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Lost it

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 22, 2010 03:40:30
Well after 14 years of listening, partying and breathing Psytrance, I really don't have time for it anymore.

Anybody feel the same way ?
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Oct 22, 2010 05:59
from (very personal) artistic view i totally off trance this days - bought myself a new drum called 'eclipse drum' also lots of jams with my brother that is drummer (electronic and acoustic drums).. seems i use the computer just for some arpegio and chords background and some fx.. oh and always a kaoss lead thats a real mad sound luna park we got here

first tune i made in 'this new style' which is VERY wide and not limited to genres just got released here

mmm 140 bpm 4/4 kick drum. it was a great decade. even abit longer. probably will get back on it sometime later when the mood will change

as listener i still hear some things mainly from friends and few artists i will never probably want to miss a sound from them.. but this list got shorter for sure..

All that said: true at home. in a good doof i enjoy alot from the music (too) but thats not even 0.1% from my time
Inactive User

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Posted : Oct 22, 2010 06:57
yup , for all my almost constant trolling on here , im hardly listening to any electronic music lately , not super keen on finding parties etc either when i travel about ,still .. invariably find myself in goa at least a couple times a year , so attend the odd party if its season time , but is not top priority at all .. yet still i cling on .. somehow ... too many insane memories , that part will never die , but its faded away a lot for me personally

@Elad : got any eclipse drum stuff on soundcloud or myspace etc ? curious , was always a fan of your music
Martian Arts

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Posted : Oct 22, 2010 10:08
I felt that way in 2002 when the israeli full on invasion and later on, darkpsy meant that 99% of the music I heard, I did not like at all. So it was just listening to older psy-trance music until basically last year. This year there are a few people that still make music I like, so 16 years down the line, I still listen to a lot of trance music, go to parties, etc.

The one thing that is different, is that I do not think that psychedelic trance is the "king" of music genres. It has not beem replaced by another genre, I just figured out there are other things I like just as much.

Peace out.

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Posted : Oct 22, 2010 10:42
Once I realised that I was often one of only a handful of people on "psychedelics" at "psychedelic parties" surrounded by a hordes of people popping dodgy pills and research chemicals, it changed the experience for me. I personally preferred psytrance to e/speed/ketamine/cocaine-trance.

So I stopped doing psychedelics, especially when it turned out most of the other "artists" couldn't handle playing on psychedelics. I just got bored, and slowly drifted away.

I still do psychedelic graphics/art etc, it is just a shame that there don't seem to be many psychedelic parties in my locale anymore.

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Posted : Oct 22, 2010 11:32
all things have their end sooner or later, that's quite logical, tho i can't say i felt the same till now..
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 22, 2010 13:45
Yes i feel the same way too. Dunno what it is, whether its the fact that im not indulging in the right supplements anymore or the fact that it is just plain boring. Though there are times when i like to blast some favorite tracks from special albums when i get back from the gym, knowing i can extract some listening pleasure because of the endorphins but that's about it. I'm not obsessive the way i was. But that's not to say i wont find myself returning every now to keep checking on what's new in the scene.
          missing plug-in
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 22, 2010 13:59
what Trance Visuals wrote is a very important factor of the change of the scene (maybe it´s even typical for worldwide scene). But yeah, for me there is still magic in parties, Ozora as a big one, and a lot of small ones ... and music-consumerwise I drifted to chill out, which is a much broader and more interesting genre for me, but sometimes I still listen to "Goa" too, right now to Tristan.
Martian Arts

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Posted : Oct 22, 2010 13:59
Regarding stopping psychedelics. I am sure you guys realise that once you open them special doors in your mind, they stay open for ever and all it takes, is a couple of chillums with good smoke, to feel "that" vibe again.
I know what you feel about other people in parties, younger crowds chewing their faces in...but I was like that when I was young as well and besides, it only matters if my mates are there and on the case, then I'm sorted for company...I do end up getting lost in the music anyway... for a good few hours, so its back to that "monastic" vibe where its just the music and my thoughts.

In all fairness I could not get that vibe for like 6-7 years, when I was going to parties, but that was because I did not choose my parties carefully and ended up listening to a lot of music that I did not like.
That's all changed now and I have been focusing on the very few artists that make music that I really like...some of them (Tristan!) are returning to the good old vibe, with new engineering tech. Kinda like resurrecting the true psychedelic spirit for the new decade.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 22, 2010 14:59
not yet for me, been like 12 years now!

But its OK if you lost it, no harm done!
          We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.

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Posted : Oct 22, 2010 15:19

On 2010-10-22 13:59, disco hooligans wrote:
Regarding stopping psychedelics. I am sure you guys realise that once you open them special doors in your mind, they stay open for ever and all it takes, is a couple of chillums with good smoke, to feel "that" vibe again.

