MoKsha IndepenDance Day Party
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 27, 2004 12:00
so... its start as a nice evning in my town:) with nice artists and SEAROT SAVTA:)... we started to drive at 12:30 to the location...
the location was in a middel of no where...
we just drove and drove and drove...
finally we get into the location, lot of secure guys where there and gave us a good feeling after one and a helf hour near Gaza:)
we enter to the location, very very nice and egsotic place, with a pool...
any way:)
the first band was Sin Son San, something like this... very nice Reggai, was in the right time after this long drive:)
after him a Dj from domo kick us with very good progressive. Son kite gave a killer set ( helf of him i slept, but as ppl say:) ), Visual paradox... hoo its a totaly Full On C**P, very unpowerfull set.
we left in the begining of BLT and the drummer from NIKMAT HATRAKTOR, was realy nice;) but aint stay untill the end. but what i missed was the Deco, where it was??!
It was realy a good party, meet there lot of ppl:) and Psygirl;) it was nice to meet u there!!
Moksha and Ronen gave us realy quailty party
KEeP It PsY:)
Sound Surgeon
Crater / Mish-kah
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Posted : Apr 27, 2004 13:24
a shame i didnt go there :C
shitty friends dont wanna go
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Apr 27, 2004 14:02
missed it as well mr. johnny... my ego took the best of me and i went to a diffrent party for the wrong reasons. i'm glad to see you had a great time... hope more had a good time as well. hag sameach, now its mangal time.
  "On the other hand, you have different fingers." |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 27, 2004 18:46
finally a party with so good line up!
son kite were scartching my head jeniusly with the electronic violin...
b.l.t and danni makov were very original and interesting.... (im waiting enxius for the new cd)
but visual paradox dissapoint me again... and why he digged and digged and didnt want to get out of the stage (fucking 3 hours)
Brain Damage
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Posted : Apr 27, 2004 21:38
very good party i saw few shimons there but
in principle was very good
sone kite was very good with they fukking killed me
visual paradox was very nicee i didn't realy enthusiasticed from they but they played few very nice track
but the bombs coming when B.L.T & Danny Makov played ...for me it's was just fucking kileer they killed
every sner that i listed i felt like somebudy kick in my face hhhhhhhhhhhhhh
soo they was just great .
very good pasrty i am enjoyed
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Brain Damage
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Posted : Apr 27, 2004 22:40
in principle was very good
son kite was very good with they live and i enjoy much but before in night time
after Sin Son San the Reggai band in moksha party ,was playing from 3 till 6 dj micha Echotek
not domo dj and he was kicking with good progressvie set . |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 27, 2004 22:56
Very very good party!
In the begining there was a very heavy load in the entrance which I guess made many people feel bad (luckliy we got there before the big mess started).
Crowd - People who came to dance and that's what important.
Sound - Good. Even the volume was low enough this time (especially near the stage).
Location - Very far from Haifa, but I'll drive anywhere to see Son Kite
The pool was very nice in the morning.
Music -
Echotek - Nice set, good mixing and flow. I can't really jugde it coz I waiting for Son Kite.
Son Kite - AMAZING! A real live show! They were really turning the knobs and mixing the tracks live . And the crowd liked it!!!
The violin was a very nice trick also
Visual Paradox - Better than the usual Full On, still not my cup of tea, but I was waiting for Yuli so I can't really judge, again.
BLT+Danny - ROCKED! Like always
Unfortunately I had to go in the middle of it but I really wanted to stay there and dance till the end of the party.
P.S - I had my camera in the car but couldn't get it to the pary before Son Kite because the heavy load in the entrance and when Son Kite came up I just couldn't stop dancing.
So eventually I took pictures, but only after Visual Paradox started playing |
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Posted : Apr 27, 2004 23:51
well....we arrived when Sin Son San were still on stage. It seemed that people liked their performance..but as for me I'd prefer to hear some progressive house tunes from Zombi for example as a great start for the party...
Echotek gave a very good progressive set...enjoyed every moment.
Son Kite!!!! These guys were the main reason I travelled all the way to the party...AMAZING and I got nothing to add
Was my first time I heard Visual Paradox...May be it was too much full on or may be the set was boring...but I couldn't make myself dancing and that was a good opportunity to sleep
Yuli and Danny Makov rocked as usual..unfortunately I had to leave in the middle of their set.
As far as I know Huda G and Zombi had to play after BLT and pity I couldn't hear you guys. And as I already said I would prefer to hear Zombi playing at night
The place was beautiful but I didn't like the idea to make a party at bordered area that much..It makes me feel like in a cage.....Any piece of landscape at the desert would be much better I think...and it would look much more underground....well...that's the kind of a parties I like:)
The crowd was as it was expected...with a big percent of good ppl but still a lot of shimonim...
