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LSD & Full Power Night Trance

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Posted : Feb 5, 2010 05:41
Seriously... maybe Noise Poison etc. is all glitch and no melody but dude I find melody in most dark psy... I think you just hear dark psy and refuse to search deeper to find what you are looking for           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
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Posted : Feb 5, 2010 06:04

On 2010-02-01 12:29, a3k wrote:

On 2010-02-01 05:31, Shiranui wrote:
Psytrance is about psychedelic drugs in the same way that astronomy is about telescopes.


or right..
Inactive User

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Posted : Feb 5, 2010 06:06

On 2010-01-30 01:14, Kras wrote:

On 2010-01-29 02:55, Buddha Monkey wrote:
if you want a spritual experiecne fuck LSD and truly take time out to search inside youself... LSD n' such shit just makes people ego fuelled tossers!

If yo really get down to it it actually often has the opposite effect of what every claims it does... itmake you walk aorund going "I'm so superior because i took some shitty chemical and spoke to a god, therefore I"m awesome!"

my lsd years were such a waste!

Yeah, I can see that. Now you are the one that is superior because you are straight? It's never about chemicals, it's always about people.

I don't get it why people who don't use drugs are so biased against them. If you don't like it, don't do it. But you are a fucking hypocrite because you are attacking things that actually inspired this music.

plus one dude. let them quiters quit!!
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Feb 5, 2010 15:54

On 2010-01-30 01:14, Kras wrote:

On 2010-01-29 02:55, Buddha Monkey wrote:
if you want a spritual experiecne fuck LSD and truly take time out to search inside youself... LSD n' such shit just makes people ego fuelled tossers!

If yo really get down to it it actually often has the opposite effect of what every claims it does... itmake you walk aorund going "I'm so superior because i took some shitty chemical and spoke to a god, therefore I"m awesome!"

my lsd years were such a waste!

Yeah, I can see that. Now you are the one that is superior because you are straight? It's never about chemicals, it's always about people.

I don't get it why people who don't use drugs are so biased against them. If you don't like it, don't do it. But you are a fucking hypocrite because you are attacking things that actually inspired this music.

So what, they inspired this music?
Doesn't mean you have to like Lsd.
And here is no place to throw those 'F' words around, it's not nice.
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Feb 5, 2010 16:18

On 2010-02-05 06:04, JohnTaramas wrote:

On 2010-02-01 12:29, a3k wrote:

On 2010-02-01 05:31, Shiranui wrote:
Psytrance is about psychedelic drugs in the same way that astronomy is about telescopes.


or right..

no,no, definitly wrong           ...
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 5, 2010 17:57

On 2010-02-05 15:54, Djones wrote:

So what, they inspired this music?
Doesn't mean you have to like Lsd.

Yeah there's loads of substances out there. It's best to keep your options open.

I think the new mind expander is listening to Skazi on crystal meth. Really opens them chakras
Saiko Dreamer

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Posted : Feb 5, 2010 20:36
i think that psychedelic music and psychedelic drugs are very much related
like marijuana to reggae
you dont need to like marijuana to like reggae or to play in a reggae band
but also you cant denied the importance of marijuana
on the formation of this genre
pretty much like psy is very about drugs,but not JUST about it,is so much more about other things then drugs,but drugs are involved in their creation
so you can understand the powerful relation between them

IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 5, 2010 20:47
I love LSD but I think I have finally realized two things

First of all, LSD does not necessarily turn anyone who takes it into a better person. I still think that I am better for doing it but I realize now that it doesn't affect everyone quite so profoundly.

Second, there really is such a thing as doing too much acid. After a while you start to get a bit detached from reality... and while you're not really crazy, you start to think weird enough that other people start to get a little worried when they hear you talk.

