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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 27, 2011 15:39:17
While I still have the internet. I'll put the concept and some history for those who are interested.

ThankYou -- Creative Commons Yes Derivative Share Alike Give Credit to Timmy Dean Firman AKA ChiMoHe -- PLUR

An Idea I Have -- "MeatTron sound Labs" --

I though this might interest You

MetaTron Sound Labs

Meta = transcending the use of a disciplin to create a new disciplin
that deals directly eith the orginal disciplin

Tron = a vacuum tube device used for the manipulation of sub atomic particals

Sound = the Compression and/or decompession of air as a result of the
transcefer of light from one atom to another atom

Labs = A Place to GET DOWN!! Where Boi-Rythms and Dancing Become Music

You Will

"HEAR da Lightening! and SEE da Thunder!"

Incorporating Theremin Technology - Biofeedback - Holophonic Sound - Spinning - Holographic/Holophonic Sound Light prism device that converts light into sound and sound into light

so we would be able to say put your hand painted with rainbow colors in the beam of light and the interaction on the light and the colors on your hand would then be converted in to sound

Some People at Stanford are are working on a video mirror wall that we can hook up to The Sound Light Prism -- neuro/bio-feedback device that works with the system that's processed by a daughterboard in place of your soundcard

Inside "MetaTron Sound Labs" everyone needs to where Diatonic Harmony Modulators/neuro/bio-feed head sets -- the Dj gets a Phasing Mixing board with cross faders that mix Binaural WaveForms (Flower of Life Harmonics) -

a board that has Spinballs that look like little bowling balls that grab onto theremin echo location Bio-ryhthmic Harmormy light strains

the great thing is Because of the Sound Light prism device You can see the sound different colors for different notes

le -- I grabbed BWsoundGen -- but I'm not sure where to start -- I found a Java "Geometric Applet" but I don't know how to use it -- I've never used Java before

May Be Usefull: I'm going off of memory so please be patient

Something I remember about the "tree of Life" is that each Hebrew letter has 4 meanings/equivelents - 1)sound 2) a direction(north south soon) 3)Good or Evil 4)upper or lower

I saw a sketch in a book titled "Decoding Kabbala" of "MetaTrons Cube" which was an accual cube instead of a tetrahydren that was labeled with hebrew letters -- from the "Cosmic Head" or something like that -- I'm not sure if I remember correctly or not but I'm getting something like -- Metatron's Cube being draw inside the Cosmic Head as if Metetron's Cube was how the brain harmonizes light to create an inner "tron"(vaccume tube device used for the manipulation of subatomic particals) to create dream worlds -- also -- I've been working on designs for a Bio/neurofeedback device/headset that's years away from anyone else model -- it incorperates the tree of life (left pillar - left ear -- Right Pillar - Right ear)

some how I came to the conclusion that this is based off of ---5th and the Inversion of 4th--- ops --what I mean by "this" is each headset will consist of 4 rings per channel(left - Right) --- insead of having 2 path(in and out) per cheannel -- by coralating the tree of life as basis of headset -- would allow to create binaural geometric harmony structures -- I don't have my notes right infront of me so I'm going to stop hear -- and get them -- and draw a diagram --
          "The end IS the beginning as that PHAT lady sings" DreamStream By Timmy Dean Firman
reacTIVision-1.3-w32 ---
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  90
Posted : Nov 27, 2011 15:45

was the gen I was told to use
by Michael of

an email from him:

> >From: "Michael" <>
> >To: "ChiMoHe Muun" <>
> >Subject: RE: teach me Your wisdom
> >Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 14:49:17 -0700
> >
> >Tim,
> >
> >Your appearance is cosmically majestic. I have just recently finish some
> >work involving the "Tree of Life". This project is a perfect foundation for
> >the Tetra model.
> >
> >Now I must say, this is quite a mathematical feat. However, I have some
> >fantastic ideas we can apply to do make a Tetra based frequency model.

