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Merr0w "Born Underwater" [Suntrip - 2009]


Started Topics :  9
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Posted : Mar 15, 2009 14:15:43
Merr0w – Born Underwater
[Suntrip - 2009]

After producing Utopian Society on Twist Dreams in 2007 and Pixelized Sight on Freshly Cut Tomato in 2008, Brice Fruyt from France, finally released his first album he makes in 2 years. A work careful but necessary.
I'm particularly attracted by the world he has created on this CD.
Born Underwater is a collection of 10 short stories that relate to aquatic myths.
First, the nymphs were Merrow from Ireland, the female divinities of rare beauty. They charmed humans, through their songs piercing and their voices intoxicating, to draw them into the water where they drown.

Maybe this album would contain songs nymphs? The little mermaid naked on the artwork seemed to repeat his act spell on us. Maybe she wants us to draw on this background that we see vaguely remains probably belonging to the city of Atlantis. The places are certainly kept by Poseďdon which shouldn't be far away and do not like foreigners.
To discover this civilization, listen very carefully to these mysterious tales told by Brice.


[01]Lured By The Nymphs - 2'25''
In this small intro, whose title Lured By The Nymphs reminds us many the meeting of Ulysses and the Sirens in Homer's Odyssey, the atmosphere downtempo coincide with perfectly with the swell. We leave rocked on a raft to the rhythms of the drift waves. What was an illusion, at first, quickly becomes a reality. The voice of nymphs bewitched growing and seem to us clear a path in this vast blue.

[02] Atlantis - 8'14''
We are making progress in a remote Amazon with jungle noises. Atlantis is a track based effects swirling, spirals and hypnotics that could suggest that in the city sliding into the depths. A disaster that takes place in several stages punctuated by numerous breaks rich rebound. [7/10]

[03] Rise Up To The Sun - 7'32''
Rise Up To The Sun played in the originality and boldness. Yet, the magic doesn't realize in this track. The melodies used are quite bizarre and discordant, the effects are more twists and resonant. The first part is disappointing but the second part will bring more surprises. [3.5/10]

[04] Born Underwater - 8'06''
Born Underwater takes us into the depths to the distant and muted tones. The basslines and melodies that seem to come from the bottomlands of the oceans, increasing the tone, style crescendo like to go back to the surface like air bubbles. This music needs to live and must return to this pure air where it is carried and transmitted by the wind. The news will be announced like a share. A sound is being born in these waters and will revolutionize the trance goa music. Eurythmy melodies positive and sparkling give lots of round at this track which enlightens us. [10/10]

[05] Aquarius - 8'36''
A dynamic music inspired by Astral Projection. Quite minimal with great restraint. Aquarius doesn't explodes and gives effects of waiting, of surprise and suspense, thanks to its subtle primers. The speed of bpm (145) gives a large flow with a lot of stir. A continuous flow that could be characterized by a huge waterfall. The sudden arrival of this persistent and whistling sound like cry of a siren, proposes a side astral in an environment of constellations. [8.5/10]

[06] The Pleiades - 8'30''
The Pleiades for the story were 7 sisters, daughters of Atlas and Pleione (a water nymph), is a tribute to the famous group Pleiadian. A masterpiece spicy that propels us into a kingdom made of gods and myths. The Pleiades is an explosion of colors and sounds explosives. During the basseline sink into the depths, melodies rise beyond the euphoric waves creating a universe interstellar and energy. [8/10]

[07] Mermaid's Twin Sister - 6'42''[/b]
The twin sister of the siren is just darker. She draws us into a spiral music unhealthy and evil. The bassline is serious and purring, the deviations of the musical notes are very close to giving a side minimal. A mermaid who has absolutely nothing to do with Ariel from Walt Disney. She is in the defect and therefore not common. Fatal woman, lighter who hypnotizes and seduces men blinded by her beauty. A fantasy of man .... may be that Freud could help me. [8/10]

