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Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - METAMORPHOSIS outdoor festival Saturday Oct 14th, 2006~~PENTA, BODHI, ARAHAT, MUBALI. DAI. AMANDA~~T

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METAMORPHOSIS outdoor festival Saturday Oct 14th, 2006~~PENTA, BODHI, ARAHAT, MUBALI. DAI. AMANDA~~T

Bodhi 13:20
Bodhisattva 13:20

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  725
Posted : Aug 14, 2006 03:52
We are planning a festival on October 14th weekend in Tecate, which is about an hour SE of San Diego/Tijuana and about 3 hours from Los Angeles.

Lineup still being locked down.
Details to come soon.
3rd Album \\\"Equations\\\" on 2to6 records

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  193
Posted : Aug 14, 2006 05:18
That name makes me think of beer! tecate.
please keep us updated, all the best in this one!           -Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the MUSIC-
bianca djús

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  149
Posted : Aug 14, 2006 10:32
ah bodhi you told me about this party long time ago , & i think ill be able to go , show the line up soon , bring everyone from the area

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Posts :  40
Posted : Aug 14, 2006 23:55
cool : )
nice location nd killer music what else ?
lookin foward 4 this Fest
good luck

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  108
Posted : Aug 15, 2006 00:45
nice best wishes with this one bodhi sure seeeiaa theree bro!!

- - - -- - - - - - - -
wicked/5th element
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  33
Posts :  208
Posted : Aug 15, 2006 19:42
woah Mr. Bodhi & tom has evil plans for this one, i'm totally down 4 this, tj supports.. cheers           Gorump Peyya - \\\"Mystery of Nitzzy\\\"
VA - \\\"No Mercy for the Weak\\\"
eniChkin - \\\"A Particle of Infinity\\\"
VA - \\\"Ten Reasons to eat dust\\\"

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  78
Posted : Aug 16, 2006 00:17
ooohh i remember the first time i hear bodhi was at an underground party by audio harmonia im sure this one will kick asses too

cheers bodhi!!           Necroine a.k.a Noid
The 5th Element Recs

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  58
Posted : Aug 17, 2006 18:27
yep we thought it was finally that time again:P full info comming very soon!           Audioharmonia
bianca djús

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  149
Posted : Sep 4, 2006 09:47
more news?
so reply
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  803
Posted : Sep 4, 2006 22:08
here my dear friend Bianca la Djus:

audioharmonia presents:

Metamorphosis outdoor festival
Saturday oct 14th,2006

3 area of sound with a world class lineup at a beautiful outdoor venue located outside of tecate,Mexico(1 hour southeast of san diego/3 hrs from LA).

Techno Area

Geezer Live.! (Stay Up Forever, RAW) London
Guy “Geezer” McAffer was born on 27TH May 1969 and
has been writing and producing his own brand of dance music for the past 6 years, and alongside Chris Liberator, Lawrie Immersion and D.A.V.E.The Drummer, has been instrumental in the birth and development of the underground acid techno sound that is unique to London. Geezer singles have appeared on labels as diverse as Stay Up Forever, Tortured, Smitten, Eukatech, Routemaster, Intensiv, Cluster, Infected, Boscaland and Bionic Orange. He has performed his live act all of the world get ready for his first performance in Mexico!

DDR live!(stay up forever,Hazchem records)

A twelve year veteran of the London underground dance scene, DDR has unleashed his own brand of techno / trance on many labels and at many parties / raves / clubs / festivals around the globe. A meeting of minds between DDR and the then newly formed Liberator DJ trio led to a first vinyl release for DDR on Stay Up Forever no. 2. A pioneer of what was to become the London Acid Techno sound, DDR was the first guest producer to appear on Stay Up Forever and he has had a hand in many of their most memorable releases and is still one of their most prolific artists. We welcome this acid techno pioneer for yet another first in Mexico.

Dangerous Canopy Live!

We present you with a very special treat.An in the mix battle between two of the great forces of Acid Techno, DDR and The Geezer. Collectively known as Dangerous Canopy they have released records on labels such as Antidote and Hazchem and under other names on Stay Up Forever, Cluster, Smitten, etc.
They have performed their combined live set at many parties, clubs and festivals across the globe.
The Dangerous Canopy live set is an in the mix battle between two all live setups that is like no other live Techno event.
Pounding beats, acid rushes, intense buildups and breakdowns will rock the dancefloor.

Toshi(rotunda-sounds JP,LA)
don carlitos(audioharmonia LA, TJ)
Mekanik ( Pseudorockerz, TJ)
Memorex ( audioharmonia,Buddy akai, Pseudorockerz)
Speek (audioharmonia TJ/SD)

Psytrance area:

Penta(auraquake records)
Nikita Tselovalnikov, the producer behind Penta, started to make music when he was twelve years old. Nikita attended music school and played in countless rock, punk and industrial projects now forgotten by history, where he grew up in Leningrad, Russia. In 1991 he relocated to the California, and currently lives in San Jose. The Penta project initially started as an amusement for friends in December 2000, but quickly grew into a serious act on the San Francisco trance scene. His sound since has ignited dance floors across the globe, with its intense, powerful and innovative motifs.Penta has released 2 very successful albums and has released many tracks for different labels, and has toured all over the world from Brazil to Japan. We welcome him for his first performance in Mexico!

Bodhisattva 13:20 Geomagnetic,psycircle, SD

Mubali (trishula), SF

Arahat aka dj Hidroponik psycircle, SD
A dj for the last 12 years and is currently producing dark,hard edge psy-trance. This set will be made from a blend of original tunes mixed with madness from the outer regions of the planet. 1st release has just arrived from cosmic theater records with tracks forthcoming on geomagnetic, Black Magik, and Psybertribe.

Dai psytribe, LA

Amanda (M.O.E. records), SF

Paradigm (mind funk records), SF

Zacka vs. Xploit (cosmikal records /vision ciega), TJ

Wiked vs. Umbra (5th Element), TJ

Dropzone(psycircle), SD

Greenman (black magik Records) MA

Chillout area:
Bluetech(native state records)
memorex live
Bodhisatvva 13:20 (chillout set)
Arahat(chillout set).

Ticket info:
presales 20/30 dollar package that includes bus(five star tours) trip to and from event
at the door:25 tickets will be available at
starting at 6pm
camping(bring your tents and sleeping bags)
3 pools showers/bathrooms
(bring your shorts and towls)

venue info: Rancho "los lagos"
directions from san diego and la county:
take all routes to CA-94 campo road
turn onto CA-188 tecate towards US/mexico border
Follow signs to toll(cuota) highway towards mexicali
exit El Hongo toll booth, turn right after booth then immediate u-turn.
Follow to Mark KM 102 and your almost there. Turn right onto dirt road and just follow the signs to rancho "los lagos"

          -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  108
Posted : Sep 5, 2006 01:03
woooowwwowow.... nice nice party man.. seeeiaaa there best wishes in this fest...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
wicked / 5th element rec.
V.A.Chronicles... comming soon
Shaman Films Records
Shaman Films Records

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  349
Posted : Sep 5, 2006 21:23
amanda / penta / bodhi
finally mexico gets to hear this!
thank you thank you           Egnogra
Shaman Films Media

Coming soon!
SHAMFCD012 Apocalyptic Ritual Compiled by Dark Whisper
SHAMFCD013 Engrams The Trilogy ( double cd ) <BR

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  78
Posted : Sep 6, 2006 03:23

Good luck wicked & Umbra

          Necroine a.k.a Noid
The 5th Element Recs

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  58
Posted : Sep 7, 2006 01:53
good to see the peepz excited alot of work we are putting into this! ill be checking on this thread from time to time to in case u all have any questions. tickets are available as of today on
ahi nos vemos!           Audioharmonia
Bodhi 13:20
Bodhisattva 13:20

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  725
Posted : Sep 22, 2006 06:31
Greetings to all, here are some updates to the lineup:::

Audioharmonia presents:

METAMORPHOSIS outdoor festival
Saturday Oct 14th, 2006

3 areas of sound with a world class lineup at a beautiful outdoor venue located outside of Tecate, Baja California, Mexico (1 hour southeast of San Diego/3 hrs from LA).

Techno Area

Geezer Live.! (Stay Up Forever, RAW) London
Guy “Geezer” McAffer was born on 27TH May 1969 and
has been writing and producing his own brand of dance music for the past 6 years, and alongside Chris Liberator, Lawrie Immersion and D.A.V.E.The Drummer, has been instrumental in the birth and development of the underground acid techno sound that is unique to London. Geezer singles have appeared on labels as diverse as Stay Up Forever, Tortured, Smitten, Eukatech, Routemaster, Intensiv, Cluster, Infected, Boscaland and Bionic Orange. He has performed his live act the entire world get ready for his first performance in Mexico!

DDR live! (Stay Up Forever, Hazchem records)
A twelve year veteran of the London underground dance scene, DDR has unleashed his own brand of techno / trance on many labels and at many parties / raves / clubs / festivals around the globe. A meeting of minds between DDR and the then newly formed Liberator DJ trio led to a first vinyl release for DDR on Stay Up Forever no. 2. A pioneer of what was to become the London Acid Techno sound, DDR was the first guest producer to appear on Stay Up Forever and he has had a hand in many of their most memorable releases and is still one of their most prolific artists. We welcome this acid techno pioneer for yet another first in Mexico.