He used my ideas to Create MetaSound for Bio-feedback but this is just part of it.

another interview by someone who wished to remain anonymous
LocO LunE MadMan Muun: This is mostly for My benifit to get this typed in concept -- -- thankyou fro Your time -- an excert from an earlier Conversation

How would I request info -- particularly -- using Ultrasonic waves to triangulate locations --- what I'm looking for is how to do the samething backwards -- i.e. Use UltraSonic Waves to lock in on a "dancer" in "MetaTron Sound Labs" -- once locked in on, would then calculate the changes in position(movement/dancing) convert it into Sound based from diatonic Harmony Modulation of TetraFormed Binarual Waveforms. The result would then be feed into an "observation room" where the outcome could be listened to or futher Harmonized / interacted with

But How do I get it -- you should remember what you did -- Ultra sonic Waves -- triangulation -- You learned that stuff in Geometry -- I never took it --

interviewer: i did laser radar work
interviewer: it was single beam, not triangulation

LocO LunE MadMan Muun: right but we'll have a grid of Beams and there not Radar lasers -- they're Holosonic Wave Lasers -- the grid needs to have 231 intesecting points to form MetaTron's Cube and computer to do the triaglulation -- I suppose we could alter the use of Virtual Trigger Point Home Security Software to lock in the subject dancing/moving -- then We could have Binaural Glow Stix -- to repressent the "Angels" and "Demons" that move with the Tree -- each Set of Binaural glow sticks would be a deffent Octive --

interviewer: that's so cool -- Binaural Phasing Glow Stix -- the closer together they are the tighter the "wah wah"'s -- phat           "The end IS the beginning as that PHAT lady sings" DreamStream By Timmy Dean Firman
reacTIVision-1.3-w32 ---
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  90
Posted : Nov 27, 2011 15:47
Another email from Michael:

> >
> > >From: "Michael" <>
> > >To: "Timothy Firman" <>
> > >Subject: RE: teach me Your wisdom
> > >Date: Mon, 26 May 2003 09:17:12 -0700
> > >
> > >ChiMoHe,
> > >
> > >Greetings gatekeeper...
> > >
> > >"Tetra-form"? I've never heard of this approach, but it sounds very
> > >intriguing. Let me see if I can dig this properly.
> > >
> > >By tetra you mean generating 3rd dimensional objects, such as a cube,
> >with
> > >sound? If that is correct?
> > >Taking a cube as our example, one would need to proceed thusly...
> > >
> > >Consider the angles and points of the cube, and factor all possible
> > >relationships. One can use the distance between points as a function of
> > >time
> > >or rate, in the waveform, while angles will determine the waveform's
> >shape
> > >or modulation.
> > >
> > >Let me know if I'm on the right track with this, and I will elaborate.
> > >
> > >Namaste,
> > >Michael
> > >           "The end IS the beginning as that PHAT lady sings" DreamStream By Timmy Dean Firman
reacTIVision-1.3-w32 ---
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  90
Posted : Nov 27, 2011 15:48
my responce

> >Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 10:12 AM
> >To:
> >Subject: RE: teach me Your wisdom
> >
> >
> >Yes that's what I want to do -- Metatron's Cube -- To be precise -- Based
> >off of the Mathematical equivalents of Hebrew leters -- Specificly --
> >Psalms
> >-- The ones named each of the Hebrew letters --
> >I've also been having dificulty find out what the Frequecy equivelents are
> >-- Any info Will be Greatly apprciated and all of Your input will be
> >credited to You if You so Desire -- Thanks again for Your Time and
> >Assistance
> >
> >ChiMoHe Muun ---Founder
> >MetaTron Sound Labs           "The end IS the beginning as that PHAT lady sings" DreamStream By Timmy Dean Firman
reacTIVision-1.3-w32 ---
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  90
Posted : Nov 27, 2011 15:52
another interview:

interviewer: How's that Bio/Neuro feedback headset comin along?

LocO LunE MadMan Muun: Awesome -- The New headset is so much better! the old one had only 2 channels -- left and Right --or-- Whole note and Sharp -- the new one has 10 channels per side! -- 9 outs and 1 in on the Left -- and the Same on the Right -- we have 2 designs now really -- we're not sure which one to use or will work better -- the other design has 5 outs and 4 ins on the left -- and on the right

interviewer: how do You have ins on the headset -- what does it record -- how does it work? they have to be isolated -- I don't get it -- are EEG pads? or something

