helps

Best thing to do as was in my case also, is to hassle Moog, they have been very responsive and are working toward a solution taking into account users feedback, i've gone from not being able to use it, to fully automating the phattness in a few weeks....put the time in to get it sorted for yourself as some of us persist are helping the majority of others

You may need to control midi via DIN cables as well as USB, a number of people have managed to get it working that way in Windows. Check in at the moog forums!

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  123
Posts :  1397
Posted : Apr 11, 2014 19:29
yes cool, i recently got the new updated editor, but as i said its already ok with the combination of midi din and usb. just did not try the automation, maybe for that the new editor is need. thanks for the update. i will try the latest editor version. 
Trance Forum » » Forum  Equipment - Moog Sub Phatty freezing Live 9.1.1
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