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Mexican parties against mexican society

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  29
Posts :  570
Posted : Oct 21, 2006 03:24
i ve never put a foot outside this beautifull country so ihave no idea about the situation in other countries.

i think that mostly of mexican society has a negative concept about the electronic music parties

i guess the situation also its diferent form state to state but i see this as a general problem.

i live in aguascalientes wich has a very low scene in my opinion, have heard of many events cancelled beacause police intervention with no reason.

i remember my dumb father said:
"that music can only be understandable for drug people"

wot can you mexikan paisanos think we can do to change the wrong concept around our society?


Started Topics :  2
Posts :  90
Posted : Oct 21, 2006 13:49
Dont know mate, but I think the general view of society is the same here in the UK.           Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day.

Substance / The Ataris

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  172
Posted : Oct 21, 2006 18:02
give it some time, this kind of electronic music is relatively new compared to other genres that had the same issue, and gained respect in the past. music will speak for itself
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  10
Posts :  375
Posted : Oct 21, 2006 23:32

On 2006-10-21 18:02, Substance/Atari.1 wrote:
give it some time, this kind of electronic music is relatively new compared to other genres that had the same issue, and gained respect in the past. music will speak for itself

yeah yeah yeah... u just give it a couple of months, this psypop will be acdepted everywhere , wouldnt be surprised 2 see "psyartists" in the mtvvma lol...           Memento Mori
Substance / The Ataris

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  172
Posted : Oct 21, 2006 23:45
MॐZC4L1†0 as usual u know anything to change the wrong concept around our society? like this thread is it about
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  803
Posted : Oct 22, 2006 03:21
as substance said, past genres had the same problems but im not so sure if i want electronic music to be liked for everyone and if that happends i think there will be a bunch of new branches of music and then everyone will start choosing the one the like. ooooooooops i think that is happening already ; )

dont know what else to say im kinda of tired of the same topic over and over...suerte           -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS
bianca djús

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  149
Posted : Oct 23, 2006 06:25
actually , my mom let me go to all parties i want , its not so nice girls from my town cant go parties
but well i think my mom is different , she trusts me so much haha that even if i arrive home with some weed smell ...i dont do it & she knows it she keeps trusting me , maybe because i tell her everything that happens there , she just tell me to keep on beeing nice girl in that way , no drugs so nothing happen
& i like it , many parents dont even know where their kids are , & many cares about if they go to the market next corner , i think all families & all countries r different , but first of all , if youre young like me haha talk to your parents,be honest about all & everything will just flow
haha the only thing i have to pay for everything haha
good luck you all
Minky Wind

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  15
Posted : Oct 23, 2006 20:55
Man its all abut us , every time there is a party remmeber that
concience affects inconciense but inconciense affects everybody!
and what is it is that all want his little pease of paper and every body is flying , drugs, alchohol , all that shit used in the wrong way makes people doo all waht they do
Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - Mexican parties against mexican society
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