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Max Pollyul - Movement Of Elephant EP - Horns & Hoofs

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  116
Posts :  442
Posted : Sep 23, 2010 01:20:58
Max Pollyul - Movement Of Elephant EP
Horns And Hoofs Entertainment

01. Movement Of Elephan
02. Movement Of Elephan (Deto Remix)
03. Movement Of Elephan (Alic's Snout Remix)
04. Movement Of Elephan (Dunaewsky69 Remix)
05. Movement Of Elephan (Triple Distilled Jungle Before The Storm Atmospheric DJ
Tool Mix)

First time I've notice his name, Max Pollyul, was on H&H EP release, about year ago. And I can tell that from the very first moment I totally like it what he had to offer. Track called "M-Pill" was one great new expirience for me. According to that one and of course according to this one is one more baby from great H&H, I decide to dig deep inside. First thing first, remixing artists list is totally yum for my ears.
Long time I didnt heard something new from Deto and here is my joy Also my great co-workers Adam and Volker, Dunaewesky69, guy with totally wierd and so interesting approach to techno music and one of the finest trip hop, down-tempo and minimal dub project, 3ple Distilled. Do we need better? I think no!
Ok, lets get this straight! On the first place, this is surely, distinctive sound in today's era of techno evolution. More or less, today's styles, much resembles each other and the thing I like the most with labels like Boshke, H&H, Digital Diamonds, Gravity Plus, etc... is that they gather a lot of different producers, but in 9 / 10 cases, I can feel the "smell" of one of these labels in some releases. Like they have a some kinda trade mark in that techno
music. It's something that is still really difficult to achieve, even with individual artists, not to mention label which brings together more artists. Thats the thing I like the most and thats the reason I love to review, mostly their releases.
Anyway, as for the EP, the finest thing is that we have here totally different aproach to one single track, from 5 different projects. Ok, someone would said on this one: "So, what do you expect? Different project different music." Well thats the way it should be, but, unfortunately, it is not with most of electronic music styles. So, the main point and one of the biggest reasons why I so much respect this kind of sound is that, you can sound on the way you want, and still, Your music can be felt as a full member of that music style. Dosen't need you any kind of pattern in which some style commitment you to doing, in order to be recognized. Someone would laugh, but thats the really serious problem with music, nowdays. Much theory, little practice. I found the individual albums that sound like a 60 minutes track. It can easily lead to excess. Which is totally not case with this extended play and this style, as I already said. Original mix have a great theme for releasing a lot of good remixes in mayn different ways. Deto's remix leave the biggest impresium on me. Great dark bassline wich is totally dancing. Love it. Alic's remix is pure refreshment with break beat suit. Dunaewsky69's remix... ... totally deviant bassline. The most interesting for me was the moment with bassline that I experienced as a totally commercial club element that DJ non stop screw with the pitch, while other elements get you in to the pure paranoia groove Crazy sound for shore that I like it. Triple Distilled's remix is something totally different from others. I was in the movie while I listened this one. Completely fits into a psychological thriller shot. Original theme is maintained but the meaning has changed shape into something completely new. Pretty amazing! As the remix title says, it can be use as DJ tool as well, but that option I leave to DJ's.
Really accurately done EP for home listening with touch of club moments that can be easily provide on the dance floor. No need to mention that we need more
Thank you H&H and to artists who participated.

Alex Boshke
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  59
Posts :  613
Posted : Sep 24, 2010 14:53
Excellent review Lara for Great EP!
Max's original- great progressive techno with a double dosage of psychedelia!
Alic's Remix- breaking bad! 10+ for the experimentalizm
Deto- super QUIRKY techno with lots of psylocibin, Mark Allen were playing it for sure!!!:)))
Dunaewsky69- killer bassline!!! tonns of radioactivity and warning to all of you who will dare to experience it on some substances!!!

Hat Off!!! Keep the Rebellion!
And the link to the release is just here:

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  46
Posts :  696
Posted : Nov 15, 2010 11:17

On 2010-09-24 14:53, Alex Boshke wrote:

Hat Off!!! Keep the Rebellion!

fuck yeah!!!
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Max Pollyul - Movement Of Elephant EP - Horns & Hoofs
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