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Lost it

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 23, 2010 08:32
Could be the majority of the music sucks, so the people that go to parties with this shitty music suck too.

Could be.

I don't give a fck about shit I don't give a fck about. I obviously care about something on this forum or I wouldn't come here and share with people I know I can relate to, and that relate to me.
If you don't like that I don't like your music too bad.
There's at least three people on this forum I respect and enjoy their music and that's enough for me to be on here.
Besides that, the stupid music of today doesn't negate all the good music that's been made under the psytrance banner, and I applaud those that still persevere under it and do their own thing despite all the stupid trends and cliche shit most producers use to push out their crap. Idiots on the dance floor cheering for this shit perpetuate it and that's why I don't go to parties anymore.
Like I said before; I haven't lost it. It's lost me.

Get back on track and stop faking it. And if you don't know, go and live a life and come back when you have something more to share.

IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Oct 23, 2010 09:21

On 2010-10-23 00:22, Spasm wrote:
Found House 1991, lost it
found tribal techno 1993 lost it
found goa/psychedelic trance 1995 lost it
found progressive 2001, got bored lost it
found minimal trance 2004, lost it
found prog house 2006, lost it
found techno and minimal 2007 lost it
found prog techno 2008 .. aaa lost it
found tech/house 2009... kinda bored
found deep techno and House again .... still enjoying

forgot to mention, there's some deep progressive thast's been growing on me lately


That's the spirit.
For me it's all trance, and I still love it and still find good stuff to listen to (having DJ friends helps save time, also reviews here in the forum, even though they have become rare). Of course the presence of it in my life changes from time to time, along the 20 years I've been into this. But it's always there. Sorry, nothing can beat a good party. And I'm not worried they'll stop happening. I know enough people that if they can't find one will make one.

Going to party later today. Madness on the beach
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Aldous Huxley

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 23, 2010 14:29
Please excuse the bitterness of my last post.
Came home after too many beers and a bad attitude.

IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Oct 23, 2010 19:37
^^ no worries           ...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 24, 2010 11:37
I am far away from losing it,instead i am "embracing" it ,or something like that,i enjoy this music very much. A recipe to not get tired of it is at least for me to be openminded when it comes to genres,i enjoy almost every fruit that the electronic table offers.Everything from goa to twilight stuff,soothing ambient to nice progressive , etc.I like everything as long as it is good and "talks" to me.What i dont like though is when it feels like a copy and something i already heard a million times before.

Luckily,the evolution is going on all the time,always something new and some new way of making sounds turns up.

Also,to listen to other music stuff can be good or to take some breaks from music listening,in other words not electronic music,although myself i mostly listens to it,i just dont get the same emotion and feeling by other stuff,but from time to time i listen to some other kind of music.But for me ,nothing can beat this.

Much other stuff feels like roads already being used,the same concept again and again,a voice,guitar some piano ,drums etc.Feels kinda boring.

For me it is like a painting,most of the "mainstream" music and older stuff is the same colours again and again,they all look (sound) the same,with electronic music there is almost an endless amount of colours,so then the painting gets more complex and can express more.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 26, 2010 06:57
Lost it? Hey I was on a psy trail before I got into psy trance. I was searching for nature, for art, for spirtuality, for psychedelic experiences and love before trance. Those GOA tracks back in the days resonated deeply with me because the music was an expression of many of the the things I was searching for already, the music told the story. But overall the dream remains the same and I still believe in all those things I was searching for back then. You see when you believe in something you don’t just drop it because the trends change or because the world looses interest in it. The times change but the journey continues and what we have to remember is to not forget to listen to our hearts. Like really listen with spiritual ears so we hear the most subtle message, its a feeling connection, a heart connection. That’s the real psy dance. Searching for the true meaning of what makes us free and real. Always genuine with heart and soul. It can’t be bought or sold. That’s where the good drum beats. Always fresh, always present and awake. With CONSCIOUSNESS. YEAH!!!! That’s a good bass drum to start the song. That’s where the magic is and though its easy to loose that path because of how our modern culture is programmed you can always decide to make a counscious choice to follow the heart. As long as we are connected the music will not let us down. Just don’t abandon the dream because otherwise the nostalgia will never leave you. Remember what it was all about, and listen to those feelings. Belive and nourish the dream even if others loose the faith! Its about what is really in your heart.

Listen closlely and follow that precious psy trail. It was always about love!


