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Lost it

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 4, 2010 16:37
Maybe she should make her dream come true and quit the band indeed.

In fact, that whole genre can go to hell...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 4, 2010 23:52
Vladimir,the russian dog who runned through the woods tasting the freedom of oneself choosing direction,lets celebrate that moment
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 5, 2010 00:37
You got it almost right!
Except he was not a dog but a hunted wolf. And Vladimir was not his name but the name of a poet that wrote about him. Indeed, let's celebrate that great man and his wolf.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 5, 2010 01:15

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 5, 2010 10:52
what the hell are you guys talking about it!

what has this 'lost it' thread become, anyway!

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 5, 2010 20:07
Yeah, I guess we lost the thread too.

I don't know what Fometrius' comment about the dog had to do with this discussion but it simply shocked me. It's like he heard a whisper from somewhere about this song (which, I assume, he had no way of knowing about) and relayed what he heard here - just got a couple of details wrong. I know it was a total OT, but it was just too amazing of a coincidence for me to not comment on it. Great song too, BTW.

Back to the topic: have you heard “Uni” yet?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 5, 2010 20:12
Just downloaded it and preparing a listening space. Can't wait.

Sorry if I sounded harsh there, I was actually laughing

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 5, 2010 20:26
No, you were right. That bejeweled white fox on ice gave me a big long wtf pause too.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 6, 2010 02:59

On 2010-10-22 10:42, TranceVisuals wrote:
Once I realised that I was often one of only a handful of people on "psychedelics" at "psychedelic parties" surrounded by a hordes of people popping dodgy pills and research chemicals, it changed the experience for me. I personally preferred psytrance to e/speed/ketamine/cocaine-trance.

agree 100%

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 6, 2010 03:32
Well, nobody (including the OP) took the "psychedelic straight edge" topic in the Music forum seriously for some reason, but IMHO it's worth considering. I believe there need not be any direct association between drug types and music genres. Sure, it's easier to tolerate (or maybe even enjoy) hard-core styles if you're on stimulants. But that's about it. What are these rules about what drugs are supposed to go with what music? Strange at best. By that logic rap fans are supposed to drink "Colt 45" out of a 40 OZ bottle and pop fans are supposed to consume nothing but wine coolers.

Correct me if I'm wrong - but doesn't "psy trance" mean music that is both entrancing and mind-expanding - rather than a brand of techo you listen to, while on acid?

Why is it that nobody serously considers totally drug-free psytrance experience?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 6, 2010 06:58
^ ^
Well psychedelics pretty much fueled the birth of the psy scene and inspired some of the most psychedelic tracks as well as some of the most mind bending art. So from the very start psychedelics have been part of the scene so why would you want to make it something else? The psychedelics have done good things for the music and there is a whole new universe waiting to be discovered, we were just scratching the surface. There is no denying that wheather its LSD or Ayahuasca psychedelics open a door that as far as total mind blowing expansion goes, it’s hard to top. It goes beyond just mindless fun. It can be a complete spiritual experience and something you will genuinely believe in.

Btw I haven’t taken any psychedelics for a long time. I do miss those trips to be honest, and I hope I can return to those realms someday but I took a lot and had to stop, it was getting too crazy and the lines between so called reality and so called fantasy were getting a bit blurry. The thing is those realms are kind of unmapped terrain in many ways. It’s like a secret world that has been suppresed and that we are so completely alienated from that you can loose sense of reality and so its best to do it with caution and a humble heart.

But hey ofcourse the true escence and meaning of the psychedelic experience is beyond just psychedelic drugs. It’s more like a spiritual thing and whatever magic we can see with psychedelics is in us already. But few people make an effort to really reach deep inside their souls to connect with that pure frequency. It’s just hard because we are all trapped in our mind, in our culture, and its so hard to detach from it. Which is why psychedelics can be useful because they can quickly push you out of that boxed culture frame and let you peak out of the grid. Its like a telescope

And not all drugs are the same. The mindset behind wanting to get high on cocaine is very different from the mindset of somebody who wants to try psychedelics.

I was actually already on a psy trail before I got into psy trance. I was searching for nature, for spirituality, looking for the secret, the magic and experimenting with psychedelics. When I heard the GOA music it clicked deeply, it felt so real and so fresh. In combination with the psychedelics the music brought about profound psychedelic experiences that were incredible. The music was telling the story and it was all one single experience.

Not necessarily stoned... but beautiful.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 6, 2010 10:47
im sorry i havent read all the posts - some are just too long for me - ive been trying to read this thread since it came up...

but what i can really say is:

i thought several times in the past 2 years that ive lost it with trance as well, but then discovered the smaller parties, in which (surprisingly or not) goa trance is played in... the reaction of the crowd, the vibe that people create, the smiles that are apparent on the vast majority of the people attending, the chats ive had with random people and most of all the general feel i got from these parties absolutely restored my faith in trance

im lucky to have so many parties to choose from and to spot those that fit my taste (thats what you get for living in israel...) - i really urge some of you to come here and see what the parties i go to here are like... from what ive seen written here so far im sure you will regain your trust in trance

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 6, 2010 13:23
I did not mean “stop taking psychedelics”. I meant “stop this seemingly 100% association between psy trance and psychedelics”. One can exist without the other. As for the mind-expanding, other-realms-exploring mission: music and drugs are both tools in this process and don’t have to be used together. Much like one does not have to smoke a joint to listen to reggae, one does not have to take acid to listen to psytrance (or produce it). And if the only way to enjoy some music is to take coke or amphetamines – maybe that music is just crap to begin with.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 7, 2010 20:50

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 7, 2010 23:56

it seems this topic suddenly has lost a couple of replies...           "no one ever sweats on a plug-in" -moby
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