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Mexican Labels We need your support

Shaman Films Records
Shaman Films Records

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  349
Posted : Sep 5, 2006 10:24
We need the support of Mexican labels or abroad labels to make distribution reach mexico and latin amerika, right now there is no sources there, lets make this happen!
Shaman Films Media

Coming soon!
SHAMFCD012 Apocalyptic Ritual Compiled by Dark Whisper
SHAMFCD013 Engrams The Trilogy ( double cd ) <BR
Shadai / Devil's Rejects

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Posts :  453
Posted : Sep 5, 2006 18:57
hi cousin

thats a really great idea, the only thing we need it happen here is labels have to make unity. I think it really hard thats happen but i hope so.
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  34
Posts :  351
Posted : Sep 5, 2006 19:03
Wirikuta Distribution.

at your doors in exactly 2 weeks.
If the package is lost, they refound ALL the money or the cds.
And all this for around 11.50 euros plus shiping so it is like 14.65 euros so in pesos is like 168.47 pesos.

right at your home.

I dont think we need a store here in Mexico.
I think we need Culture.

love and darkness to all
Shaman Films Records
Shaman Films Records

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  349
Posted : Sep 5, 2006 21:15
Most of the people in the world that buys Musik are DJs because yes the culture of people supporting the underground is far gone, some people do something dont, there is also those that have access to the network and get it for free and there is those that actually are customers of the piracy market in Tepito and and downtown MX etc..
Wirikuta is one of my distributors so is for audiopathiks last release and few others working in Mexico but the sales coming from mexico are death non so is south amerika, we have to find ways to bring awareness to the events and to the community to enlightned this people about the movement..

One of the ways is to bring a Table Awareness Network in every party in Mexico with international material thats is all mostly free to the people like hte Trancers Guide/Revolve/ and others magazines like Trance it and Mushroom and many many more that also circulates around the world, so by having that we can have a cd selling booth also for very affordable prices mayeb for mexico 7 Euros or something..
If we dont have retails stores to carry our musik movement then promoters must do their job to educate the people and let them know about the latest musik movement and let them deside whats best for them..

I have many other ideas and strategies we are doing, here in USA by spreading the message far!

Any comments and sugestions?
Shaman Films Media

Coming soon!
SHAMFCD012 Apocalyptic Ritual Compiled by Dark Whisper
SHAMFCD013 Engrams The Trilogy ( double cd ) <BR
Substance / The Ataris

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  172
Posted : Sep 5, 2006 21:46
it came to my mind... perhaps to fantastic but...

maybe someone could open a virtual shop. based in mexico or any country that u might want to take ur label's music so the bank transfer or payment becomes less complicated, u could send each season of new realeses to the one in charge and he with others or if he can, distribuite the cds by any post service, its not the most original idea and theres plenty of online shops like wirikuta. but if the product (cds, clothes, whatever) are closer to the ppl then they could save... the international shipping and time to get them.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  803
Posted : Sep 6, 2006 00:05
hey substance , thats a good idea man!!           -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS
Shaman Films Records
Shaman Films Records

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  349
Posted : Sep 6, 2006 00:23
Thats good idea..
What i told my cousin aviss is that we can send him each month or to somebody else who commits to do a proffesional job to release CDs in Mexico via the Mexican post system and also speaking the language..
Maybe this same person can send material to promoters all across the country to sell at events etc..
Many distributors are interested in latin amerika that includes Beatspace Distribution / Wirikuta / ZMA / Arabasque / and of course the individual labels that have extra cds that we can mail to south amerika if we pull a strong community of labels/promoters/etc
Shaman Films Media

Coming soon!
SHAMFCD012 Apocalyptic Ritual Compiled by Dark Whisper
SHAMFCD013 Engrams The Trilogy ( double cd ) <BR
Substance / The Ataris

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  172
Posted : Sep 6, 2006 01:03
so cool then its just matter of who will put the hands on the fire for this to happen, plus the investment u know a nice web site and stuff...

ill leave the thing here, and i hope it happens, would be great to see, im confident it could work good
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  803
Posted : Sep 6, 2006 23:32
i would like to help but how???           -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS
Shaman Films Records
Shaman Films Records

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  349
Posted : Sep 9, 2006 02:42
who is going to put the hands on the fire!           Egnogra
Shaman Films Media

Coming soon!
SHAMFCD012 Apocalyptic Ritual Compiled by Dark Whisper
SHAMFCD013 Engrams The Trilogy ( double cd ) <BR

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  78
Posted : Sep 9, 2006 03:49
i can help on the ecommerce programming if ya want...           Necroine a.k.a Noid
The 5th Element Recs
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  16
Posts :  77
Posted : Sep 10, 2006 04:48
YEAH thats a great idea ,and i hope it become reality soon , iwould like to help,

Started Topics :  106
Posts :  269
Posted : Sep 10, 2006 04:55
im not in a label but i can help!!!!!           Searching for new Sounds
Shaman Films Records
Shaman Films Records

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  349
Posted : Sep 10, 2006 05:38
Can we create first a forum chat or connect all of us first on MSN? add me
i gues what we need is

Web Developer
Graphic Designers
Streets Teams

I count with the contats and the support of Wirikuta and Beatspace Dist as well as ZMA so we can definitely start the distribution in Mexico and Latin Amerika as soon as we get this established, also will be nice to do the Table Awareness Network to have current news magazines, international flyers, CDs, Merchandise and Clothing..
Shaman Films Media

Coming soon!
SHAMFCD012 Apocalyptic Ritual Compiled by Dark Whisper
SHAMFCD013 Engrams The Trilogy ( double cd ) <BR
Shaman Films Records
Shaman Films Records

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  349
Posted : Sep 10, 2006 05:39
Can we create first a forum chat or connect all of us first on MSN? add me
i gues what we need is

Web Developer
Graphic Designers
Streets Teams

I count with the contats and the support of Wirikuta and Beatspace Dist as well as ZMA so we can definitely start the distribution in Mexico and Latin Amerika as soon as we get this established, also will be nice to do the Table Awareness Network to have current news magazines, international flyers, CDs, Merchandise and Clothing..
Shaman Films Media

Coming soon!
SHAMFCD012 Apocalyptic Ritual Compiled by Dark Whisper
SHAMFCD013 Engrams The Trilogy ( double cd ) <BR
Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - Mexican Labels We need your support

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