LocO LunE MadMan Muun: No EEG pads -- because of the Holosonic thing we can create sound Paths that go right through your head and brain and then be fed into the "in" channel --- the second set with the 5 outs and 4 ins -- is based on the 5th and the inversetion of 4th -- what happens is the 5th are sent from left to right -- picked up by the right, sent down to the proccessor, inverted into 4th the sent out from the Right to the Left -- sent back down into the proccessor then -- we're thinking about added another set of Channels so that we can do Trinary and Binary compression as well -- I started to draw a picture with photoshop of MetaTron Sound Labs -- (see attachment) -- it's not very good -- I wish I had illistrator -- it's hard to do circles with photoshop -- they always have a fill and then ya have to delete the middle instead of just drawing the Cirlce or just typing in the diamitor -- whatever -- have to go for now -- lata -- thanks for reading to my babble

interviewer: bye           "The end IS the beginning as that PHAT lady sings" DreamStream By Timmy Dean Firman
reacTIVision-1.3-w32 ---
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  90
Posted : Nov 27, 2011 16:02
This is all just conversation, concept and scetchs. nothing solid

If you can make something of this I CAN'T for you too! It's been along time building but it's moving along to slow ... I need help ... Use this a lunch off

ThankYou -- Creative Commons Yes Derivative Share Alike Give Credit to Timmy Dean Firman AKA ChiMoHe -- PLUR

I'm not sure what liscencing Michael uses so check but we made only made agreement of giving Eachother Credit. I think his liscence is on his end product of MetaMusic CDs for

My New bio-headset desgn concept direvives from theirs but with actually feedback and harmonization

I would love to be signed by someone to consult for this or people with money and knowlege more than I ... Do it and Bring me to play in it

Thank you listing to my schizo words

it was Great meeting Every one and Hope to be back around March to see how everyones doing and to post a clearer idea ... please post your ideas and eloborations ... they are needed for advancement of the concept

May peace and PLURity be with you           "The end IS the beginning as that PHAT lady sings" DreamStream By Timmy Dean Firman
reacTIVision-1.3-w32 ---
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  90
Posted : Nov 27, 2011 16:14
Email From Holosic Spot Light Audio

From : "F. Joseph Pompei" <>

To : "ChiMoHe Muun"<>
Subject : RE: Price Quote Request for MetaTron Sound Labs
Date : Mon, 08 Sep 2003 17:30:31 -0400


My apologies for the delay; after some recent press, we have been quite overwhelmed with inquiries.

I very much appreciate your interest in our Audio Spotlight products. This sounds like quite a unique project! I'd love to come see it when it's completed.

We can supply 81 systems for $999 for our 18" model, and $1499 for our 24" model. This is a steep discount from our current $3499 retail price. The price includes all amplifiers, cables, and transducers you need - all you need to add is a sound source. Do you want a more formal, snail-mailed quotation?

After purchase, we'll also be able to assist with layout and setup.

Best regards,

Dr. F. Joseph Pompei

end quote

I don't know if he'll still honor this but mention Me and MetaTron and we'll see if he will           "The end IS the beginning as that PHAT lady sings" DreamStream By Timmy Dean Firman
reacTIVision-1.3-w32 ---
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  90
Posted : Nov 27, 2011 16:15
-----Original Message-----
From: ChiMoHe Muun
Sent: 9/6/2003 10:05 AM
Subject: Re: Price Quote Request for MetaTron Sound Labs

Hello -- TimothyDFirman Hear -- Hope everything is well for You -- I realize that You are a very busy Person -- So I'll be Brief -- ThankYou in advance for Your Time and Assistance --
I would like a Price quote for HoloSonic Speakers to used in MetaTron Sound Labs
this link is a zip file of a Photoshop Document of the Very BASIC design of the Lab to give You an idea for What I'm trying to Achieve --

