IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Jan 31, 2010 10:08:22
My view on money in the recent times has changed drastically. At one point i used to feel that money is the cause of all problems and evils in the world and was the worst thing..but after some introspection, i began to realize the purity of money its innocent nature and its transparency and how in its simplicity lies all emotions, relations, and future.
This creation of man today has more power than god could have ever imagined...it changed the views of people, their mindsets and their lifestyle...money is the best friend, it never betrays nor does it lie..it only helps and makes your life easier...money in my opinion is the closest thing to nirvana or liberation..when you see that you realize the kindness of this creation...
money by itself is innocent, and thus you can abuse, use it, as well as benefit from it...its all clear when money is near
When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 31, 2010 11:25
It's the 'necessary evil' .. to put it lightly.
Besides being a medium of exchange for worldly necessities, with the unchecked progress of society, coupled with the untamed nature of human beings - this monster has attained the status of a God, it's what peoples mind's are primarily focused on! In many cases completely losing focus of the bigger picture and meaning of existence!!
Ironically - It is the single probable means of eliminating the entire world, and the human being has created it with his own hands!!
(What's the point in attaining the whole world when you completely destroy it in the process?? - in the end you are left with, so to speak, a barren and battered wife who can only cause you pain, anguish and displeasure)
But then what do we do?? How do we survive through this life??
I can't live my entire life in suffering and deprivation of worldly pleasures!! Can You??!?
No, I Can't. And I believe there is hope for us yet!!
The answer lies in 'Purification'.
A kind of 'Laundering' if you like. (hope i don't get in to trouble with any governments for using the word!! :-P)
Work as much and as hard as you want to make as much money as you like - that is your right and instinctive nature of survival - one of the very cores of your being - to have some happiness in life with the good it can bring .... simultaneously, have it in your heart to give and donate a portion of it (whatever you feel comfortable with) to the less fortunate and needy. Make an attempt to alleviate and eliminate the suffering and trails of your fellow earth dwellers (children, men and women - and furthermore, the other forms of life that are suffering because of our greed - the tigers and the trees, for example).
Display your affection for your kind and this world we have and know!
The Eagles said it well ....'Love WILL keep us alive!!'
A less burdened human mind and soul is more capable of being more creative and progressive in nature!!
A happy world = progress infinite!!
United we will prevail!!
B'om Shankara!!
"... b'om ..."
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Posted : Feb 1, 2010 16:25
On 2010-01-31 10:08:22, Xolvexs wrote:
...money is the best friend, it never betrays nor does it lie..it only helps and makes your life easier...money in my opinion is the closest thing to nirvana or liberation..when you see that you realize the kindness of this creation...
money by itself is innocent, and thus you can abuse, use it, as well as benefit from it...its all clear when money is near
wow, do you make breakfast to your wallet every day??
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Feb 1, 2010 19:56
When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 5, 2010 08:36
Money is really something humans had from the very start, when we started using tools. Money is an abstract form of property, to make trading easier. Instead of building a basket and trading it for a hammer, you go to work and are given money (ie: a basket's worth), and you buy with that money whatever (eg. a hammer). Just like with any other thing, it can be used in a lot of ways. Some of them great, others... not so much.
The concept itself is genius - the stuff you own doesn't have to be real... we can just say your numbers are stuff.
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Feb 7, 2010 21:06
there is more money than there are people
there are 6.5-7billion people on this planet
and one company Exxon mobile makes $44 billion in profit each year...and if you add the savings, foward hedging etc add all that up plus all the money that all of us have and the money that is just sitting idle or as i like to call Kidnapped by the Bank ...it is very easy for all 6.5-7billion people to afford a basic car like toyota corolla or honda civic if the money is distrubuted.....simple math...so why do we blame something that is in abundance? if u use that logic then water, air, fire, earth all are evil..currency is the ether
When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 7, 2010 23:56
Modern money is evil as its constructed on a debt system, build for the purpose of losing value over time and expading an enormous debt of society with the central banks.
In the past, economic growth was more sound because money had real value. it was made of precios metals or it was a promise of pay in gold. Old money used to say "pay 20 coins of GOLD", todays money is artificial, and the problem is that when more money is printed or created it loses its value making people poorer.
CApitalism will self destroy it self this way if central banks and their monopoly over money doesnt end, and we must not be afariad of a free money market, it existed until the 19th century.