My friends think I do drugs all the time because I act weird, but really I'm just weird!
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 5, 2010 22:22

On 2010-02-05 20:36, Saiko Dreamer wrote:
i think that psychedelic music and psychedelic drugs are very much related
like marijuana to reggae
you dont need to like marijuana to like reggae or to play in a reggae band
but also you cant denied the importance of marijuana
on the formation of this genre
pretty much like psy is very about drugs,but not JUST about it,is so much more about other things then drugs,but drugs are involved in their creation
so you can understand the powerful relation between them

PSytrance is about music and music is about apreciation... lsd comes after u like psy and not the oposite, but damn it sounds good on acid!

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Posted : Feb 10, 2010 12:07
it's a thin line between reseting the mind, crushing the ego and real destruction. I've not come across a lot of dark psy that actually manages not to slip into destruction.

I'm fascinated by the textures in sound of dark and all that. But Electronic Music sounds like noise to "normal" people and dark even sounds like noise to "electronic" people. Dark need such a high degree of habitation, that makes me wonder if it might be just TOO extreme.

When I listen to dark at home my cat goes all crazy and almost gets psychotic, then I have to stop otherwise she really looks like she'd get realy psychic damage. this really makes me think. Especially considering that my cat is used to electronic music and dark is sometimes played really loud out in the nature where a lot of animals live.

I think dark is an interesting musical experiment, but I stick to the more subtle ways of trip and life.

LSD, Mushrooms, Mescaline, MDMA in my opinion are HIGHLY related to our genre, and I'm happy about it. But FUCK! what's up with everybody thinking using speed and cocaine at psytrance parties is all normal? For me this is a total contradiction to "PSY" and those drugs have already fucked up a lot in the hippy movement, now they do in the "psy" movement too and nobody seems to notice.          Most of my music for you to download at:
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 10, 2010 12:55
I get your point and understand what you are saying.I think it`s very different how you are being shaped of a active psy life.It`s about your own relationship to it.

About the night psy and how it effects people,i would say that it opens up the layers of your mind in a way many people not are used to,when listening to deep night psy under the right circumstances it is just like an old time ritual.In other words it`s a strong experience.You crack up the surface and starts to go to the underlying layers,the deeper you go the more different it becomes.Finally one ends up in the same place and it is the singularity,the root.Then there is no deeper way to go.

I think that one should mix different styles though to cover the whole picture.Every style has it`s own moment.I personaly think it is sad that many people seems to be like "style versus style",for me i like all styles since they all have their own place and time.If you are eating food why only eat one dish all the time when you can mix them.

I think that it can be good to have a balance with your psy life and "normal" life (job or school,old school homies,partner,look after your body and health,sport or gym,hobbies etc) For me this is a positive and great culture,and i view it as very healthy and good since it offers the listener to explore the psyche and is the modern spiritual ritual experience.The artist on stage is the shaman and the public is participating in the ritual

Of course it is not the case in all psy parties,there is much soulless stuff but then its more like a "feel good and have some fun experience while you are dancing"Nothing wrong with that.We are all after different things.I am more for the ritual spiritual stuff then what i just mentionted,although it can be fun with that stuff to sometimes,it does not always have to be serious and meaningsfull.

When one starts to really go inside many people feels that it can be hard,you discover things that can be hard to handle.You have to stop being afraid and feel fear if you are going to dig deeper.Listen to the inner voice and let it guide you.Some have problems with handling it and get confused.Some people cant really handle it and dont want to crack the matrix.To see that everything you thought about reality and yourself was something completely else then you thought can be confusing and scary to many people and many people want to continue living in the matrix.One have to respect that everyone is different.I think one can crack up the matrix but still live in it.That is a bit what i meant with balance.You can both play the game and learn about the game and what it is at the same time

The recipe for a long time psylife and not just a short period of party i think is to get a balance with normal life and psy life.Nothing wrong if you want to dedicate it all to psy but for me i cant see why i cant eat both sides of the cake.It`s about balance and listening to your psyche,you feel yourself how ready you are to move further in your self,some passes or levels can be hard to go through and you may need to get some rest or distance from time to time.