[08] Mind Blowing - 7'53''
Mind Blowing is a rugged trail that reveals some intermittent flanges melodious on a bassline very homogeneous. Music that shows the divine power and strength titanic of Poseďdon. This ability to create storms, cyclones, tsunamis and other natural disasters that are translated here by a dizzying drop of whole notes, which we met our hear upside down. Melodies so excited, it transforms our ears very erogenous body. Music pest that sweeps everything in its path. [10/10]

[09] Poseidon Lullaby - 8'11''
A psychedelic whirlwind. The bassline from the beginning seems to be disturbed, scared seeking a way out. The waves up and down rapidly as a roller coaster with the effects of dissonance. The melodies softened the track and makes us reach for the stars with fingertips. Poseidon Lullaby we take up with very convincing acoustic transformations. [8/10]

[10] Blue Planet - 9'10''[/b]
Cousteau team is complete on the Calypso for a shipment downtempo in the mainland blue. Blue Planet is a diving excursion where progress is slow. A nice postcard of the seabed which makes us aware of the dangers of humans on our planet. There isn't need to write anything else, the images provide us with this track, enough to move us. [8/10]

Merr0w is as much at home in the refinements sound as in the demonstrations of power and virtuosity. He shows us, with great skill and engineering, his capabilities stainless goa sounds.
He reminds me, without doubt, the famous weavers who mingled and intertwined with wool or other textile to produce various fabrics. The comparison smile but is not so trivial that we think. In the same way, he mixes the melodies, woven bars measures, braid notes. It is complex like a yard several pieces scattered here and there, but the result is extra and ethereal.
Born Underwater is an album that awakens our 'taste' hearing. The many sounds psychedelic released by Merrow crossing our sensitive ears, spread throughout the body, spreading like a virus in the brain into the lower cavity, disconnect our nervous system condemning us to a very colorful and hypnotic visions. Our neurons are infected and affected. Our mental faculties have vanished and give us the feeling of being in a state of levitation.Brice created a work neuroleptic very successful. Pleiadian's shadow is rooted in some parts of the work, especially in the name of track 6 The Pleiades (referring to the Italian artists) and some sounds like Atlantis or Mind Blowing; evidence that this group has shaped our minds and was one of the stones of the building goa. Style included, of course, inspired and brought up to date.
Born Underwater plunges us into a world of water. The liquid fluid and soft that we isolated from the world when we immerse 'inside'. Perhaps this is one of several methods of abstraction to isolate themselves in our daily lives? However, water is probably the only and rare solution that offers us the sensation of floater, to be levitate and certainly the effect that Brice wanted to give us.
Our planet has no secrets for us. We have mastered the element of water since the dawn of time, without difficulty navigating the oceans. We have designated, located, defined and studied. Yet we know only a part of this world of silence. Beyond the surface, close to the bottom of the abyss, counter, crevices, pits are still unexplored. Maybe Brice is one of those artists from unknown depths who have other resources imaginative ...

My personal view
This album is a success. For those who enjoy the achievements of Suntrip that sounds pure goa trance, this work is for you. Atlantis, Born Underwater, Aquarius, The Pleiades, Mermaid's Twin Sister, Mind Blowing, Poseidon Lullaby and Blue Planet are simply outstanding. Those are real bulldozer ravaging everything. Among these wonders, Blue Planet which is a very good dream, frustrated to me. The melody of the sixth minutes prepares us psychologically to ecstasy. We expect a memorable and brilliant end but unfortunately will not ever.
Regarding Atlantis which is very good, I think there are too many breaks and a recurrence of sounds tired and slowed down the rhythm of the song. However, the track is very pleasant.
I conclude with the way that I find the smallest way: Rise Up To The Sun. We segregates very well the ambience of Brice used but the melodies are not attractive. I find disparate except from 4'36'' in which the track takes a different turn and becomes more interesting.

RATING: 8/10
Sekhem Em Pet

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Posts :  1
Posted : Mar 15, 2009 16:48
The album is Masterpiece the best goa album in this year till now.

1st intro – Totally relax for the brain that tripy psychic melodies and that angel voice make u to feel like u are in paradise.

2nd track starting like down tempo with jungle bass line and because of that u have feeling like u are in jungle and after a minute the the track have transformation from down tempo in crazy psychedelic twisted goa .

