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Trance Forum » » Forum  Israel - Magnetica - Edge Of Reality is OUT NOW !!!
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Magnetica - Edge Of Reality is OUT NOW !!!

Noya Records
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 23, 2010 13:48:37
Magnetica's album was born on the dance-floor, matured on the DJ stages and peaked in the studio. Rinat Swissa's (aka Magnetica) debut album is a psy trance story told from the view of a girl who grew up on the dance floor as a devoted party goer. Her passion for this music drove her to become the most noticed dancer on any dance floor she visited as a true member of the global trance tribe. As she grew up, her next step was to become a leading DJane in Israel's trance parties who can burn any dance floor and please any crowd with pumping b.p.m's as she is still a "dancer born on the dance floor" in essence. Next carfully crafted step was to become an artist who could now finally produce her own soundtrack for a party. Taken in custody by no other then Moshe Keinan (aka Xerox) as her co-writer in some of the tracks and producer of all her musical concept, Magnetica dedicated herself to learn the ways of trance music production. Aside from Xerox's guidence, Magnetica was embraced by many artists who collaborated with her on the album. Void, Illumination, Insomnia, PTX and Z-machine are among those paying their tribute into this debut celebration of an album.

digital waves

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Posted : Aug 31, 2010 07:46
killer bro..............nice music

Started Topics :  313
Posts :  8648
Posted : Aug 31, 2010 08:20
-          Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Trance Forum » » Forum  Israel - Magnetica - Edge Of Reality is OUT NOW !!!
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