And for some people it is not about the spiritual ,mind exploring part at all but more just like a moment to feel good,listening to music that makes them feel good inside,dance,have fun etc.It all means different things for us and we are involved and using the psy culture in different ways. It becomes what you make it to be

Inactive User

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Posted : Feb 10, 2010 13:24

On 2010-02-05 20:47, Shiranui wrote:
I love LSD but I think I have finally realized two things

First of all, LSD does not necessarily turn anyone who takes it into a better person. I still think that I am better for doing it but I realize now that it doesn't affect everyone quite so profoundly.

Second, there really is such a thing as doing too much acid. After a while you start to get a bit detached from reality... and while you're not really crazy, you start to think weird enough that other people start to get a little worried when they hear you talk.

My friends think I do drugs all the time because I act weird, but really I'm just weird!

true, acid is not for every type of person. even if you like it though, heavy and continious use can cause big confusion in your perception of reality. its like playing with your 'limits' and confusion comes when those limits widen much without this being your decision really
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 10, 2010 13:45
I`d say that most people copy other people without thinking.That is why everyone look and acts the same from place to place. if you were to mix different people from totally different time lines and places they would all think each other were crazy.Crazy is what is very different from the norm, which is like the mental programs and behavior that you copy from those around you. To be normal you have to copy and use the same behavior program or what you want to call it as those around you.

To use another behavior pattern like people does from different places and time lines would make you crazy in many peoples eyes.If you would put a group of people from different time periods they would all feel that the other one was crazy and strange since he had another behavior program since they have been copying different people.

Then when you start to explore the things that was before the copy process,whats beneath the copied time bound values and social behavior things start to happen.You are not the people and stereotypes you copy.What is it that started copy from scratch and what are all those mental layers that everyone has and that is not bound by place and time.When you start to ask those questions you may get a bit of the road.

If you feel that you are to far away from the road to be able to walk it then take it easy .

I think you can act "normal" despite how far you have gone and despite what you know about whats behind the curtains and despite what you have experienced. Just follow some simple rules and behaviors and there is all fine.You dont need to talk about your thoughts about life and what is behind the form etc with everyone,some people think that it is strange because the most people dont do that.Everything that not the majority of people do is strange.So if you want to be viewed as normal which is a copy of those around you then just follow some rules.

You can both play the game and at the same time explore it and understand it

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 10, 2010 16:09
@SCM, my cat loves when I play some Kindzadza/Osom tracks, so suppose they also have their tastes/habits/perceptions.
and on topic of this, sure the psychedelic drugs are related to the scene. as much are other substances in other genres.
well and regarding the strong nighttime psytrance, there are just people like already said who wants to have a good time and no complications in their heads.
also to add acid and strong night time music can give you or show you places from yourself, which you don't see encouter every day, and there are people just affraid of this. when is wonka wonka wonka, a line of speed/coke/ a cuba libre everything is just so easy and simple.
I am more of those who likes to explore, and that's what attracts me in strong nightoriented psytrance, the more complex part, and also in back in the goa days, it attracted me always the deeper and heavier sounds then easy melodic stuff. thanks god we have all different tastes and perceptions, otherwise would be boring world,
but one thing that starts to irritates are those prejudging people, like ohh those there in corner they like darkpsy they are speed/acid junkies with dammaged brains. or viceversa also, like ohh this guy has no dreadlocks what is he doing on this party, he can not be taking acid. I mean fuck off, you can like opera/michael jackson/psykovsky/techn/ not taking drugs and not wearing dreadlocks and still be a cool guy ! but as everywhere, narrow minded people are everywhere, the issue is just to try ignore them and pay attention to those worth it!
          to use your head you have to go out of your mind

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Posted : Feb 10, 2010 21:13
okay, the point is that SCM's cat is more to iboga style. 
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