3rd track its nice but there are some psy moments and its not like the other tracks .

4th “Born Underwater” (i get this like this track show us the birth of the nymph from the covert  ) the name speak for it self. pure old school morning ride with nice atmospheric twisted melodies and sweet underwater effects ,just perfect.

5th track one of my favorites .This is very nice uplifting goa with nice twisted eastern melodies who relax ur brain and make u to feel happy.

6th The pleiads pure old school goa something like old Pleaiadians but this is more energetic and more melodic i think its better. One of my favorites

7th Track with night beginning and full with many psychedelic and one old school and the best melody from 3:55 till 4:14.I think this melody is to short and have to be little longer.

8th Mind Blowing very psychedelic twisted goa with morning effects .This track is like earthquake with very powerful ride , everything is shaking 

9th Poseidon Lullaby the best track from the album for me. This track is pure morning experience that tripy melodies will get u out of control and when u will close ur eyes u will feel the full power of this lullaby song. Very emotional and sweet track i think this will be the greatest hit this summer at the festivals all over the world .

10th Blue Planet place where nymphs live Water (Sea ,Ocean…) .This track will get u on journey throw the nymphs place where u can see how they play and sing with their sweet magic voices .Very good ending of the album

From 1 to 5 i will say 4,5
Jon Cocco
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  17
Posts :  18
Posted : Mar 16, 2009 18:11


01. Lured by the Nymphs - 02:25
02. Atlantis - 08:14
03. Rise Up to the Sun - 07:32
04. Born Underwater - 08:06
05. Aquarius - 08:36
06. The Pleiades - 08:30
07. Mermaid's Twin Sister - 06:42
08. Mind Blowing - 07:53
09. Poseidon Lullaby - 08:11
10. Blue Planet - 09:10

Merr0w - Born Underwater is the first official 2009 Psy/Goa-trance release by Suntrip Records. It is also a strong return to aggressive Psytrance, thanks to artist Brice Fruyt and the label’s determination to see that this gets out there. I never heard Merr0w before, save for a track produced on V/A - Twist Dreams called Utopian Society, and this is on another level in comparison.

01. Lured by the Nymphs is a passionately moody and relaxing opening. It’s a short but solid downtempo number filled with warm atmosphere, ambient, a deliciously echoed female voice (without lyrics) beat, new age influence, and more. I simply wish it was longer, and I'd love to hear more downtempo work like this by the artist in the future in combination with his psytrance work. This is a strong and immersive opening track. B+

02. Atlantis is the first psytrance number on the album. After an intriguing opening the beat arrives around 1:07 and by 1:19 or 1:32 (depending on how you take it) the story begins. After a short interlude, the song lets loose into a driving rhythm coupled with psychedelic effects. It plays out like a wave bending with crisp psy sounds and textures, at times emerging from ambient backdrops before igniting into the continuing dance friendly speed. Butterfly effects cut across the senses like bubbly colors racing down twisting highways. I don’t recognize much of a hook or a strong selling point, until around 2:43. Nonetheless, some listener's are really going to appreciate the more cosmic, psychedelic-driven work and approach. The song's direction shifts, fronting the leads around 5:00, followed by a richer interlude from 5:29 to 5:54. What follows is more evolved and textured PSY-work that really enhances the songs drive and direction. The segment from 6:15 forward is very psychedelic, arresting. Overall this is a good, possibly great song. B+

03. Rise Up to the Sun appears to be one of the more controversial numbers on the album. The artist give away the big lead early on at 1:05 which initially surprised me. It pays off for the better in the end because the song introduces its hook near the start. Fortunately, the initial melody lead gains strong support and development as the song progresses. But it's really like a chorus with a strong return. Some Goa enthusiasts may feel that the melody lead or its structure sounds club friendly, that the song is less provocative, complex, and twisted, and in that sense I wouldn't argue. But I really like this track, in part because it stays to Full On Psy (not club) trance, and it's one of my favorites here. The main melody’s arrival at 4:45 is just so climactic; the song is Goa influenced however Full On structured it may appear to be. It's rare that I enjoy a Full On Goa/Psytrance song so much. I think Merr0w has the right idea here in creating an easily accessible, more mainstream and dance friendly Psytrance number. Again around 5:04 the thing takes off; like a champagne cork at a big party shooting off to celebrate the New Year. This is a continuously energetic and upbeat song, though less psychedelic than surrounding uptempo tracks. I like it. It's energetic and fun, and it becomes more layered as it progresses too which is great. But just wait until you hear the next track. B+

