Mexico BEAT ON THE BEACH april 2006
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 3, 2006 08:29
Once again... i was right,
Some days ago i e-mailed to "Beat on the Beach" asking if Kindzadza was really comming and they answered that he was 100% confirmed .And now he is not comming.What a sht!. sorry.
Why this lies to the community???
I am so dissapointed of this.
And i allready boughted the tickets! |
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Posted : Apr 3, 2006 20:30
Hello kindzadza was 100% confirmed , and what we refer to that is that the contract was properly signed and the money send and received, that is what in this busines we call a confirmation. the visa issues of the artist are a totally diferent story, you have any idea of the deal they make in hes country about getting in and out permitions>???? u should be a little bit more informed.
No one lied to you, and we are disapointed as well of him not been abble to come, but seriously i dont like this victim actitude couse it was totally out of our hands, hes country is not mexico that u offer some money and everything is solved, we are really sorry about him not comming, trizko team is bringing instead yahel to make it up to the ppl.
  -Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the MUSIC- |
Ankur / Virgin Suicide
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Posted : Apr 3, 2006 21:51
On 2006-04-03 20:30, MALDEK wrote:
Hello kindzadza was 100% confirmed , and what we refer to that is that the contract was properly signed and the money send and received, that is what in this busines we call a confirmation. the visa issues of the artist are a totally diferent story, you have any idea of the deal they make in hes country about getting in and out permitions>???? u should be a little bit more informed.
No one lied to you, and we are disapointed as well of him not been abble to come, but seriously i dont like this victim actitude couse it was totally out of our hands, hes country is not mexico that u offer some money and everything is solved, we are really sorry about him not comming, trizko team is bringing instead yahel to make it up to the ppl.
in this case it is one time realy true he was realy confirmed, as he said.....
but even to think about to mention kdd and yahel in one sentnse is more then crazy for me.
kdd- high psychedelic underground sound
yahel- high commercial pop trance wich is far away from being psychedelic
its might be ok for some ppl to book yahel still for trnce parties but to say he coming instae of kdd is like booking britney spears instate of pink floyd.....
just my opinion
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Posted : Apr 3, 2006 22:05
listen, i wanted more than anyone for kindzadza to come, i like undeground music, but we understood that there was not gonna be any solution for hes visa problem until now, we waited for a positive answear until the last second, i dont need clases on what style each artist plays couse i know most of them specially the ones that are coming to the gig, and the reason that they are in the same sentence its because hes the replacement simple as that. and its couse it was a practical solution couse we are just a few days form the event.we asked the ppl who they wanted in several forums.
seriously the deepest apologies for kindzadza not coming, its not our fault.  -Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the MUSIC- |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 3, 2006 22:09
I was going just beacuase of Kindzadza .
Can i get my money back ?
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Posted : Apr 3, 2006 22:25
Hello im not a party organizer im a booking manager i have booking agency in asociation with trizko, i just focus on artists related issues.
i really think u should come couse its gonna be a party never seen in mexico and not just couse of the line up but couse of the production. its full of surprices in the deco in the chill out areas, in the location, and many other things i dont want to make public couse they are surprices for the ppl assiting.
im not in charge of the ticket issues but u can get in touch with them through the website they check the incoming emails everyday.
i would really love to see u in the party please come.
i got a bit sad for the comentaries couse we really didnt do it by negligence it was out of our hands.
(by the way im a girl i think more than one here thinks im a guy)
big kiss
  -Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the MUSIC- |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 3, 2006 22:41
I'm sorry for my impulsive commentary ,just a jump of my heart !
I don't want to bash trizko and nobody .
Thank u very much for the invitacion u give me a little ilussion.
I will meditate very well about going or not, the problem is that i am feed up of pop trance, i think a just had enought.
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Posted : Apr 3, 2006 23:01
no problem, just dont eaven think about it and come, and i promise that at least my set wont be pop at all
big kiss
  -Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the MUSIC- |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 4, 2006 02:38
yay!! looking forward to catching up with the dancin on the beach. can't wait to see shpongle and the gang....supertasty line-up, hope all artists do in fact come.
cya on the sand maldek
  A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory. |
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Posted : Apr 6, 2006 17:14
A 3 days party always sounds good..become rare...with or without "the" artist, they are a lot to listen to and enjoy.
Would have love to be time>>?!..?....,:good:
  "Listening and hearing are two different senses...."
"The great thing in the world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving... (Holmes)" |
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Posted : Apr 7, 2006 07:26
Im just counting the days for this festival!!! i have my tickets already and it looks very promising, hope all my expectations will be fullfilled. Killer line up its going to be HUGEEE!!! cya on the beach!!! :):);) |
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Posted : Apr 10, 2006 01:21
very excited!
not sure what the bitcvhing is about because this party looks great. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 19, 2006 03:10
i just got back from the party and i am really tired but for sure i will prepare very carefully my review because i think that we have a huge problem with the scene in Mexico, from the organizers to the artists that with our support are making of Mexico the worst place to make a party .I mean what party??? , now is "el rabe" .
i just can't beleave what i saw and listened in that place!. Infected,GMS,Yahel? what is going on in there heads!???
really worst than a Polymarch's rabe.
Just remembering exactly 5 years ago in Marakame .
THAT was a party.
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Posted : Apr 19, 2006 07:23
if you cant appreciate that hallucinogen at sun up then you are crazy. that was heaven.
there were highs and lows along with things i would have done better but it was really a great time. |
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Posted : Apr 19, 2006 19:56
Congratulations to Trizko For an Excellent Party!!!!!!!
Keep It UP!!!!
See You 2007!!!!!!!!
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