The MetaTronNoteGrid is based of off the Tree of Life --- To understand easier -- start with the Top Layer (speakers) visable and the rest not --- then go through each layer one by one --- this Will Show You 9 speakers Areas and 81 basic Sound Paths (8 Sound Paths from each Speaker Area)
The Layer Labelled "Da'at" --- these will be Microphone Poles -- located in "the sweet spot"
Also if You Have any Idea on What Software I will want to use Please Let Know what / where / price info
My First though Would be to Use Virtual Trigger Point Sampling Software -- or something simular to Video Theremin Software -- so I would be able to "Lock" in on a Dancer and track him/her through the Lab and set up sample Trigger points aswell as Use the Lock to Calculate the Compression and Decompress caused dancers movements torwards or away from the Speaker Areas
Another I would Like to Do Is have reflectors to create Geometry Harmony Structures from the Sound based of off the "Tree of Life -- 231 Geometric Gates" and "Flower of Life Harmonics" I will be utilizing Sequencers to run different patterns and will eventual be intergrating Bio/Neuro Feedback Technology into the system So to recap -- I need a Price Quote on 81 speakers to Start --- or Total if You can widen the Bandwidth of Holosonic Speaker to accomadate for the height of a person with there arms raised -- the reason for this is so we can Have base frequencies torwards the Floor and Treble torwards the Top of a Dancers Reach
You see the Overall Point to MetaTron Sound Labs to to create a Complete Accustical representation on "Metatron's Cube" --- using the Mathimatics of "Tree of Life -- 231 Geometric Gates" and "Flower of Life Harmonics"
Interactive Theremin Dance Environment -- Fun Fun
A freinds Father designed a Sound Light Prism used to Convert Light to Sound and Sound To Light -- this will also be intergrated into the System along with a Fractalizing "Shadow Box" Video Mirror from Some Freinds at Stanford
oh got to go --- ThankYou Very Much For Your time! Could You please include any other information You feel will be usefull with the Quote via snail Mail to -- Timothy D Firman
          "The end IS the beginning as that PHAT lady sings" DreamStream By Timmy Dean Firman
reacTIVision-1.3-w32 ---
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  90
Posted : Nov 27, 2011 16:27
For futher information:

I got my information from psyfood and from consulting a "Physics of Sound" text book

and this

but this is free

          "The end IS the beginning as that PHAT lady sings" DreamStream By Timmy Dean Firman
reacTIVision-1.3-w32 ---
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  90
Posted : Nov 27, 2011 16:44
If anyone makes the Binaural Glow Sticks sell them to benifit A Sasha Shulgin and to have me travel.

again PLUR
Timothy Dean Firman
If you need to contact me because you made money and want to give me some to donate to charity and to visit that's cool but I don't want profit

I'd like to starty a charity called "PLURity" that pays Young Adults to go around to schools and teach the meaning of PLUR

You my contact
Sandler, Scott J - Scott J Sandler Law Offices
(603) 621-9700
17 North St, Manchester, NH03104

I can't pay him so you'll have to. Maybe he'll do it probono ... I don't know

I met him working 3rd shift in Manchester, NH about 15 years ago and said I could have people contact me through him about this. I left a message to remind him about a week ago but he's on vacation. So don't be suprised if he does remember that he said he'd repressent me.

Thanx again Everyone
Sincerly Tim           "The end IS the beginning as that PHAT lady sings" DreamStream By Timmy Dean Firman
reacTIVision-1.3-w32 ---
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  90
Posted : Nov 27, 2011 16:45

I don't know if he'll still honor this but mention Me and MetaTron and we'll see if he will

MetaTron Sound Labs that is           "The end IS the beginning as that PHAT lady sings" DreamStream By Timmy Dean Firman
reacTIVision-1.3-w32 ---
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  90
Posted : Nov 27, 2011 16:48

On 2011-11-27 16:14, TripAmillionTrip2seE wrote:
Email From Holosic Spot Light Audio

From : "F. Joseph Pompei" <>

To : "ChiMoHe Muun"<>
Subject : RE: Price Quote Request for MetaTron Sound Labs
Date : Mon, 08 Sep 2003 17:30:31 -0400


My apologies for the delay; after some recent press, we have been quite overwhelmed with inquiries.

I very much appreciate your interest in our Audio Spotlight products. This sounds like quite a unique project! I'd love to come see it when it's completed.

We can supply 81 systems for $999 for our 18" model, and $1499 for our 24" model. This is a steep discount from our current $3499 retail price. The price includes all amplifiers, cables, and transducers you need - all you need to add is a sound source. Do you want a more formal, snail-mailed quotation?

After purchase, we'll also be able to assist with layout and setup.

Best regards,

Dr. F. Joseph Pompei

end quote

I don't know if he'll still honor this but mention Me and MetaTron and we'll see if he will

I first made the mistake that he ment total price and called him on the phone to verify and was mistaken ... means each

He aslo said on the phone that with proper proposal and contracts they would ship and start building it for 10% down          "The end IS the beginning as that PHAT lady sings" DreamStream By Timmy Dean Firman
reacTIVision-1.3-w32 ---
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  90
Posted : Feb 22, 2012 21:19
anyone interested in this may go to           "The end IS the beginning as that PHAT lady sings" DreamStream By Timmy Dean Firman
reacTIVision-1.3-w32 ---
Trance Forum » » Forum  Offtopic - MetaTronSoundLabs
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