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Loud - Some Kind Of Creativity (Drive Records @ Nov 06)

guy cohen
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 5, 2006 18:12
Hi All !

Loud project is release debut album - Some Kind Of Creativity - on their home label Drive Records. The names behind this project are Eitan Reiter & Kobi Toledano, both from Israel. After many successful releases on different compilations, they finally present the full uplifting album !!
The name of the album is gives a little clue about the music, so I hope you all ready to start the trip...

1. G-mini-click
The introduction of the first track is a psychedelic piano, which leads the track for some hallucinate places with mysterious atmosphere. The track is kind of tech-full on or something on this direction, this is not just a cheezy full on for sure. "G-mini-click" is developing smartly and gives us, the listeners, a tasty begining for the album.

2. Subinya
The second track is more groovy and danceable if you compare it to the first one. "Subinya" is a deep full on track with some strange vibes on the air..the track is not exploding on the beging, it is just built well gradually untill the bomb. All those effects around are add so much to the track's feeling by confuse the listener all the time.

3. Past progressive
Now Koby & Eitan show us their progressive steps . Be prepare people - this progy is not as usuall, this is a combination between shady progy with the deep full on. I don't know how they did it, but this guys just created a new fresh style following by elements from different types of music. "Past progressive" is full of madness moments like the up start from 04:30. Good work here.

4. Engine on
After heavy begining for this album, the fourth tune is more "open" and gentle. "Engine on" is actually a fine collection of soft beats with comfortable atmosphere. I really liked the female vocals, which turn the track for his softer side.

5. In rage
This specific track remind of the old & gold music of Cosma (RIP) with so much soul and emotions, so simple and enjoyalbe. All the definitions are useless in this case, lets call it just - MUSIC. "In rage" is not track with unforgettable brake or something like that, this is just a pure psychedelic tune with some serious influence on the brain...

6. Elastic mood
What a beautiful intro for this track...and the continuance even more finer. I'm look for words to explaing the readers what I'm hearing in the track, but can't do it. "Elastic mood" is track with big story beyond. The connection between all those tones is really impressive and addicted. The last three minutes are so fascinating...this is simply a delightful track !!!

7. Sun dance
Let the goove talk . Loud guys tried to return the old days, when the music was not begin with full power and keep that way all over the track...their music are bring a new message of true spirit & freedom and honest pleasure. If you want taste a goa-full on track, give a listening for "Sun dance" track.

8. 1 missed call
"1 missed call" is a funky track with some funny games and positive vibes. I did not connect immediately to this track like the tracks before, but after few listens I found it very nice one.

9. Long cut
Where the hell this track came from ?! the unclear stlye of Kobi & Eitan is just so colorful and varied, you can't expect the continuation, just suprise again and again. The kick here is flat and blurry, and all the events around force the listener to flow for unknown area..."noise with meaning" .

10. Wired
"Wired" is the track which leads this amazing trip for the end. Like the name, the music is not so clear...kind of freestlye tune of creative minds with strong dedire for more...too bad it ending we must back to the regular reality .

If you ask me, this album is a revolutionary. The speical music inside is defnitely not something we hear frequently, especially not from Israely artists. Loud are stand behind their promise to produce creativity materials with personal touch.

"Some Kind Of Creativity" album is available here :
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  52
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Posted : Dec 6, 2006 11:31
fantastic album!

Originality and talent at last!!!!

This is the best surprise of the year. Although I knew and appreciated Loud's tracks on VA's I was not prepared for such an album.

At least we can listen to something different and interesting. These guys are musicians with great ideas and are not ready to step in everyone's footsteps.

Enormous respect to LOUD for renewing our ears!!!!

le barde

Started Topics :  32
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Posted : Dec 6, 2006 14:37
good surprise yeah
big support to you guys.
hope to see you Kobi again in the future.

Started Topics :  24
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Posted : Dec 6, 2006 15:46
yes indeed agreat allbum! i really love at very diffrent style ! keep this up loud u did agreat job here!           PsyTrance The sound track of our life... (electro/minimal)
Shahar Indepth
Started Topics :  16
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Posted : Dec 6, 2006 18:12
i havent recieved my copy yet but i can tell you i have heard a LOT of LOUD's music , and i have no doubt these guys are by far the next thing in the trance world.....HUGE talent and huge tracks.

keep up the good work guys!


IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 7, 2006 09:50
Amazing album...enjoyed too hear this cd 200 times !!
for me Long Cut is best track of this cd,the moment 02:57 is fucking awsome
10/10 for this cd
and thnx for great rewiew guy cohen,respect           Dance is - As a matter of fact, socially admissible public analogue of the sexual act :)
guy cohen
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 7, 2006 18:08

On 2006-12-07 09:50, LigaLize wrote:

and thnx for great rewiew guy cohen,respect

Thank you friend for your kind words, it is really fun reading it.
And is an amazing album !
Crystal Sound

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  147
Posted : Dec 7, 2006 20:38
nice sounds , good luck with this one
and the best to Homsy & Gadi with the new label...           Working Non Stop !!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 8, 2006 16:57
indeed fresh and original music!!
wey to go guys!

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 8, 2006 18:06
Had a listen to the samples. I agree that this is very fresh, it seems to lack that dancefloor factor, I can not see the tracks really doing much at a party.

Mat N
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 8, 2006 20:41
Some Kind of Creativity is definitely a great release for the end of 2006. i had listened to some of their stuff before recieving the cd, and developed high expectations. the expectations were mostly fulfilled although i miss some of the power that characterizes War Zone (24/7) for instance (the album goes in a more melodic direction). some tracks work great on the dancefloor, some are better for car/home listening.
Clean production, varied melodies, Goa elements (with some old IM influences imo), and tracks that are slightly built, make this album a solid debut, interesting, and for sure one of the best israeli releases of 2006
favorites: 1, 2(!), 3(!), 6, 7, 9, 10.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 8, 2006 22:32

On 2006-12-08 20:41, Mat N wrote:

Clean production, varied melodies, Goa elements (with some old IM influences imo)

Totally agree, I felt exactly the same when I listened to it first time, and it's a huge compliment!           V/A Floating Mirror - OUT NOW - with Celles, Midimal, Electrypnose, Melodix, Troll Scientists, Yab Yum, Gaspard, Ajja, Cradle of Beats! Info on
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  20
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Posted : Dec 8, 2006 22:34
Nice Review! !!!!

For me the best album of 2006

the best surprise year !!

Labels like hommega, BNE, Phonokol etc ... atention with this project !!!

favorites: 2, 3, 6 (!), 7, (8) 9 (!!!)

PS- Please .... brings loud to brazil !!!
Yotam(Paganka C.)
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
Posts :  339
Posted : Dec 13, 2006 07:43
WoWoWoWoWowOwOwOwOwO !!!!!

What an album its AMAZING !!! i think its one of the best things that could happend in the psy scene, i dont remember when was the last time i enjoyed PSY full-on so much its defenetly brilliant i think thats excacly whats the full-on genere needed.
Its something fresh and new for sure brilliant sound work perfectly clean production with very good choise of sounds... my ears like it alot
I wanted to say LOUD im fucking PROUD way to go and keep this idea kickin' cause its fucking awesome, b00m on u !!!

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  40
Posted : Dec 13, 2006 15:05


          When the sun comes down little pepole cast a big shadow
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Loud - Some Kind Of Creativity (Drive Records @ Nov 06)

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