IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 14, 2008 10:59
On 2008-07-27 05:15, MॐZC4L1†0 wrote:
"This music its not supposed 2 be serious its not like i am seriously dancing in trance..."
I somehow agree with this. i found myself taking trance too seriously at sometimes and i will end up not really having that much fun with it since all i will be doing was criticizing something that i could of been having multiples amount of dancing time with and instead of that i was just " trancing " to music that didnt even move me anymore. so i said " fuck all this " im going oldskool and started listening to 2004 through 2006 TRANCE not bullshit. oooh those lovely good sounding times when everyone was trying to sound like cosma..... then INFECTED mushroom came and ruined everything (psycho!!!!) . Dont you remember those days ??? when parties started getting bigger and bigger and bigger and the music was soooo good and so psychodelic that you will actually have lots of trancing instead of a bunch of "trancers " ....but anyway , i also played that sound that cosma left for us to expand and people still likes it. can you believe that ???
trance has died , its time to just have fun while making other people dance. i mean the whole trance thing is not about finding whats inside of you but letting out what you already know is inside of you.
ok not all trance has died. there is still hope .
  -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS |