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Metal Track of the Day

Inactive User

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Posted : Feb 26, 2011 07:26
moar :

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  103
Posts :  2184
Posted : Feb 26, 2011 09:48
dude you're posting winners.

This is the first 'speed metal' I ever heard and quickly incorporated it into my punk band and started growing my hair out lol

CRX(HSS Records)
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  97
Posts :  2707
Posted : Feb 26, 2011 15:29
i have objections about the foo fighters tracks
its pretty heavy metal if u ask me
Have an excellent weekend

Summoned to the house of seance
To play the evil tarot cards
To find out what our fate will bring us
Before the war

Approaching now the hour of tiamat
Evil feelings in the air
The chosen wait impatiently
To find the rituals of power
Come out of the fire
Making the legacy known
Takes its toll at last
Now knowing when it strikes

The endless feuding shows its fate
The people are all shocked with fright
They know the end is coming near
It's time to fight
The revolution holds on strong
The armies have all met their match
Entire world up in arms
Destruction sees the spirits of anger
Come up from the gallows
Conjured my demons appear
Summoned to my cast,prey this deadly mass
Takin by the fire you fail

The world became a vast wasteland
Survivors turn to cannibals
Killing everything in sight
Warfare tonight
The armies are all closing in
The populations getting small
Feelings are as cold as ice
Survival names it's price
Starting to burn
The rape and violence grows high
A kingdom will rise
To rule with contempt
They will surprise
Kill and repent
The weakness in armies
"Won't die"

Leaving now the house of seance
Speculating destiny
Wonder if the cards were true
Will wait to find out and will wait to see
          Helicon Sounds Music
CRX(HSS Records)
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  97
Posts :  2707
Posted : Feb 26, 2011 15:31

Locked deep beyond the gate
Lost within the stars
Realm of ancient ones
Malignant ones
Against the light
Power of the blackened sky
Hateful spawn "We are the chasm depths"

Rise, greed the cursed with your wrath

My enemies are yours
Twist their minds with your spells
Crush their souls
With your infernal grasp

A scorn from the Absu
Kutulu snaps his jaws
Cauldron burns and receives
Crushing the voice of the tyrants

Raise the horns in blasphemy           Helicon Sounds Music
CRX(HSS Records)
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  97
Posts :  2707
Posted : Feb 26, 2011 15:32

I want to watch you drown in your lies.
The end of your masquerade, a matter of time
Interwining lies, domination, control
Feed his twisted nature
It is sickening to see dreams die
A word of advice, fate's patience is growning short.
Fake down to your mind and appearance
You will fall short of the dreams to destroy
In time you will find yourself trapped in a corner
These four words my friend, I promise you will not forget
[Lead: Andy, Chuck]

I am one of many that see through your lies
Hiding will do you no good, many seek revenge.
Soon to become a victim of what you live to create, and cannot have.
It is sickening to see dreams die
A word of advice, fate's patience is growning short.
Fake down to your mind and appearance
You will fall short of the dreams to destroy           Helicon Sounds Music
CRX(HSS Records)
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  97
Posts :  2707
Posted : Feb 26, 2011 15:33

You're scanning the landscape...
You feel like a true pioneer
As Romans you conquer
on top of your fear


20 years later
I take you apart
You're asking - you're asking WHY?

CIRCLE THE WAGONS...           Helicon Sounds Music
CRX(HSS Records)
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  97
Posts :  2707
Posted : Feb 26, 2011 15:35

          Helicon Sounds Music
CRX(HSS Records)
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  97
Posts :  2707
Posted : Feb 26, 2011 15:36

Each blaspemy is another stone to the edifice of your glory
I want to be the rock on which you'll build your church

Am I the son you've been waiting for?
Am I the chosen one?
To be your messiah on earth
And to sit at your left in hell
I've always ignored the doubt
Answers are in the questions

Show me the way to the Baphomet's throne...

Guide my hand, light my path
My mouth will speak with your words,
I'll make statements with your orders
I'll be the supreme insult
Which will forevermore soil the image of god
I'll be your revenge, I'll be your victory
Guide my hand, light my path

Show me the way,
To reach one day the Baphomet's throne...

          Helicon Sounds Music
CRX(HSS Records)
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  97
Posts :  2707
Posted : Feb 26, 2011 15:40

Leave the world of mortals to walk into the mist to stalk unto the other side
Plains of otherness
The utter emptiness
Where time have ceased and dark and light collide
Crossing the river of death and water cold
Slowly walking up the bridge
The jewelled bridge I walk for what seems a lifetime
In the night it's jewels glow
There on the other side
On shore of no return
The one for me awaits
Cannot avoid the eyes
In which the fire burns
Comed this far it is too late
And He calls my name
First a whispering then louder
And he wants me to follow
And to Enter the Eternal Fire......
I walk this endless night
His eyes the only light
Repeatedly he whispers my name
Fingers move and twist
Through crimson thick dark mist and voices cry of agony and pain
Close now to his kingdom
The bleak world dark and still
I follow the voice whispering my name
Approach the gate of sin
Opened up to let me in and there, He stand in flames
The price now I must pay for eternity my soul his claim
For years of pleasures, victory and gold
The one who stand in flames
Now rise and walk my way and reach out for my soul
And He calls my name
First a whispering then louder
And he wants me to follow
And to fall down. The Eternal Fire......
I stand at the jaws of the pit
The heat scorch my flesh
The fall seem never to end
My hair burn
My eyes can't see
The flames slowly eat my soul
The pain tears my mind
Hear my cries oh Lord
Have mercy oh Lord
This can't be
Raging flames all over me
Inferno of heat
Oh no, oh no, oh noooooo, noooooo, noooooo..

          Helicon Sounds Music
Mushroom Hunters

Started Topics :  99
Posts :  958
Posted : Feb 28, 2011 14:53

Where were you? When it was in me?
A hollow paw, a quiet stare
Drain is slowly, the flow of birth
Eat the after(birth) and satiate the claw-rise

The dumb ones rise to salute the queer
Another dreary (outlook), people fearing
Dick the system, screw the city
Forget you were, forget you were
Die when you can do no more damage
Mushroom Hunters

Started Topics :  99
Posts :  958
Posted : Feb 28, 2011 15:18

How much must I curse your name
And put your beliefs to shame
Before you prove yourself
And end this life?

End this life

And I’ll say a fucking prayer
Because I know it won’t be answered

Where is your god? (2x)
Where is your fucking god?

And even though I don't believe in you
I pray for the day (2x)
That you end this life

So please
Take me

I want the hand of god
To come and strike me down (2x)

Where is your god? (2x)
Where is your fucking god?

For all the prayers that go unanswered (2x)
Why do you think that is?
For the families that waste their time
Open your eyes

And all your prayers will go
Why do you think that is?
For the families that waste their time
Open your fucking eyes
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  103
Posts :  2184
Posted : Mar 14, 2011 07:49
If you don't like the sound quality, turn it up. It's much better when it's loud. His voice and the guitar solo come in nice and clear and the rest sounds as bad ass as it should.

Best band in the world ever (to me).
This is what got me into psy trance years and years later.

Inactive User

Started Topics :  118
Posts :  4444
Posted : Mar 14, 2011 13:43
^WIN !

Inactive User

Started Topics :  118
Posts :  4444
Posted : Mar 15, 2011 06:46
all hail the mighty Friedman solo

metal up your ass
Horrordelic Records

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  1247
Posted : Mar 15, 2011 07:08

Dødheimsgard !            3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -
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