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Lost it

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 3, 2010 02:26

On 2010-11-02 23:49, willsanquil wrote:

The more I go to parties and the more I get into production the more I realize that taking it too seriously will significantly impact your fun and push you into snobbery zone - so much so that you might end up not going to parties at all because they don't fit your super idealistic view of what parties should be or what the music should be - and that is completely your loss.

That’s why I cherish humor and playfulness in tracks that have them. Suomi and forest darkpsy are like magic fresh fountains of “whatever goes”, lighter-side-of-life psychedelia. cinderVOMIT’s “black hole surfing music” (a delightfully strange brand of darkpsy that is not dark at all) is another example. There is a lot to be said for a smiling face and dancing feet. Especially if whatever has this effect on you can still take your mind to far-away places.

As for the big cosmic orgasm of 2012 or world peace or just free joints and abundant magic mushrooms – whatever it is, that universal Utopia you hoped to achieve through psytrancing – it’s not all lost. You can still achieve all those things – one person at a time. Starting with yourself. Maybe not on the world scale – but in your circle of friends or your local psy tribe. Or in this Forum.
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Posted : Nov 3, 2010 02:46
Just going a bit of what ^^ said, I think that I always found my taste in music from this scene at home is very different to a gig experience.

I have always enjoyed the music at parties, indoor & outdoor, simply because it's a magical experience. I never spend my time at the gig wondering if he is a press play live or whatever, I just enjoy the happy vibe and loud tunes.

At home though I am super fussy over what's in my music collection, and a major psy snob much to the irritation of my friends.

I think at gigs you just have to let go and ride the experience, and mostly remember someone/some people have invested a lot of their time and money into putting said gig on so that alone should encourage you to enjoy yourself to the fullest.

I think my first psy gig in 3 years is happening next January when Shpongle live are performing in my hometown in Australia

          I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!

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Posted : Nov 3, 2010 06:29
i have 4 years without a rave, but psytrance is always present in my life.

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Posted : Nov 3, 2010 14:17

On 2010-11-02 23:49, willsanquil wrote:

I may be entirely wrong.......

You probably are, especially as most of what you write seems to be conjecture based on some random thoughts.

An analysis of "stuff" would likely inform you, that "things" aren't "this or that", what is regarded as "dualistic" thinking by Buddhists, or "the fallacy of Aristoleian philosophy" by Korzybski.

It really doesn't seem as sombunal people say, "it's all about the music". There a whole lot more out there to explore imho.

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 3, 2010 14:41
Fascinating topic!

For me its like this:

I have lost the continuous partying and urge to go crazy, but I have kept the big events two or three times a year, preferably in the summer (OZORA!!!)

I have lost touch with most of what is considered modern psytrance, but I have kept the old classics and the fondness for anything trance. However, what I consider trance nowadays is totally different than what the 18 year-old me considered trance. I hardly listen to anything over 125 BPM these days, but if someone asks me what my favorite music is I will always say trance. Because I believe the new Seb Mullaert mix CD 1 for example is one million times more trancey than "psytrance", even though it clocks in around 118 BPM.

I have not lost any idealism, because I never had any. I have always been a cynical bastard who just happened to like this particular kind of music and who even more loved to take illegal substances while listening to this music.

And I have also not lost my fondness for taking these illegal drugs, but I just do it a lot less frequently and I do different drugs, because I have more money now and can afford the better ones, hehehe

That beind said, no one can take my record collection away from me and I see myself sitting in a rocking chair at age 99 listening to Union Jack while being infused with the finest morphium the pharma industry has to offer to an old man
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Posted : Nov 3, 2010 18:02
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 3, 2010 18:32

On 2010-11-03 14:17, TranceVisuals wrote:

On 2010-11-02 23:49, willsanquil wrote:

I may be entirely wrong.......

You probably are, especially as most of what you write seems to be conjecture based on some random thoughts.

An analysis of "stuff" would likely inform you, that "things" aren't "this or that", what is regarded as "dualistic" thinking by Buddhists, or "the fallacy of Aristoleian philosophy" by Korzybski.

It really doesn't seem as sombunal people say, "it's all about the music". There a whole lot more out there to explore imho.

My random thoughts are just as valid or invalid as your random name dropping of philosophers or trying to use the word 'sombunal' in a sentence...I guarantee you that 95% of the people who read that post will not understand anything that you are trying to convey at all.

