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Lost & Found - "Consumed" Full length album for free download >

Lost & Found
Lost & Found

Started Topics :  11
Posts :  83
Posted : Dec 15, 2014 13:05:55
Free download link here:

Lost & Found - Consumed

1) Consumed
2) Drone (feat Z3RO)
3) Mental Wealth
4) Nitro (feat CPU)
5) Other Side
6) Subterranean (feat Deliriant)
7) Eraser
8) Wing In The Sand
9) Trails
10) Decay

Lost & Found returns with his new full-length album 'Consumed'. Released for free in collaboration with the dynamic online publication Psymedia in order to break down the barriers for music to reach the listeners as efficiently as possible. Old music-delivery systems have become ineffective and obsolete, with negative consequences for both the artist and the listener. The way we consume music and information has changed forever. We are entering a new phase where chaos rules. There is no right or wrong.

While his last album 'Decoder' seeked cold perfection, 'Consumed' aims to capture the vibe as it was when it was being made in the studio. By directly providing the same audio files he uses in his live sets directly into the hands of the audience, a sense of connection and relief is restored in this age of information overload.

This text is probably being read while you are immersed in social media, You are most likely doing many things at once. Maybe you are in the company of friends while you read this on your phone. It's possible that your attention span stopped you from reading this far. If you are still here, your neural pathways might still be intact. Is this text actually you addressing yourself in the second person? Press the download button. Reprogram yourself. 1010101. Revolution begins with changes in the individual.
End of message. 20/11/2014 
Trance Forum » » Forum  South Africa - Lost & Found - "Consumed" Full length album for free download >
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