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Memorable DJ/Live sets

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 26, 2010 12:09
Nice topic!

Normally I go to festivals with intentions of hearing the artists I look forward to on the line up. In reality this seldom happens and I end up missing alot, but also discovering alot of nice suprises.

Here are a few memomarable performances:

Oforia @ Stellwerk in Hamburg (1999)
Hux Flux @ bush outside Sydney 2001
Atmos @ old cinema in Sydney 2001
Mumbo Jumbo (!!!) @ Sydney New Year 2002
Hallucinogen @ Fullmoon 2007
Dj Iguana @ Vuuv 2009

Many more though, just a few that spring to mind..

My girlfriend has just asked me to mention Higlight Tribe @ Antaris because she apparently found it highly memorable


Started Topics :  49
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Posted : May 26, 2010 12:35
The first ones that came to my mind:

Joti Sidhu @ Boom 2000
Christoff Dj Set @ Boom 2000
Hux Flux Live-Act @ Portugal, 2001
Tristan Dj Set @ Boom 2004
Darksinamurti Dj Set @ first Freedom Festival
Hallucinogen Live-Act @ first Freedom Festival
Ghreg on Earth Live-Act @ Boom 2006
Tristan Live-act @ Boom 2008

just to name a few very special moments!
          Sérgio Xamanist
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 26, 2010 12:48
haven t seen him play since long time but psychaos/joti sets were some of my favorites ,from the oldschool days to the atomic records sound... his sets from that time were memorable to me .
some others that come to my mind are koxbox 13 july 1997 ,return to the source partie same year, very good sets from these djs,hallucinogen sets before 2000 were good too and many more...don t remember the dates but big names like x dream, cydonia, tim schult, transwave, astral projection... were all great sets ,cpu in 2003 or 2004 was killer too

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Posted : May 26, 2010 13:26
Gms 2002 portugal

But does anyone have link for this set!?

I miss it a lot 
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : May 26, 2010 14:49
psycho micro @ sataf mountain 2000(1?)
texas faggott @ moksha desert rave 2004
haltya @ doof party 2002
simon p. @ moksha rosh ha shana ahziv beach
Prometheus @ moksha indigo 2009
perfect stranger & a balter @ after party karkur

psycho zaika dj set @ khan altai festival
cpc @ khan altai

neuron compost @ convergence
reality pixie @ basscamp
g.o.w @ superfreak festival

and sure some more.. but those i remembered most quickly so i guess they are most memorable 

Started Topics :  6
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Posted : May 26, 2010 16:32
The really special one for me was Psykovsky 5 hours set, somewhere in Swiss 2008

but also
Highcosmos @fullmoon 2005
Atriohm somewhere in Swiss 2008 (maybe 2007)
and i also had very good feelings listening to a Drumatik's set in 2008 in Zug (Swiss)

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  338
Posted : May 26, 2010 19:09
alien project dj set @ kaiafas festival 2004...logic bomb didn't come and this dude played for 4-5 hours!

the same year dj minphaser in a free underground party,center of athens...still remember people moving like one body...

burn in noise last year @ thessaloniki shared some wisdom whith us...respect!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 26, 2010 20:13
some of the best sets i enjoyed are from unknown or local djs , big acts are cool but they play their albums ,and there is not much albums full of good dancefloor tracks ,good djs play only good tracks a reason why i always enjoyed more a good dj than a live act but there are some exceptions...
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 26, 2010 20:15
slater - carmelit subway
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 26, 2010 20:27
Raja Ram on Raveolution in 2005 was amasing....
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 26, 2010 20:38
X Dream - Samothraki 2003
GMS - Samo 03
Midi Miliz - Toronto 05/06?
The Delta - Eclipse fest 05
Koxbox - Toronto 05/06
Derango - Ozora 09
Son Kite - Ozora 09

good times

          `Bottomless wonders spring from simple rules, which are repeated without end` Mandelbrot
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 26, 2010 22:29
Psykovsky at Field Trip in Minnesota, 2009. Played about two hours live in the night, then the authorities made them turn the sound off.

BUT, then he came back in the morning, played another 2-3 hrs live, followed by at least three hours of dj'ing. Epic! Very interesting music, and diverse enough to stay interesting throughout the lengthy set.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 27, 2010 10:19
Marcus Carp !!!
Max Lafranconi, Dino Psaras, Mike Maguire, James Monro, Anti
The Delta live & Shakta live
all of them back in 97-98-99
Cosmic Tandav

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Posted : May 27, 2010 10:48
polyphonia @ shanti Jatra 2008 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 3, 2010 08:23
Ajja Live @ Mountain Madness 2009
Kashyyyk @ Mountain Madness 2010           "Whoever said the best things in life are free... obviously grew their own bud"
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