My posts are simply what I think based on my experiences, nothing more nothing less....hopefully they are worded in ways that make SOME sort of sense though            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 3, 2010 18:59

On 2010-11-03 02:26, Maine Coon wrote:

On 2010-11-02 23:49, willsanquil wrote:

The more I go to parties and the more I get into production the more I realize that taking it too seriously will significantly impact your fun and push you into snobbery zone - so much so that you might end up not going to parties at all because they don't fit your super idealistic view of what parties should be or what the music should be - and that is completely your loss.

That’s why I cherish humor and playfulness in tracks that have them. Suomi and forest darkpsy are like magic fresh fountains of “whatever goes”, lighter-side-of-life psychedelia.

+2           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.

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Posted : Nov 3, 2010 19:04

On 2010-11-03 18:32, willsanquil wrote:

My random thoughts are just as valid or invalid as your random name dropping of philosophers or trying to use the word 'sombunal' in a sentence...

Your thoughts might be vaid to you, to me they sound like the utterances of an under-educated mind.
By the way it wasn't "random" name dropping either.
And I quite successfully, operationally, used the word "sombunal", no "trying" was involved.

I was trying to point out, that your "conjecture" on other people's behaviour was mostly likely to be "inaccurate". Especially as it was just random musings, but you nicely present it "as fact". Don't suppose you work for "Fox News" by any chance.

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 3, 2010 19:08
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Nov 3, 2010 19:29

On 2010-10-27 20:43, willsanquil wrote:

YOUR intentions when you go to a party are just as important as the music, the poeple, the drugs.

I'm always going to dance and have fun. It does not always work, but it works much better like this. Some of the people I know, seem like they come to a party to find out what is not going to work. It's the music, it's the sound, it's the venue, it's the people, etc. etc. I come to dance and have a party- a real party with all that means to me. And I try to keep my mind open for the new experiences that might come along, whatever they might turn out to be and forget about formulas and conceptions of how things should be.

Oh, and don't stop dancing, even if not everything goes well for you. If you go on dancing things work out finally most of the time. That's my 20 years of partying experience.           ---------------------------------------------
"Be the change you want to see in the world!"
M.K. Gandhi

"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."
Aldous Huxley

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 3, 2010 19:45

Your thoughts might be vaid to you, to me they sound like the utterances of an under-educated mind.
By the way it wasn't "random" name dropping either.
And I quite successfully, operationally, used the word "sombunal", no "trying" was involved.

I was trying to point out, that your "conjecture" on other people's behaviour was mostly likely to be "inaccurate". Especially as it was just random musings, but you nicely present it "as fact". Don't suppose you work for "Fox News" by any chance.

Are you serious right now dude? I am trying really hard not to get into a flame war as Isratrance has enough nonsensical garbage posts on it already, but you seem to be intentionally trying to aggravate me...and for what reason?

I don't think I have ever presented any of my opinions on ANYTHING as fact - they are just my opinions, as I've said countless times before. You should be intelligent enough to recognize opinions as opinions without me needing to put a disclaimer on everything I post.

Please, quote me where I was stating "the facts" about what is and what is not true in this world, I would be glad to eat my words.

Or just drop some more obscure philosophy terms and insult people who are trying to contribute to discussion, that always seems to work well.

edit - Thank you shahar for that nice post more dancing less flaming!
           If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 3, 2010 20:15
Flame is fine - as long as it comes out of your poi.

TranceVisuals, you should team up with Eckhart Tolle. He is also very good at throwing pseudointellectual jokes and then chuckling at them, while his wide-eyed fans wait for his next piece of wisdom. That's how he managed to stretch 15 minutes worth of speech (and 2 minutes worth of actual content) into 2 hours of “Entering the Now” “workshop”.

@Fometrius: I wonder what Austrian school of economics has to do with all this...
Inactive User

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Posted : Nov 3, 2010 20:32
how on earth did you know who that old man is , wtf

btw , spelt it wrong , heres what google search threw up


A term meaning 'Some but not all', as defined by Robert Anton Wilson in his book Quantum Psychology

Sombunall Christians are pig-headed bible thumpers.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 3, 2010 20:34
If something is lost,and one misses or yearns after it,then find it

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