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Trance Forum » » Forum  Unidentified - lyrics please!!
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lyrics please!!


Started Topics :  3
Posts :  8
Posted : May 28, 2007 10:34
hello guys!

for those who knows
dizzy mind - back up
and vibe tribe & ananda shake - party [or whatever is the name of this track]

there's some known lyrics said on those tracks

some man says ".... some people think they can fly..."
i only got this sentence from the whole lyrics, please i can't catch the other sentences and i really want to know it... please help!!!

and by the way, where is it from? is it famous? why is it on those 2 tracks and if there are more.. pls help me :D

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  375
Posted : May 28, 2007 13:29
The samples from Dizzy Mind - Back Up are

"To get confused."
"Oh, I'm already confused, Pilgrim. Plenty confused. So don't talk to me about confusion."
"Wait a minute. Now back up ..."

Which is from the film "Secret Window".

However, that doesn't sound like what you heard, unless there's a remix with different samples.

Is this maybe the quote you heard:

"When you dream there are no rules ... people can fly ... anything can happen. Sometimes, there's a moment as you're waking when you become aware of the real world around you, but you're still dreaming. You may think you can fly, but you better not try it."

That is from the film Kalifornia and is used in a few psy tracks that I've heard.

Or maybe this was the quote you heard?:

"People, when their states of consciousness are altered, have a false sense of reality. Some people feel they are onmipotent. Some people feel they can fly."

I'm not sure where that one is from :-(

          "I acknowledge the privilege of being alive in a human body at this moment, endowed with senses, memories, emotions, thoughts, and the space of mind in its wisdom aspect."

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  8
Posted : May 29, 2007 04:13
ohhh so sorry it was a mistake
not dizzy mind - back up hehe i was confused earlier today, i was talking about DNA - shushu the fox
pls pls forgive me..!

to bad i can't edit my thread...
and btw it's this lyrics i was looking for:

"People, when their states of consciousness are altered, have a false sense of reality. Some people feel they are onmipotent. Some people feel they can fly."
thanks alot !!

what's the source of it any idea?
IsraTrance Team

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Posts :  5475
Posted : May 29, 2007 05:54
Correct name for this track is Vibe Tribe - Ananda. Released here:

...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  8
Posted : May 31, 2007 05:01
thx =]
Trance Forum » » Forum  Unidentified - lyrics please!!
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