Dangerous Canopy Live!
We present you with a very special treat, the mix battle between two of the great forces of Acid Techno, DDR and The Geezer. Collectively known as Dangerous Canopy they have released records on labels such as Antidote and Hazchem and under other names on Stay Up Forever, Cluster, Smitten, etc.
They have performed their combined live set at many parties, clubs and festivals across the globe.
The Dangerous Canopy live set is an in the mix battle between two all live setups that is like no other live Techno event.
Pounding beats, acid rushes, intense buildups and breakdowns will rock the dancefloor.

Toshi (Rotunda-sounds JP, LA)
Don Carlitos (Audioharmonia LA, TJ)
Mekanik ( Pseudorockerz, TJ)
Memorex ( Audioharmonia, Buddyakai, Pseudorockerz)
Speek (Audioharmonia TJ/SD)


Psytrance area hosted by Psycircle:

Penta (Auraquake records, SF)
Nikita Tselovalnikov, the producer behind Penta, started to make music when he was twelve years old. Nikita attended music school and played in countless rock, punk and industrial projects now forgotten by history, where he grew up in Leningrad, Russia. In 1991 he relocated to the California, and currently lives in San Jose. The Penta project initially started as an amusement for friends in December 2000, but quickly grew into a serious act on the San Francisco trance scene. His sound since has ignited dance floors across the globe, with its intense, powerful and innovative motifs. Penta has released 2 very successful albums and has released many tracks for different labels, and has toured all over the world from Brazil to Japan. We welcome him for his first performance in Mexico!

Bodhisattva 13:20 (Geomagnetic, Psycircle, SD)
Bodhi a.k.a. Christopher Lee Martin has been a musician all his life. He has been into the goa/psy scene for 10 years and has been producing psy and doing live sets for 7 years. He has 2 psytrance albums out, is featured on several compilations, and has worked with many labels including Geomagnetic, Psybertribe, Insomnia, Cosmic Theatre, and Truffle. Bodhi has also completed an expert tips book on Reason 3.0 published in summer '05. Look out for his crazy psychedelic, hard, and funky style.

Arahat aka DJ Hidroponik (Geomagnetic, Psycircle, SD)
A dj for the last 12 years, Arahat is currently producing dark hard-edge psy-trance. This set will be a blend of original tunes mixed with madness from the outer regions of the planet. Arahat’s 1st release has just arrived from Cosmic Theatre records with tracks forthcoming on Geomagnetic (Dark Star), Black Magik, and Psybertribe.

Mubali (Trishula), SF

Dai (Psytribe, LA)

Amanda (M.O.E. records, SF)

Paradigm (Mind Funk records, SF)

Zacka vs. Xploit (Cosmikal records /Vision Ciega, TJ)

Wiked vs. Umbra (5th Element, TJ)

Dropzone (Psycircle, SD)

Greenman (Black Magik records, MA)


Chillout area:

Bluetech (Native State records)

Brooding. Ambient. Mystery. Filter-sweep trickery. Experimentation. Improvisation. Filled with emotion. These are some of the words that describe the sound of Bluetech. A classically trained pianist and a master of the art of software production, Bluetech’s love of the melodic and exquisite sense of sound design makes him one of the most ingenious producers today. Bluetech’s sound emerges from his custom built Reaktor instruments and software based synthesizers as a primordial electro-dub alchemy. While encompassing musical touches from different parts of the globe, he presents a total blend, crossing genres and borders.

Memorex live ( Buddyakai’s lead singer presenting his solo chillout electronica project.

Bodhisattva 13:20 (chillout set)
Arahat(chillout set).

Ticket info:
presales 20/30 dollar package that includes bus(five star tours) trip to and from event
at the door:25 tickets will be available at
starting at 6pm
camping(bring your tents and sleeping bags)
3 pools showers/bathrooms
(bring your shorts and towls)

venue info: Rancho "los lagos"
directions from san diego and la county:
take all routes to CA-94 campo road
turn onto CA-188 tecate towards US/mexico border
Follow signs to toll(cuota) highway towards mexicali
exit El Hongo toll booth, turn right after booth then immediate u-turn.
Follow to Mark KM 102 and your almost there. Turn right onto dirt road and just follow the signs to rancho "los lagos"

for further info email:           info/tourdates/psy
3rd Album \\\"Equations\\\" on 2to6 records
Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - METAMORPHOSIS outdoor festival Saturday Oct 14th, 2006~~PENTA, BODHI, ARAHAT, MUBALI. DAI. AMANDA~~T

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