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LSD & Full Power Night Trance


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Posted : Jan 30, 2010 01:14

On 2010-01-29 02:55, Buddha Monkey wrote:
if you want a spritual experiecne fuck LSD and truly take time out to search inside youself... LSD n' such shit just makes people ego fuelled tossers!

If yo really get down to it it actually often has the opposite effect of what every claims it does... itmake you walk aorund going "I'm so superior because i took some shitty chemical and spoke to a god, therefore I"m awesome!"

my lsd years were such a waste!

Yeah, I can see that. Now you are the one that is superior because you are straight? It's never about chemicals, it's always about people.

I don't get it why people who don't use drugs are so biased against them. If you don't like it, don't do it. But you are a fucking hypocrite because you are attacking things that actually inspired this music.

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Posts :  147
Posted : Jan 31, 2010 09:38
are you sure that somebody on this forum can know the FINAL TRUTH ?
Look, you are already attacking each other, is this proof not enough ?

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Posted : Jan 31, 2010 14:51
Dear Arthur of this topic, Narcissistic personality disorder misfires in neuro-quantum tones in vibration aka codes... May also be bearing in ones posture, abandonment issues with projects of collective self-realization, the changing of life itself through the transformation of social relations, can properly be termed "politics."

"If You Always Think What You've Always Thought, You Will Always Feel What You've Always Felt"

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  212
Posted : Jan 31, 2010 21:00

On 2010-01-29 02:55, Buddha Monkey wrote:
if you want a spritual experiecne fuck LSD and truly take time out to search inside youself... LSD n' such shit just makes people ego fuelled tossers!

If yo really get down to it it actually often has the opposite effect of what every claims it does... itmake you walk aorund going "I'm so superior because i took some shitty chemical and spoke to a god, therefore I"m awesome!"

my lsd years were such a waste!

LOL... 1stly not everyone does not do lsd everyday or every month. Its a once in a while thing as someone said.

You can do LSD & still be 'spiritual'

And there are plenty of people out there who go saying they are 'spiritual' and are close minded fools.

Just learn to accept people as they are. I like exploring my mind with LSD as well as with meditation what do you have to say about that??

Are you sure your LSD days were a waste or was it the Pot??
Inactive User

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Posted : Feb 1, 2010 02:43
hang on... I will admit my response may have been somewhat aggressive and OTT... but i was talking about my own personal experiences, and it may seem hypocritical to soem but I do respect the influence of psy druqks on this scene and am thankful for that.

i aam sorry to those i upset and let's move on.           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 1, 2010 05:31
Psytrance is about psychedelic drugs in the same way that astronomy is about telescopes.
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Feb 1, 2010 12:29

On 2010-02-01 05:31, Shiranui wrote:
Psytrance is about psychedelic drugs in the same way that astronomy is about telescopes.

wrong           ...
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 1, 2010 13:12

On 2010-02-01 05:31, Shiranui wrote:
Psytrance is about psychedelic drugs in the same way that astronomy is about telescopes.

I think that is partly true in the sense that: you need to listen to psytrance once in your life under the influence of lsd/mushrooms and then you have the perspective/formula to decode it. Then you pretty much understand the flow/vibe of the music and really start to connect with it.           "Whoever said the best things in life are free... obviously grew their own bud"

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Posts :  212
Posted : Feb 1, 2010 13:24

On 2010-02-01 13:12, psy-junky wrote:

On 2010-02-01 05:31, Shiranui wrote:
Psytrance is about psychedelic drugs in the same way that astronomy is about telescopes.

I think that is partly true in the sense that: you need to listen to psytrance once in your life under the influence of lsd/mushrooms and then you have the perspective/formula to decode it. Then you pretty much understand the flow/vibe of the music and really start to connect with it.

Horrordelic Records

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Posted : Feb 1, 2010 15:05
+1 . It is connected..            3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -

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Posted : Feb 1, 2010 18:35
acid + nightpsy = works           -----------------------------------------------
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Feb 2, 2010 03:37

On 2010-01-27 19:11:53, PsychoViking wrote:

what do you people think?

i think dont listen much to 1000 bpm dark lol.. nothing wrong with good old 145-50 for more then enough power while have some quality content.
or try the old goa.. its making come back. i never stopped that actualy.. 1998-2002 is most active trance years on my player

Inactive User

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Posted : Feb 2, 2010 04:34
I think a good mix of trance is important and there is so much diversity in the "dark" scene as it is... form teh glitchy sounds of Highko & Cosmo etc. to the more earthy sounds of Dicovalley Records & The Nommos etc. as well as some just pure fun stuff like Mubali's last album & trippy stuff like Ocelot & for me the Moon Koradji releases... I find myself enjoying these styles alot because for me they contain a lot of stuff that really came to me from my goa days (I always liked the much darker & experimental stuff than straight up melodies & 303 lines)...

And yes I think that having tripped out to this music at leats once helps tofind a closer connection to the style, but in MY PERSONAL EXPERIE I have found that other than establishing this connectiong with this music, my time of mental stimulation trhough the use of hallucinogens actually prevented my learning & development in this world, and the exploration of other ways to enhance my being both physically & spiritually after that period has been so much more rewarding & has made me connect even more with the environment and with this music.

Wooah ok move along           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Feb 4, 2010 02:50

On 2010-02-01 13:12, psy-junky wrote:

On 2010-02-01 05:31, Shiranui wrote:
Psytrance is about psychedelic drugs in the same way that astronomy is about telescopes.

I think that is partly true in the sense that: you need to listen to psytrance once in your life under the influence of lsd/mushrooms and then you have the perspective/formula to decode it. Then you pretty much understand the flow/vibe of the music and really start to connect with it.

But then you would have to listen to other musical genres under influence as well, to see if you connect with them too.
IsraTrance Full Member
Started Topics :  116
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Posted : Feb 4, 2010 21:36
My main complaint with dark is that it so often lacks any sort of melodic component at all

it is possible to create a glitchy, twisted, freaky night track that still has melodic content, I've heard them!
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