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Trance Forum » » Forum  North America - *****MIAMI - Feb 11th, 2006 - Future Vision Presents - Neuromotor DJ set + Allen (Gaian MInd)*****
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*****MIAMI - Feb 11th, 2006 - Future Vision Presents - Neuromotor DJ set + Allen (Gaian MInd)*****

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  55
Posts :  928
Posted : Feb 11, 2006 01:50
I know for a fact this is going to be an amazing event. We will miss Fred for sure, but the guns are loaded to blast a beautiful psychedelic odissey
Gaian Mind
Gaian Mind

Started Topics :  29
Posts :  157
Posted : Feb 11, 2006 02:38
"Bush the Antichrist"
          GAIAN MIND
Bookings: (727) 815-7695 (office) / (727) 267-0635 (cell) / gaian-mind (Skype)
Psychotic Pharmacist

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  57
Posted : Feb 11, 2006 18:15
Leaving for Miami! See you out there!!!           AUDIO VIRUS ( DJ )
Tampa, FL

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  144
Posted : Feb 11, 2006 21:05
9 Hours to go..
Psychotic Pharmacist

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  57
Posted : Feb 13, 2006 03:28
This party was sweet! Allan, you were sick!!! The party started slow, but all the sudden the volume got louder and the room filled up!! The music was hard and dirty, just the way it should be. We met so many cool people there, you all know who you are! I have to get some rest to you all soon!

          AUDIO VIRUS ( DJ )
Tampa, FL
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  55
Posts :  928
Posted : Feb 13, 2006 18:39
After an incredible amount of setbacks, from visa problems to the artists , change of ownership of the venue and a visit from teh Police... the event happened.

Analog Kid played a great set with great proggy psy mixed with some good energetic classics He got the dancefloor moving and smiles happening. Then i started my set and I played some proggy tracks from Tron, Nasa, Tranan's remix of Man Made Man... some full on from manibus, orion and MWNN... I saw that the dancefloor, although moving, was not going crazy And I think with MWNN String Theory the energy should have happened. I felt everyone was waiting for something... I do not know if it was Bon or maybe Highko and Naked Tourist that did it. And then it was no turning back he he It was 1 hour and a 1/2 of pure banging nighttime until my last track. It was just beautiful to see everyone enjoying Derango Wooohooo. And then Allen started his set with a pure mind twister. I heard tracks from Terminator's abum on Deja VU and some music from Dejan. Completly mental!!!! and the dancefloor... This is South Beach, capital of house, glamour, the tropical beaches... The dancefloor just rocked all night Open minded ppl, open minded music, trance, dance, good vibes, full moon It is like it all aligned for this event and no one or nothing was going to stop it from happening. Demi started to play his morning set, but unfortunatelly the club wanted to close. He played 4 beautiful tracks and we will not be able to hear him again until summer since he is heading to Goa.

I wanted to Fred (Neuromotor) to come, to meet him and to hear him play, But, the truth is that this party exploded anyway without the need of a headliner since the true spirit of psychedelic trance was with us @ the event.

Thanks for all for coming. It was because of all of you that it happened the way it happened. Thanks for Ze'ev for all his work. Thanks for Analog Kid, Allen and Demi for all this amazing music. This is the beginning of something beautiful

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  21
Posts :  276
Posted : Feb 13, 2006 21:37
thanx to everybody who came and make the party happen!
i did enjoy it, though its kinda ... short
bats boom out
he he
thank you

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  51
Posts :  427
Posted : Feb 15, 2006 17:32
Well it has been couple of days so here is my thank yous.
The party was definatly somthing diffeerent in miami we saw a lot of new faces in our tribe dancing and smiling .
Thanks all the djs Allen, Arjuna, Analog KId.
The triplle A hahaha for keepping the people dancing.
Thank you all the people that came speccialy from philadelphia and tampa and orlando,and even a group from ny .
The Gaian mind crew for letting us use the INCREDIBLE decorations.
I think the attendance was a little low 130-160 people during the whole night.
Something that is hard to do in Miami.
The smiling faces of the people made my night thank you for that.
Here is some pics from the event more of them to come
Trance Forum » » Forum  North America - *****MIAMI - Feb 11th, 2006 - Future Vision Presents - Neuromotor DJ set + Allen (Gaian MInd)*****
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