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Trance Forum » » Forum  Party Promotions - MAYhem on the Mountain!
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MAYhem on the Mountain!

Portland Psytrance Mafia

Posted :  02 Apr, 2010
22-23/05/2010 Portland Psytrance Mafia presents:

MAYhem on the Mountain!
Hour and a half from Portland, OR


Axis Mundi (NC, USA) - Live
Adi (India)
The Goa Constrictor (PDX)
Punk Baba (PDX)
Gorilladust (PDX)
Button Pushers (PDX)
Zoopy (Eugene, OR)
Makoi (PDX)
Blue Spectral Monkey (PDX)

More Info:

The flowers are blooming once again and the sun has begun shining over what looks to be a gorgeous oncoming spring and summer.

And as we have for the last many years, in May, we come out of the city and away our gasoline heaters to celebrate the spring in the Oregon forest.

In the past, we have gathered on the full moon, but due to the full moon being on the same date as the Goa Gil Meltdown, we have pushed the date forward a week to allow our trancey brethren and sistren to journey down if they please.

..o..The Natural LandscapE..o..

For those who have not yet been to the May Moon Spot, you are in for a treat*! For those that know the spot, we ask that you keep it your little secret for awhile, i will tell you more about this later*...

Camping is available---no---UTTERLY RECOMMENDED,
The sleeping and dancefloor is padded and wonderful beach sand, molding to your body and feet as you sleep and dance, and you should really spend as much time in this spot as possible. Please bring food and water and all the yada's you need to stay in the woods for as long as you will be there.

..o..The Musical LandscapE..o..

..Axis Mundi..
our guest for the evening, is coming to play a set of all original music for us. He is from Asheville, North Carolina. Around the time of this event (and hopefully in time for it), he will be releasing a full length album. His music is hard to describe, it really gets into your head. Tempo shifts like waves and reminiscent sounds interwoven with psychedelic movements and a really foresty echo.

is another guest of ours for this fine evening. Adi will be visiting from India just to play with us and hang out in the studio in the off times. It is a great pleasure to bring him out. His music has range from dark psy to acid music and beyond, with a refined style to boot! Let's all give a BIG BOOOOOM to our Indian guest and welcome him for the first time to the beautiful woods that we all call home.

..Goa Constrictor..
of ChickenHed and FABULOUS! Radio, will also be joining us to play from his vast collection of curiosity. Adam'n has been a bone in the spine of the music scene here for many many years, as well as lending and creating some of the most interesting web content viewed by man.

owner and fearless leader/prankster of
This guy brings a style so smooth that you would think your ears were drinking a Jamba Juice filled with cool-berries. Expect to feel a little more awesome just listening to his tunes, and make sure to bring your sunglasses, cuz the sun will be shining through his thick sonic smoothie!

..Punk Baba..
dared to be the first surfer-haired psytrancer in the pacific northwest, and though not too many followed suit, the statement was strong, and it was very real. He doesn't have the hair anymore, but the statement still stands... Don't mess with the Baba. Tunes so powerful as to draw the MAN on a Halloween night in the middle of nowhere. Get ready to shake your money maker on the fine sands of the mountain!

..Button Pushers..
Oregon's best kept secret, cuz the group didn't exist until about a week ago! Button Pushers is formerly Quantize Mechanics, Squee and Manifest. They will be bringing a full power tag team dj set of their favorite flavors of fast and intense psychedelic trance, and beckoning the sun to peak its starry orb over the dawny landscape.

Cap'n Weird Beard is back with his mellow, high-inducing style of trippy beats and sounds. He has kept our bellies full of food and our brains swimming in dub at many a party, and today, he brings out a new set of psychedelic downbeats that are sure to ease us into a long and beautiful night with stoney eyes and a warm heart.

carrying the torch of surfer-hair in psytrance, Zoopy has been hermitted in an obscure and mostly unknown village they call Eugene, OR. In between his periodic sarcastic posts and wandering through the woods building his empire of midget porn memorabilia, he has found the time to make some pretty kick-ass music. An avid listener and collector as well, he will undoubtedly be bringing us some tasty morsels.

is the M in MAN. With his witty banter and all-around-good-guy-ed-ness, he has buttered us all into loving him with every bit of our hearts, like Elvis with fried chicken, smothered in butter. Amazingly enough, this is how his music really should be described as well... like fried chicken smothered in butter. And while you are pondering if that is good or not, just know, IT IS, but don't go eating it, just come taste it with your ears!

..Blue Spectral Monkey..
between massaging hot ass ladies and looking damn good doing it, he is traveling around the country playing smooth tunes, and massaging overweight men. It's not that strange, he is the Psychedelic LMT of the greater Portland area, and will be rubbing us with his tunes WHILE giving actual therapeutic massages behind the decks. It's really a wonder to watch!

..o..*The CatcH..o..

Due to the PARKING SITUATION at the location, we have a few silly schemes planned. We would like to ensure that the folks that come to the party last minute bring as many people as they can, AND we much prefer it if y'all would pre-plan to go to this party and pre-purchase a pre-sale ticket........


We will be selling presales at the heinously low price of 11$!
The people that arrive at the party without a presale, however, will be asked to pay 55$ per carload.
Thusly, if you come late, you can pay the same by packing your car, saving gas and parking, WIN WIN!

Get a Pre-Sale!!!

Presales will be purchased in several ways... through paypal, at:

they will also be available at several events around the city between now and the event, and at ACME coffee shop, in SE Portland.

ACME Coffee Shop
1431 SE 40th Ave
Portland, OR 97214

..o..The ReCaP..o..

11$ Presales

55$ Per Carload Day of the event

...oh and...

Bring something to add to the altar or location
and feel a part of the gathering in any way you feel comfortable.

We can't wait to dance outside again!!!




IsraMembers Party List: Squee.Isme ,DJburrito ,nancy!
Coming?   + 3
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