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"Los Caifanes"

kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  62
Posts :  953
Posted : Jun 7, 2008 17:50:41
Country: Mexico

Year: 1966

Directed by: Juan Ibañez



Enrique Álvarez Félix...."Jaime de Landa"

Sergio Jiménez....capitán Gato

Óscar Chávez....el Estilos

Ernesto Gómez Cruz....el Azteca

Eduardo López Rojas....el Mazacote

this a movie that you would either love or hate, no so so...

basically a couple of rich youngsters are intentionally left behind at a party, therefore decide to go for a walk, and make out inside a car which they don't even know who's car is it?
it all gets better, when the owner gets to the car and realizes this youngster are inside and allowed them to stay as well as inviting them to party with him and his friends the so called "caifanes" over usage of Mexican ghetto slang from the 60's make this movie one of my favorites as it actually reflects the spirits of the streets from those years at its best no BS....
they then decide to make it their night and fooling around Mexico city they go from a taco stand to a funeral house to a 60's ala Jodorowsky kind of night club where they are just drinking and enjoying the night.....
its a 5 chapter movie that goes along without loosing the narrative coherence in between each one of the chapters and its content...
as well as it brings a lot of stereotyped thoughts about how a working class hero cant even think about getting close to a rich youngster that is indeed god damn hot, however this hottie is so down to earth that turns it to another level....
worth to find it and seen it....

again if you are Spanish speaking or is it Spanish as your second language you'll certainly enjoy the phrases and slang they share from the old times, some of those phrases are on danger of extinction....

unfortunately the URL from the imdb is not working..... 
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