04. Born Underwater is very special. Over the previous number this is more traveling, developed, layered, and evolved; it tells a deeper story while remaining infectious, gripping, and dance friendly throughout. Sure the previous track had a reoccurring melody lead that would likely play well in clubs that play Psytrance. But this is more for Goa/Psytrance fans and enthusiasts. A gorgeous interlude takes place from 4:11 to 4:37. As if flying over the ocean, across the skies, it's beautiful, and soon accompanied by a strong drive. The song grows towards a marvelous climax that ignites around 6:13. The entire song was strong and the final third is breath taking. The song is very immersive too. I'm pulled into its colorful and imaginative; my consciousness is arrested. Tracks like these appeals more to my fantasy/exploring senses in Goa while maintaining a wonderful, dance friendly sound throughout. The balance between attraction (beauty) intelligence (substance, here) and high energy (sensation) is excellent. It's replay value is high, with layers that appear to comprehend on repeat listens; thus increasing the scope of the world here. This will be remembered as one of the best dance songs of the year. It's superb. A

05. Aquarius is less the labyrinthine world as the previous number and a continuation to rougher, more aggressive Psytrance. The song follows one path, however filled with strength, determination, and development. There is just so much taking place musically, atmospherically. An interlude takes place from around 5:35 to 5:57 with separate buildup beginning towards the end. It curiously breaks out of the interlude with few sounds and a beat, soon becoming equipped with an even more enhanced version of itself. There isn't really a part that stands out to me, as I'm absorbed its continuously shifting, cosmic delivery; save for a wonderful sound mixed in over the beat at around 7:17, that creates a powerful and satisfying effect. It's amazing, that a detail like that can add so much to a song. This moment is reprised around 7:44. But by then, the climax has peeked; the energy is coming down. Overall, this is a strong track from beginning to end. B+

06. The Pleiades is the one track that appears slightly inspired by, no surprise, The Pleiadians, though in Merr0w's non-maximal style. It begins with some beautiful tunes to the influence of Postford's LSD track presumptuously, and builds into an aggressive, rough dance track with one of the most crunchy sounds followed by another ridiculously catchy that takes off soon after the crunchy sound begins at 1:33. But not until a Goa melody arrives, dancing profusely in the backdrop. Suddenly, the beginning of that catchy melody lead appears at 2:15. From around 2:47 to 3:00 it's excellent, and really takes the listener for a ride. Various sounds of beauty and aggression combine in an deliciously floating atmosphere. Sounds skip a la Pleiadians. One of my favorite parts is around 4:45 where all sounds are removed. Suddenly the music returns, different from before as if we're in a new change of scenery, now driving on the interstate at high speed from the initial, twisting back-roads for instance; the next part of the adventure has begun. These unpredictable and dynamic parts really enhance the album. The song goes through multiple energy levels, from aggression to beauty, and a combination of both. Some people are really going to like the harder edged focus here, but the artist's imagination and delivery turns what could have been just another Pleiadian-esque song into something more inventive and catchy. Another great track. B+

07. Mermaid's Twin Sister begins like a fairy tale, very dreamy and subtle. Clicking sound effect combinations are gripping coupled with a wave bending sound, highly developed, tasty, and swarming like an legion of insects in a transforming tunnel, moving band. Throughout the album noticed sounds so simple yet effective. Another exists here as a gentle, echoed beeping sound that begins around 1:23. It's great. A beautiful interlude takes place from around 3:17 to 3:25. It's short but smart and effective. The catchy beeping sound returns to an improved evolution to the complex and driving rhythm. Filled with moments of change up; those catchy clicks return, and the fantasy/female effects add beauty and edge to a thoroughly strong and delectable vehicle. This is an imaginative song. It's continuously engaging, often combining elements of elegance along with aggression. Excellent work! A-