Whilst the "resonant signature may remain for a lifetime", there is a quanitifiable and qualitative difference between having a "heroic experience" (to bastardize a phrase from Bill Hicks) and a bit of a smoke* and thinking you are having one. You are just kidding yourself if you think otherwise to be perfectly honest, at least in my experience one is.
Of course though it does depend on what sort of "heroic experience" one is used to. There seems to be a lot more people who claim to be "experienced" than generally tends to be in my experience, as though it were somesort of "fashion statement".

The other thing that "fucked" psytrance, is when it became "just a style of music", rather than the many wonderous spendid thing/culture/art/people. The final result of this was the categorisation and pidgeon-holing of the music, until now it is a parody of itself.

*unless it happens to be perhaps some DMT in the pipe.

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Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

Started Topics :  158
Posts :  5306
Posted : Oct 22, 2010 15:27

On 2010-10-22 06:57, mk47 wrote:

@Elad : got any eclipse drum stuff on soundcloud or myspace etc ? curious , was always a fan of your music

will have soon still writing and practice..
check out the SOS cd there is 1 of my tracks very different from trance there (the sattel battle one) 
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 22, 2010 16:35
I wonder how much of it is about the changes in the music and the scene and how much is about changes in you personally. I am talking about many things here: age, jobs, kids, “drug schedule”. Could it be that at least a part of the reason why you’re not feeling that vibe any more is simply because you are not the same person you were 10-15 years ago? You’re disappointed because this music and this scene is no longer up to your expectations – but this is chiefly because you have those expectations to begin with!

I am “a young senior” (© a3k) in real life, and it hasn’t even been a year since I discovered psytrance. I cannot honestly say, like some old-timers here, that good music is gone and it’s all plastic and cheese - simply because I am discovering this music backwards in time. Between Ektoplazm and pirates, you can discover plenty of interesting music of every genre (yes, including full on!) without ever leaving your home. Forget pirates – just Ektoplazm and SoundCloud can keep you busy for days with some surprisingly delightful results.

See, I am not disappointed with what I’ve heard in the past few months simply because I am not comparing this music to “that glorious party I had in Goa in 1998”. I don’t have any expectations that were set 15 years ago. I also don’t have any illusions (delusions rather) about achieving world peace by dragging 6 billion people into trance parties. And I haven’t met any trancers in person, so I cannot compare them to “those great guys I shared chillum with in 2001”. So, I don’t get disappointed simply because I have nothing to expect.

I listen to music, I like it, I play it again. I don’t like it – just push the Delete button, make a mental note to myself and move on to the next album or the next user in SoundCloud’s “following/followers” chain. I don’t get bent out of shape because of kids around me taking amphetamines instead of magic mushrooms – because I’ve never taken either of those and there are no kids bouncing around me anyway. My parties happen through my mp3 player on long walks outside or in bed before I fall asleep. Occasionally I actually dance, while standing in line in a supermarket and listening to some good Suomi.

“It’s not the same, you don’t know anything until you had a 14-hour trip to great classic Goa in a forest at full moon!” It’s true, but unlike most people here I can look forward to that great party, while discovering excellent music of today. If only you open your mind to the possibility that world did not end in 2000, that there is good full on and good darkpsy and good Suomi and countless hybrids and variations and some mind warping styles that are barely even trance any more – instead of lamenting the passing of those good old years… Maybe then you’ll realize that it’s a bit too early to lose it yet.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 22, 2010 16:55
i have actually lost it..doing the strangest thing of my life got enrolled in this crazy facility just for the experience, nothing was working, tried the ashrams, tried all now trying psychiatric facility lets see what this stuff is made off, something strange will come of it..this post is from a rehab in switzerland from the swami..he was bored so got enrolled here for mental evaluation for 3 weeks..bliss will come..i have lost it thank you psytrance..i will comeback to you bigger stronger louder prouder wilder oh and it will be clean and crunchy..someone find me a job in the studio after the three weeks here i have to pay off the medical bills..i will have lot of material to talk about in tracks...some whacked out psychiatric babble chatter for the brain spazmic..see ya later :brainalirot: my new avator coming visit me click on the link in my signature..its in deutch..everyone only speaks deutch here that too with a swiss accent..i only its even need for anything..just crayy mind rollercoaster ride muahhahahahahaha..i have lost it           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 22, 2010 16:57
You all have said what I would say. There's nothing left here for me. First went the parties because the music played was not what I listen to. Now the music is overplayed and I need something new.

I don't feel like I lost it, I feel like it lost me.

But like Elad said, "as listener i still hear some things mainly from friends and few artists i will never probably want to miss a sound from them.. but this list got shorter for sure... "

there are a handful of artists I would listen to no matter what music they come out with, simply because they're musicians that I love and trust whatever they make, I would like.

So the question is, why are we on isratrance so much? Do we feel some kinship from a known shared experience or connection?
I kinda feel we have a community here, and that's a good thing to have these days.

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