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Lost it

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 26, 2010 22:50

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 27, 2010 00:31

On 2010-10-26 22:50, Fometrius wrote:

Scary stuff. Now I understand what "10000 Maniacs" really means...

Anyway, I'd like to suggest something to everybody who "lost it":
head over to Ektoplazm and start clicking around! You'll find plenty of good stuff there. And it's free. And there are no kids on amphetamines there to annoy you. Total win all around!

P.S. I'd suggest starting with "Evsylocybine" by EvsY and "Alternative Energysource" by Highpersonic Whomen - those two will likely make you come back for more.

P.P.S. I am assuming you've heard Disco Hooligans' "Darjeeling Express" already.

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Posted : Oct 27, 2010 04:42
@TranceVisuals you win for advertising, im ordering it now!

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 27, 2010 06:34
To me it’s much less about the genre. It’s much more about the vibe, the energy, the openess, the soul searching and genuine love expressed.

I actually find more connection between some of the deep psychedelic 60s tracks from bands like pink floyd and some of the GOA tracks I really like than a lot of the stuff labeled as“psy trance” coming out these days. I know there is good stuff as well but my point is I rather listen to house music, techno or even rock or world music, hey even some freak banging drums on mushrooms will be better just as long as it has that spiritual psychedelic connection that wants to express real love and no bullshit.

Total soul sacrifice for the real shit.

That’s what I want and just as long I can hear that tune I will never feel like I lost it. Think of the big picture. And I don’t care what you call it either. Just bring it!

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 27, 2010 13:23
Aluxe - Thats a great Jam! wow! high energy stuff

And i do agree with this:

"It’s much more about the vibe, the energy, the openess, the soul searching and genuine love expressed. "
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 27, 2010 14:05

On 2010-10-27 00:31, Maine Coon wrote:

P.S. I'd suggest starting with "Evsylocybine" by EvsY and "Alternative Energysource" by Highpersonic Whomen - those two will likely make you come back for more.

P.P.S. I am assuming you've heard Disco Hooligans' "Darjeeling Express" already.

Topic Nailed!           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 27, 2010 18:44

On 2010-10-27 14:05, Dogon wrote:

On 2010-10-27 00:31, Maine Coon wrote:

P.S. I'd suggest starting with "Evsylocybine" by EvsY and "Alternative Energysource" by Highpersonic Whomen - those two will likely make you come back for more.

P.P.S. I am assuming you've heard Disco Hooligans' "Darjeeling Express" already.

Topic Nailed!

Dont forget both ekoplex albums, subconciuos mind and the one etnoscope just realesed           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 27, 2010 20:43
zomg the new etnoscope is so fucking awesome - a little over the top cheesy at times with the female vocals but overall just a banging album, I've listened to it at least 5x already...really makes the work day fly

Disco Hooligans, Artha, Terrafractyl (+ Hypnagog +Mental Extensions) , Ekoplex, Anakoluth, N.A.S.A, Hedonix, Slackbaba and a bunch of others that I'm hard-pressed to remember at work are just a very small set of examples of acts that are breathing fresh life into Psy and the electronic dance scene, incorporating past influences and forging new sonic territory - their intention is pure and chock full of trancey mind-blowing goodness - free of copy paste and the obsession with money and mainstream that has plagued some of the scene's earlycomers (cough cough IM)

There is so much good music being released these days - in all of the various styles and tempos of music that potentially place themselves under the 'psy' mantle. Sure, there is a lot of junk, but that has always been the case in every music genre that has ever existed - its just that since music is cheaper to produce more people have access to the tools - psytrance is folk music these days folks, anyone with a computer and the desire can make cool shit.

Just as importantly, there are still great parties being thrown...and I'm not talking about the gigantic festivals like Boom or Azora, I'm talking about the underground backbone of the Psychedelic community - those 25-50 people gatherings in the woods or the desert or the what have you - the parties usually thrown at loss or just barely breaking even by people who aren't there for the drugs or the ego, but are there for the trance-dance and the community building - at least, there have been those parties where I have lived, but I spend a lot of time finding out who throws them and I don't mind driving 5-18 hours at times to get there.

If I went to a party and it was full of kiddy ravers and coke heads...then I would leave, and stop going to parties thrown by those people. I can only speak for the east and west coasts of the US, but there are dedicated amazing wonderful people who throw parties for the right reasons.

This whole attitude of 'oh, the parties I used to go to were sooo much better, and the music was sooo much better' is just YOU - The first psy festival I went to was Gaian Mind on the east coast back in the summer of 2003, and it was probably the most epic festival I have been to - but that does not mean that I go to each new party directly comparing the two and getting depressed if my new experience isn't the same.

YOUR intentions when you go to a party are just as important as the music, the poeple, the drugs.

Oh, and on the note of getting back to that 'vibe' after some good smoke - it is totally possible to re-open those doors that you have walked through before. I don't think DH or any rational human being would say that oh yeah, I can totally trip face just like a 10 strip by puffing on a good chillum, but contact highs are infectious and I've had plenty of experiences on the dance floor that are very intense where I've been under the influence of herb alone. I personally am still very enamored of my relationship with hoffman's child and will continue to explore it in depth, but I look forward (sort of ) to the time in my life where I won't need drugs to get there.