08. Mind Blowing is one of the most masculine, aggressive songs on the album. Opening with a strong beat quickly emphasized with fast, edgy sounds and sleek effects. This is a real dance stomper that doesn't show signs of letting up its forceful drive until an interlude from 3:05 to 3:30. Even then, the little sounds within this beat free moment appear more like intense cells desperately awaiting to take off. The drum combinations are a nice touch, but there's something simple in execution about the first two thirds of the song. Yet it's easy to grasp and "get" into. A more promising melody is introduced around 5:15 and this is where the song appears to gain a new dimension, but the driving intensity returns along with numerous effects, development and ferocity and I like that. Also, the melody work, one various other sounds leave from around 6:02 to 7:13 has a classic old school, Electric Universe feel to it which I love. This is a straight forward albeit kickass dance song, especially for those who like their Psytrance hard, aggressive, and relentless. B+

09. Poseidon Lullaby is hard not to like. It's very upbeat, and friendly Full On Psytrance while maintaining a Goa edge! If I were to compare this song to another that seems intended for a more mainstream friendly/dance environment, it would be Rise Up To The Sun. They're both very uplifting. This however appears more complex, traveling, and fluid, but I surprisingly prefer the less elegant and more climactic sound of Track 3. But opinions will vary. Overall this is very well done. It has a capturing lead and remains quite traveling which is less typical of Full On Goa songs now days. While some songs come across as ideally aggressive on this very same album, this one's elegant, layered from start to finish, and sails free of any chaos, leaving the listener in a more positive state into the final number. I could nit pick that the song lacks pulling surprises, though its creation alone could be considered one big surprise in this case. Great song. B+

10. Blue Planet begins very stirring and contemplative. It sounds as if water is rippling through a stream. Gentle Goa patterns float around an echoed beat, separated by several seconds apart. The first third maintains a wonderful downtempo landscape. Passing into the third minute, the height of the slow and inconsistent beat is emphasized. Around 3:54 is where the second of several acts begin. At this point the music gradually evolves and at the sound of a beat, like a subtle gun shot taking place around 4:30, the growing melody work transforms, evolves. Almost like a slow dance song with an ethereal sky, locked in downtempo, a second interlude passes through the formless dimension from 5:33 to 6:07. These parts are filled with emotion and warmth. They're beautiful. My mixed feelings relate to the returning music, the first and second time. I love the effect of the musical buildup, the powerful transcending melody work as it climbs an invisible staircase towards the heavens. I simply feel at times when hearing this, that the beat could have impressed the track had it evolved with the growing music into something more consistent and slowly driving, a la Asura meets Distant Systems (midtempo). However I've come to accept this song as it is, an emotive journey with a unique beat around its creative and passionately produced melody/sound work. Great closing track. B+

In conclusion, Merrow’s Born Underwater debut was well worth the wait. Virtually every track is strong, unique, and offers something interesting, different, and catchy. The album is refreshing, creative, and transcends previous work done by the artist while adding a gem to the new school genre of Psy/Goa-trance. Coupled with the most unorthodox cover since Ka-Sol's Fairytale, I like the cover. I also prefer listening to this album straight through over numerous Suntrip Record's releases including Ka-Sol - Fairytale and Goasia - From Other Spaces. The track variety is impressive too. This is one of those albums that I enjoy listening to from beginning to end, and then back to beginning, as its chapters are filled with meat and potatoes. In other words, there are no filler tracks here. While I wasn't impressed with Merr0w's track on V/A - Twist Dreams I am impressed with this album. For those who are more into the aggressive, and at times darker with moments of beauty (and/or vice-versa) side of Psychedelic Goa-Trance, Born Underwater is great, and my favorite Psytrance release of 2009 to date. This is a strong return to aggressive Goa-Trance.

Favorite tracks: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.



IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  148
Posts :  1681
Posted : Jun 4, 2013 14:49
Probably my favorite Suntrip release to day, mildly challenged by Mindsphere's album but this is just really special as far as neo goa goes

One day a sequel hopefully           Cuntus Maximus.
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