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Lost it

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 29, 2010 19:17
There is no slyle of music which can replace Trance For me. so I'm into Trance, till the end of me or of its.
          -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 29, 2010 19:38
^ Doesn't need to be replaced, but can be added to

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 29, 2010 20:17

And this argument can be furthered both in its depth and its width.

In width: it’s not only music styles that can be added to psytrance (which is pretty evident from the wide variety of topics on IsraTrance). Your new hobbies and even turns in your family life and career may be complementary to your experiences “back in the day”. And these new choices don’t have to move you away from this music, but may actually renew your interest in it. It’s all just an endless bootstrapping routine, constantly unfolding itself. Some people call it self-improvement, others call it personal growth. I just call it life.

As for the depth, psytrance is so diverse and constantly evolving that you can discover new kinds of it every day. I understand your complaints that music at the parties became stale. Maybe it’s true. But it’s like judging jazz by what you hear on “smooth jazz” commercial radio. That is not where all the innovation is brewing! If the style you liked 15 years ago is no longer produced, there are 20 other styles (and not only Suomi ) that are.

You say you don’t like darkpsy but like Suomi: check out “Cycle of Secrets” on Ektoplazm – it’s “Suomi darkspy” or “dark Suomi” or whatever and it’s great! Check out “Del Bosque” – crazy Suomi-ish music with some Hispanic flavor. And this is just the beginning! There is so much innovation, genre “crystallization” and cross-breeding going on that nobody knows where it all will take us in a year or two, let alone another 10-15 years. And most of it can be discovered right now, for free and in the comfort of your computer chair. You may have gotten sick of psytrance of 2005 – but you may still fall in love with psytrance of 2010.

We drown ourselves in endless sub-genre arguments and miss new music that is either outside or on the borderlines of genre definitions. Every darkpsy discussion here inevitably brings up “Tanetsveta” by Psykovsky as an example of interesting and melodic darkpsy. I checked it out: it is interesting, it is melodic, it is innovative. But it’s not darkpsy! Most of it is not even trance at all. It’s some kind of psychedelic electronic music, which may spawn its own genre one day. And because you hear darkpsy fans praising it (in darkpsy threads), people who are allergic to darkpsy will never even check it out.
And whose loss is that?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 29, 2010 21:27
^ very good points there MC.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 31, 2010 04:02
Here's a good comparison to how I feel about it. With every release of a fake psytrance track, psytrance is getting one step closer to Lady Gaga.

And for every fake psytrance track played at a party, there's one more fake psytrance kook at a party. Do I want to be at that party?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 1, 2010 13:26
Im kinda sad to see that for so many people, to find something new they first need to loose something old....  
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 1, 2010 23:38
Speaking about old vs. new…
Sometimes you can get the best of both worlds.

I just checked out Etnoscope’s “Way Over Deadline” (on Ektoplazm, of course ) – and it’s great. But what’s interesting about it is that it blends styles in many different ways. Often you hear along with trance elements a mix of rock and disco that is vaguely reminiscent of the early ‘80s (and Alan Parson’s Project in particular). It’s all new and fresh, and yet it strikes that nostalgic string with this “young senior”.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 2, 2010 01:16

On 2010-11-01 13:26, Ellon wrote:
Im kinda sad to see that for so many people, to find something new they first need to loose something old....

Maybe it's actually building on the old, not losing something old, so not so sad when seen that way.
I still go back and listen to the roots of my music journey as a great way to reconnect with what moves me and guide me to the next.

That Etnoscope sounds interesting. I'll have to check that out.

IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Nov 2, 2010 02:16
ektoplazm forum...
Inactive User

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Posted : Nov 2, 2010 21:18

On 2010-10-28 16:51, Spasm wrote:

On 2010-10-28 08:45, mk47 wrote:
but its still the same thing

you see, for me this is exactly the problem ....but that's just me

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 2, 2010 21:37
When i find something that touches my soul then im never going to loose it...may it be psy-trance, chopin, a friend or lover, modigliani or will be with me forever...maybe not always present but always with me!!!! I got a hard disk big enough  

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Posted : Nov 2, 2010 22:50

On 2010-11-02 21:18, mk47 wrote:

On 2010-10-28 16:51, Spasm wrote:

On 2010-10-28 08:45, mk47 wrote:
but its still the same thing

you see, for me this is exactly the problem ....but that's just me


you find it hard to undertand? Well i'll do my best to explain it to you.
My psychedelic mind is very demanding, and gets bored quickly.
Specially with music, and even more with copy/paste patterns ideas, effetcs, sounds, and rythms,
I know its not the music's or the scene or whatever fault, but i need to be constantly defied with new rythms, feelings, patterns, schemes, ideias, intentions, since i was a little kid.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 2, 2010 23:49
I have a question for people who say they have 'lost it' - are you dancers? Do you like talking to and meeting new people?

I just got back from Psychedelic Freak Show in southern california...about as 'commercial' a psy lineup as you're going to get (Nano, Spun records artists...) and while it may not have been the most psychedelic music I have ever heard in my life, I'll be damned if it wasn't fun as hell to dance to...especially with tons of really energetic happy people on the floor constantly...and I met so many awesome people. Even if the music completely sucked it would have been worth it *just for the people*

It made me really think about psytrance and psytrance parties in general, and why I go to psy parties...and I have discovered that it is NOT for spiritual enlightenment, or to pry open my third eye, or to be thrown into another dimension by transcendental music.

Don't get me wrong, if that happens...bonus! but mostly I'm going to dance around, have some fun, and meet some crazy people who I can have interesting experiences and conversations with - regardless of how much you do or do not like the music, the people and the community vibe are incredibly powerful and that more than anything keeps me coming back year after year even if the music has a bit less of a psychedelic effect each year due to me being increasingly familiar with it.

I may be entirely wrong, but it seems as if a lot of people who have 'lost it' are stuck on the concept of psytrance being some magical mystery music that will save the world and enlighten the masses - and if the music being played does not entirely accomplish this then it has failed...I know that's how I felt the first couple years in the scene.

Those first couple acid trips when I first discovered psy festivals will always remain for me as life altering experiences...but those times are for the most part gone for me as I become more familiar with the sounds and patterns and styles. However, the relationships and experiences with other people remain as potent as ever, and you get better at dancing/stomping every year

The more I go to parties and the more I get into production the more I realize that taking it too seriously will significantly impact your fun and push you into snobbery zone - so much so that you might end up not going to parties at all because they don't fit your super idealisistic view of what parties should be or what the music should be - and that is completely your loss.

If you want a true psychedelic experience, do a couple hundred milligrams of DMT alone in your room and go to machine elf land.

and if you are so bored with the rythms, patterns and whatnot...create your own music! It's fucking fun!

People take psy too seriously for how long it has been around. Dance more, complain less.            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  103
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Posted : Nov 2, 2010 23:59
Glad you had a good time. Psytribe's Freakshows have always been a blast, regardless the lineup.
Wish I could have been there with my brothers.

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  93
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Posted : Nov 3, 2010 00:07
Dude, that funktion one system. holy shit. standing directly in the well of that speaker is like being imbued with pure fucking energy when you're altered.

plus I got a hug from tristan, and got to meet laughing buddha, and boomslang...and sentient...and willy electronarcosis...and got to learn how to do flying yoga....! made my fucking year ^_^

..but i missed aerosis' set AGAIN! god damnit...the people I hang out with need to do less acid so that I don't have to bring them back to earth so early in the night
           If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
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