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Many aspects, one artist

Inactive User

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Posted : Oct 15, 2009 15:26:19
Well according to you who is/are the most innovative artists, who can manipulate many different forms of music/sounds and emotions in psytrance nowadays?

my vote goes to Dick Trevor imo, hes one of a kind both as a producer and DJ

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 15, 2009 15:33
- DJ: Ritchie Hawtin
- Artist: OOOD

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 15, 2009 15:42
Principles of Flight - just listen to Chaos Opera.
Ocelot is doing some sweet sounding things too. - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 15, 2009 15:51
Ocelot or/and EvSy           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.

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Posted : Oct 15, 2009 15:52
Electrypnose and Furious
and yes...also Ocelot
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 15, 2009 16:02
Electrypnose nr1.....
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 15, 2009 16:04
scorb and electrypnose. 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 15, 2009 16:47
ka-sol, marcus (x-dream/delta etc)
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 15, 2009 19:00
u mean an artists with multiple personality disorder and dissociative identity disorder?
          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 15, 2009 19:35
My vote goes for Sensient. If I understood well your point.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 15, 2009 19:44
Artifakt ... no doubt 
almost_human KROX ( Phantasm Rec .)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 15, 2009 21:02
KindZadza ..

OOOD ...

Penta ....
Some of my Opinions as if now

Peace ...           UVV Project / Mandala Project / Crystal noize Project / Cosmic Crew

Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 16, 2009 00:10
Check out what Mubali is up to!


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Posted : Oct 16, 2009 03:39

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 16, 2009 05:14

On 2009-10-16 00:10, rich wrote:
Check out what Mubali is up to!

Great stuff Mubali! I feel the groove!
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