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Lost Theory or any other european festival

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  11
Posts :  2151
Posted : Apr 1, 2014 12:20:56
Hi baba ji's,

I might just make it to Lost Theory in croatia this year, although im open to other good options too.

What do you guys suggest ?
Anybody from India planning any european festival visit's this year ?

cheers           "Whoever said the best things in life are free... obviously grew their own bud"
Cosmic Tandav

Started Topics :  67
Posts :  1026
Posted : Apr 29, 2014 08:22
@psy junky ..
check out this one as well.. 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  11
Posts :  2151
Posted : Aug 15, 2014 12:18
My first european festival and what an awesome one it was, beautiful location/decor, awesome energy on the floor, croatian people very helpful and hospitable in general, had an amazing time.

Highlights for me were
Megalopsy - some really nice tunes with a slower bass lines in the middle
Ajja- seen him thrice still never get tired of his sound
Grapes of Wrath - A pleasant surprise really enjoyed his set, one of my new fav's.
Orestis, Atriohm vs. Encephalopaticys - Both these sets were amazing and really made me one with the music, highlights for me.
Farebi Jalebi - Excellent set ... good music
Psykvosky- Kinda agree with ATA, lot of standing no constant bass lines to dance to.
KDD, Procs, Yudhisthra, onkel donkel, vertical, zoolog, ocelot - Played really nice sets definitely worth mentioning
Highko - Played a really nice set with great flow and some very nice comic samples in his tracks.
hutti heita played a powerful set, really danced my ass off as the sun came up.
Loke vs freeform syndicate - This was my favorite set of the festival for me, pure forest vibe and sounds, reminded me of saikozaurus set i saw in nepal, maybe lot of sanaton tracks in this one.

Most of the mornings i would walk back to Gracac to get some rest as i dint have a tent in the festival. Amazing colors of the sun all over on the way back, the mountains all colorful with clouds melting into them and you could hear the festival bass in the back ground. You could hear the bass all the way till Gracac. A lucid walk ill remember for life.

Apart from the above amazing festival/location, great energy of the people and croatian people in general are very warm and welcoming. The decor and the alternative stages were very well done. The river by the festival was good to chill around if not on the floor. The Funktion 1 sound was massive and addictive, an experience in itself. There was enough choices of food to keep everybody satisfied. The rain made things harder but the trance dance spirit was barely affected. Could not attend the last night as i had to leave for HVAR early morning for touring croatia.

Already decided to make it next year in August. Big boom and thanks to the organizers/artists to keep the vibe alive and kicking.
          "Whoever said the best things in life are free... obviously grew their own bud"
Mad Purple State
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  39
Posts :  1468
Posted : Sep 21, 2014 11:58
Hey psy-junky...

It was my fav. festival too this year in Europe. The location with the River and open grassland was picture perfect.
Dancefloor was amazing... The best 6 days of my life. Except the rain on the last 2 days flooded my tent.

Gracas city was beautiful and people were all aware of the party and were very helpful!

Amazing music, flea market and food stalls.

Don't want to dwell into the artist details, but it is definately a festival to go to.

Next year is the 5 year anniversary and they are changing the location to the Velebit Mountains. Hope to see you there. It's followed by the Momento Demento party the week after. 14 days of Croatian Vibrations...           No great genius has ever existed without some touch of madness...
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  11
Posts :  2151
Posted : Sep 23, 2014 08:49
Actually the rain did play havoc, since i dint camp at the festival, that worked out as a blessing in disguise for me

Lot of dancers i met in the party were caught unaware, the rains flooded lot of tent's and many people got their whole bag pack including the clothes were wet. Lot of slippery mud on the way to the dance floor also.

Still gotta give it up to the vibes of the freaks they dint really let all this get in the way of the trance dance spirit.           "Whoever said the best things in life are free... obviously grew their own bud"
Trance Forum » » Forum  India - Lost Theory or any other european festival
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