Anyway it was a very good party.
My respect to Moksha project.
Happy Independence Day psypeople! C U
  "And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music" Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 28, 2004 00:41
For me Micha's set(the first after Sin Son Sun, who were great too) was the best in the party!! very good mixed and built set. groovy baby!
Son Kite - Pretty nice performance, but if i hadn't listened to "Colours" album all last week, it would be nicer:)
After all great live set, i couldn't stop dancin'.
I don't like fullon, but i saw in dansing and smiling ppl that Visual Paradox rocked!
After them Yuli and Danny gave their wave of pozitive energies to the party.
Rock and Roll isn't dead yet!)))
Huda was much more powerfull then i expected, great music, dude! .
And it was very nice to dance in the pool on Zombi's fluffy tunes!
Thank you, Eli!
crowd was mixed.
the only bad thing in this party is the gate, that was closed for 1.5 hours and many good ppl with tickets had to wait all this time/
There were ppl that even left and went home disapointed.
But i perdonaly had greatest time!
Thank you Moksha and Ronen!
And Happy Independence day!
  Music Uber Alles! |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 28, 2004 02:11
Too bad i couldn't make it, a clearly not a frequent line up
I will just keep hoping to watch Yuli + Dani makov's live set for the first time as soon as it possible, and will keep my fingers crossed for bringing Son kite again someday ...
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Apr 28, 2004 10:03
nice party but somehow i feel it was a bubble that expanded into my face..
thanx psytune for your support! im realy tuched by your post, normaly i hear opposite things about myself!
thanx roam also!
the sound was quite bad with overbass all party long, the equipment was so overused that music stoped few times becoze shitty headphones plug..
and it was not fun to play for me, since from first track i played the sound team allready were plug off their stuff...
after all not my kind of fun.
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 28, 2004 10:27
that was a totaly amazing party!!! i guess everybody already said the most but i have to say again that SON KITE gave an unforgetable set with the violent!! i just stood there and listend to his amazing music!
and BLT gave a totaly Groovy set with Dani Makov who was amazing on the drums!!!
the music there was unordenary expiriance~~!!!
  Follow the Rainbow to....... |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 28, 2004 11:12
Yeah it was great, but i think the line up order
could work much better if it was ordered otherwise i think that if BLT & Danny played at night & Son kite afterwords it could have been a much pleasent expirience...also this is the first time i see BLT live with danny fucking amazing...No Words for Son Kite simply mind blowing...Visual paradox simply mind bashing + the heat that bashed my head this duo realy made me feel no so quite well but when BLT & Danny came up they were like an Aspirin to my head and finally i can see myself on the pics that POL took nobody ever cathes me in the frame
sorry zomb i couldn't stay for you i was in a "smartut" condition & had to drag myself out of there... |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 28, 2004 13:03
Massive disappointment. Big time.
We’ve got there right as Sing Song Soon were finishing their reggae set. Ecotek was the first to play after that and gave a really nice set. My favorite set in the party. From that moment on things started deteriorating.
Location: Imagine a kibbutz’s pool in the middle of f#@#ing nowhere. Why oh why did we have to drive that long for such a location? Not worth the drive. The place was too small for the amount of people that were in it and gave me a suffocating feeling of a club. Since this was not a nature party, and the place was too small, there was nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide.
Sound: as a friend said – it’s nice they brought a few Turbo-sounds: we had the turbo but no sound. The sound was bad, too much bass, no other sounds noticeable. Too loud, damn it. Someone please read the sound system’s user manual and find out what all those buttons there mean.
Music: as a result of the sound problem, music sucked, big time. Except for Ecotek’s set, which as I’ve said was my favorite, all other sets sounded the same to me. Since we’re talking too many artists, too many sets, I can only blame the sound system and not the artists. We left just as Huda-G started playing. Sorry Domos.
People: Mixed crowd, mostly not too bad. Even the not-so-nice-to-see-them-around people were actually ok, but there was no real happy vibe there. People weren’t smiling.
Deco: There was some deco on the side of the stage that looked like the kibbutz’s Independence Day’s leftovers. Past (and present) political leaders playing musical instruments. Not what I’d call appropriate for a Trance party…
Pet peeves: The sound system, no vibe, the location.
Personal Highlight: Yossi and the star-jelly-records stickers
Do you know the old nursery rhyme about the London Bridge? Replace those two words with Moksha Project and start singing it aloud. It’s the end of an era for me, the “sure, Moksha project parties are nice” era.
Bottom line: not worth the drive, not worth the money. 4/10  Please REMOVE my cellphone number from any SMS spam list you may have. Thanks. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 28, 2004 15:37
Music sucked?????????
dont know to what kind of parties ur going to but Son Kite and BLT where amazing!
  Follow the Rainbow to....... |