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Posted : Oct 26, 2010 08:11
^^^^Paragraphs are fun!
Inactive User

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Posted : Oct 26, 2010 08:20
I'm old and like my comforts, I find it too much effort to go camping just to listen to some damn hippy music

Also, other than a few classic albums & compilations most of the real 4/4 sound over the years is just IMHO mediocre.

I think the reason I like a lot of the chillout & ambient is that more time seems to be spent crafting something special.
          I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!

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Posted : Oct 26, 2010 18:51

its kinda always going to be what you ((or your lethargy i suppose)) makes it

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Posted : Oct 26, 2010 18:55

On 2010-10-26 18:51, moondoggy wrote:

its kinda always going to be what you ((or your lethargy i suppose)) makes it

I am reading this at the moment..

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 26, 2010 20:06
Off topic: I dont get why people puts e on the same boat as coke.

on topic: Yes i lost it too, I keep going to one or two parties each year for the vibe.

I listen a lot of psy still, but Its hard to find parties with the psy I like.

And I keep posting and aguing cause i still love psytrance and many things related to it. I think many of us have a very strong emotional attachment to the scene and this forums keeps being the best way to be part of it.           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 26, 2010 20:27
loose it then find it
loose it again find some more
loose some more gain a lot
lost is not lost its only misplaced
just relocate
everything is there
just rearrange
too many blocks
too much structure
not enough space to flow
hence when you loose it
you dont like it
          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 26, 2010 21:46
I'm not the most active member of this forum, but I've been visiting this forum for a lot longer than I've been posting on it, and do occasionally log-on to add comments, etc.

It's really funny for me to find this topic on here, because I've been contemplating the same things. I found Psytrance around 1999 - 2000. 'Around', because the music was a by-product of a point of view, and a way of life. It wasn't a specific point of awakening, but a gradual interaction with everything that was a part of my life at the time. It wasn't 'about drugs', it was about like-minded people who shared similar ideas....... sure, inner-space was a heavily explored territory....... but it's also the same with many other styles of music.

The people attracted to a particular type of music can share the same attitudes, the same questions, and the same tools used in their search for a deeper understanding of things.

When I really 'got into' Psytrance, it was called Psytrance. Goa was kind of like the slightly older version of what it had become, but Full-on was not totally present yet. Parties were more a collective mindset at the time, at least for the group of people I tended to move in. No one judged anyone for what they did or didn't do, and you never heard anyone talking about the drug/music relationship, and if it's good or bad. That was lost a few years after that, and I started to notice more people posting on places like this forum, making comments about such things. Well, 'Psytrance' is infact 'Psychedelic Trance'. I'm not telling people what they should or should not do....... but I gained a lot of insight into my life, and how I respond to people based on my conditioning........... I wouldn't trade it in for anything. I started to feel the culture was being lost as soon as morality issues crept in. Maybe some people overlook those things and move on, saying they only care about the music, but that was a factor for me.

Still....... the music survived.

Then, it somehow got a bit lost. There is a whole set of things in regards to BPM and brainwave cycles, that got totally left behind once 'Darkpsy' (some of which I totally love) started to move upwards of 150BPM. I'm not going to write so much about it, because this post is long enough............... but to sum it up in a physical experience, I was talking to a friend who had just come back from a party the night before. He said he did some speed at the party, and I asked him 'why on earth would you do that?' his reply was, 'it was the only thing we could find, and we wanted to have a good time'

I guess that sums it up for me. It wasn't intentional more than it was circumstance, and it was more about being 'fucked-up', and listening to strange music, than it was about anything to do with the culture, the people, or point of view.

For me, and many people I knew then, none of this was ever about escapism. In fact, it's been the opposite. It's been about looking deep within, and applying those realizations to the rest of your life, and often the effects were more than benificial..... they were sacred!

I guess I don't feel the same sense of 'intention' now, that I saw then.

The music has become just cookie cutter music, instead of an artistic representation of what was going on within.

Now, with all that said..... I'm not dissing the scene OR the music. I view it as the ebb and flow of things. There are a few things I still find really cool..... even something labelled as 'Psycore' on ektoplasm, that still 'hit that spot' for me. The scene goes in and out like the tide, and even the psytrance scene is only a by-product of earlier generations. I don't believe 'Psytrance' is lost, or that 'I lost it', but I do think things are at the wanning point.

Eventually the tide will rise again.

Started Topics :  23
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Posted : Oct 26, 2010 22:33

The problem wasn't and isn't the drugs, it was and is the drug dealers. 

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 26, 2010 22:47
If you have lost it

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