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Mayan vision awakening journey

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  16
Posts :  77
Posted : May 18, 2012 09:16:03
The time of the Maya is now and the solstice on December 21 2012 marks the completion of the 5,125 year great cycle of the ancient Maya Long Count Calendar. As their visionary calendar approaches its end-date we are preparing a pilgrimage to the ancient sacred Mayan temples to celebrate this unprecedented time of transformation, renewal and rebirth into the new cycle.Join us in a pilgrimage to the ancient sacred sites of the Mayans to reconnect with the message encoded in the temples that will help us to live a more enlightened, nurturing and balanced life, and evolve into the next cycle. With the close of this grand cycle of the Mayan calendar comes the opportunity for humankind to experience a leap into higher consciousness and create a new era filled with peace and harmony with our mother Earth father, Sun and the great mystery of the Universe.           TLOQUE NAHUAQUE
Trance Forum » » Forum  UK - Mayan vision awakening journey
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