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Main shop charts audit from lame customer


Started Topics :  1
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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 01:09:17
A little look at main psytrance shops charts.

Psyshop top 100 right now:

Great to see Shpongle new album in chart... In real world CD is coming soon:

Album now due for worldwide release November 28 2009 (but available from our shop on 7th November)

Twisted page:

Daily generated chart looks like something i can trust, but...
May be it was on sale for some time already and now not in stock and even not in top10? I don't believe, sorry.

Well, let's have a look at Saiko.

Great to see - 2009 is great music year at Saikosounds, many CDs sold much better than any of 2008 and late 2007. But they have not enough power to beat 2006 hit Blisargon and Crystal Matrix greatest hits from 2007.

Any scene insider knows - sales are going down.
May be they don't include titles not in stock? False, look at last day chart - there're title out of stock in it.

Again, it is not worth my trust...

Guys at this great and soopa web2.0 shops must check their scripting algorithms twice.

Started Topics :  312
Posts :  8647
Posted : Nov 26, 2009 01:35
Cool story bro

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 03:13

No, just kidding. We already know that Psyshop rigs the charts. Some of that data might be accurate but it wouldn't be surprising if they dropped a few titles in to inflate their perceived value. It is a widely used method of manufacturing social proof. Online shops do it all the time.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 26, 2009 04:10
Hi Bill, how's Precious??
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Nov 27, 2009 14:21
and you are going to make million dollars for that           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  743
Posted : Nov 27, 2009 15:44
On the otherhand, exposing these practices helps to educate people, not EVERYONE is in the KNOW.

Though they should be imho. 

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