"The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 8, 2010 18:59
On 2010-02-07 23:56, Login wrote:
Modern money is evil as its constructed on a debt system, build for the purpose of losing value over time and expading an enormous debt of society with the central banks.
In the past, economic growth was more sound because money had real value. it was made of precios metals or it was a promise of pay in gold. Old money used to say "pay 20 coins of GOLD", todays money is artificial, and the problem is that when more money is printed or created it loses its value making people poorer.
CApitalism will self destroy it self this way if central banks and their monopoly over money doesnt end, and we must not be afariad of a free money market, it existed until the 19th century.
But why does gold have value in the first place? It's not a particularly useful metal. Not like iron, copper or aluminum. It's just rare. So are papers printed in a specific way in specific places that are very hard to replicate. So are records in the banking system. The "debt-based" system is as ancient as lending something for a favor - it's pre-historic. It allows for things like start-up companies, buying houses for people not already wealthy, countries to develop at much quicker paces than they could otherwise, and many other things.
The system is not inherently evil, and is one of the reasons that housing, technology, medicine and basically any industry can develop as fast as they do, the price we pay is that the financial sector will occasionally abuse it's power and cause damage to people (some people's quality of life will deteriorate at certain periods) - but this is the price for an increased quality of life for masses of people on a continual basis. Without this system, we'd be set back to the development rate of 1000 years ago - it may not have seemed bad at that time, but we should be happy for the developments since.
The system has inflation as a built in tool that is necessary for growth - and it reflects certain powers at work. A car that costs $20,000 today probably could have gone at over that amount 50 years ago (even considering that then a dollar was worth "more"), but vegetables would have cost less. In average, things that would have been extreme luxury items grew far less expensive and are now considered standard - but their price remains similar due to inflation. That is how the system is built. Money doesn't lose it's value, it's just that the stuff you buy is generally much more advanced.
Central banks do not have a monopoly over money, I can't even begin to tell you in how many ways that is wrong.
You are trying to blame a system for being evil, rather than pointing at it's pros and cons and laying the blame for abuse at the people responsible.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 8, 2010 22:30
Kaz, first we need to be speaking about the same.
Im not against money, but against a central institution having the monopoly over its production and ownership and chaging everyone for using it.
Free money markets are far better and have less cons, money would be sound, backed against real commodities and wont loose value over time.
Gold has many uses in fact, its use in jewerly its not only because of its rarity but also its flexibility to mold, which also is usefull for other tasks. Its also a super good conductor.
Monetarism is form of diguissed Keynesianism, to much intervention which end in bubbles and big bail outs.
Its a very unfair capitalism whre banks bet all.. with insurance, while the average citizen doesnt have that kind of coverage.
I'm all about capitalism, but one more free and democratic (as Hayek and vn Misses proposed).
"The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Feb 16, 2010 13:08
When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 17, 2010 02:33
"The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
RaDioAcTiVe AcIdHeAd
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Posted : Feb 17, 2010 06:48
the money, the system, the religion, technology etc etc etc were all developed for somethin good/convinience and just by themselves are hmm well, quite innocent...
but its the psychotic monkeys who are behind these stuff and use these things, who are corrupt, manipulative and evil and screwing up everythin for some selfish psychotic reasons...
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Feb 18, 2010 13:43
its like recreational drug users vs drug addicts
When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
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Posted : Feb 20, 2010 20:40
The problem with Hayek though is that the boom busts are a good thing in the long run.
It produces many things that would simply not get produced if we had gold back currency because there would not be as much money to lend so projects with more risk would simply not get funded.
There was a huge boom bust in the late 60s with electronics, most the companies from that time no one has ever heard of because they are long gone. Without that boom bust though this forum may have not been possible.
I find no reason to have a discussion on Keynes...I own that book "Hayek" pulls out of the drawer and it is absolutely the hardest book I've ever tried to read.
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Posted : Feb 22, 2010 00:32
if one kill another with a knife,you cant blame the knife but the mans mind,
so this happens with the money,
its not the money the problem,the real problem its our mind our ego,
and the slavery inside us,
slaves of our passions,for a faulse needs,for money,for a woman,for a man,for a religion,
for the system,for drugs,for gumbling,etc
in this point of the society we cant live without the money,
but money its here to serve us,and not to be servant of them after all,
the only key word its freedom,
the way its a personal path of every man-warrior against the slavery