Apologies for the TLDR rant, but these topics really incite a powerful reaction in me as I think they're worse than pointless. What good does coming on here and complaining about your lack of enthusiasm do? Better off to just keep your mouth shut imo.            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe

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Posted : Oct 28, 2010 08:23

What good does coming on here and complaining about your lack of enthusiasm do? Better off to just keep your mouth shut imo.

Imho, what a seemingly "reactionary" comment.
We all have a right to express ourselves, and our thoughts and opinions. How else do we expect things to change, cause I can tell you, "shutting the fuck up, and not saying anything hasn't worked" in my opinion. It also seems to be an opinion shared by a few people for one reason or another, at various times.
Sitting there staring at one's navel isn't going to make things better, nor in my experience is running around like a headless chicken. However engaging, talking, and discussing, and gathering experiences, ideas, and opinions, seems to be a damn excellent way to start the process of making things better.
Close-minded people seem to try and stifle debate, and hold onto their reality-tunnel, whilst open-minded people try and understand alternative points of view and experience, imho.

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Inactive User

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Posted : Oct 28, 2010 08:45
is a personal shelf life thing man, or maybe an age thing , you have to accept though .. that a lot of people today are having the same "spiritual life changing" experiences that you had all those years ago and , a lot of old timers are still at it.. music changed a bit , but its still the same thing .. just got boring for some personally , but its not alll rubbish for sure , many good musics and parties .. if that's still your thing

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Posted : Oct 28, 2010 16:51

On 2010-10-28 08:45, mk47 wrote:
but its still the same thing

you see, for me this is exactly the problem ....but that's just me
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 28, 2010 18:59
never really lost it, but had it tucked away for a good many years. those early years with the non stop psytrance are over for sure. there were times when it all revolved around the music. now its just a small but valuable part of other genres.
been so long since ive followed the music, every artist i hear of now is new to me.
but keep uptodate with the latest sound at the odd party and i must say, ive been liking what i hear.
lost it? naaa...far from it.
          ~what lies before us and what lies beyond us is tiny as compared to what lies within us~
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 29, 2010 00:17

On 2010-10-28 08:23, TranceVisuals wrote:

Imho, what a seemingly "reactionary" comment.
We all have a right to express ourselves, and our thoughts and opinions. How else do we expect things to change, cause I can tell you, "shutting the fuck up, and not saying anything hasn't worked" in my opinion. It also seems to be an opinion shared by a few people for one reason or another, at various times.
Sitting there staring at one's navel isn't going to make things better, nor in my experience is running around like a headless chicken. However engaging, talking, and discussing, and gathering experiences, ideas, and opinions, seems to be a damn excellent way to start the process of making things better.
Close-minded people seem to try and stifle debate, and hold onto their reality-tunnel, whilst open-minded people try and understand alternative points of view and experience, imho.

With all due respect, I think you are reacting solely to the *very last* thing that I said, and are completely missing the point of 99% of my post.

Discussion and debate is vital to any community that wants to change and evolve over time. A lot of the posts in this thread and others like it, however, are to my ears nothing but meaningless complaints without anything positive or forward-thinking behind them - just because you have an opinion doesn't mean that you have an imperative to express it.

Again - what good does coming onto a forum and saying 'I don't feel the music anymore guys, is anyone with me?' do?

Sure, you may find people that agree with you, but does that in and of itself mean that the conversation is worthwhile?

It would be one thing if you were to come on here and say, hey, most of the music being released these days sucks for x, y, z reason but here are some artists that are really doing it right - all you new producers should look up to these guys instead of trying to copy that astrix lead/bassline for the billionth time over - there is SO MUCH GOOD MUSIC being released lately, but if you've lost the love of the search and are convinced that everything is copy paste then I feel sorry for you.

There are plenty of ways to actually contribute to the trance discussion without whining. One of the best imo is if you are dissatisfied with the music being more picky, or make your own!

For instance, I've heard Mubali say on this forum that he was DJing for a couple of years but then was kind of complaining about how the music he was playing wasn't really resonating with him as much as it could be...and that was one of the things that acted as a catalyst for him starting his own production - and now instead of hearing him whine on the forum he's gifting people with great dancefloor experiences.

So yes, by all means complain and discuss and argue and all that good stuff - but do it with intention and purpose and not just because you're a grumpy old jaded fuck who doesn't like to dance anymore after going to that uber epic party back in 'the day' (not pointed at anyone in particular!! jokes!!)
           If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe

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Posted : Oct 29, 2010 18:23
I am not jaded, just blue in the face from exacerbation (or is that masturbation).

Also take a look at my sig, for "shit" I have been contributing to the "scene" for over the last ten years full-time (well until recently when I went on "sabbatical" to become a fulltime dad). Not all of us, however are quite so tunnel-visioned about "solely" doing music, afterall we have a whole plethora of other sensory information as well to experience and play with.

As I have always tried to say, its not imho about making the music better, but raising the consciousness of all the other aspects and facets of our lives and parties to the same "rarified level".

I think that you "hit the nail of the head", with your seemingly myopic focus on the MUSIC repeatedly.

Psytrance "LOST IT" when it became just ANOTHER GENRE OF MUSIC (imho).

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 29, 2010 18:52
I know I love it as passionately as I bitch about it.

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