Loopus in Fabula (Demon Tea Recordings, march 02)
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Posted : Mar 9, 2002 10:01:40
Loopus in Fabula - Loopus in Fabula Demon Tea Recordings DMT CD10 File Under: Psychedelic Disco/Funk/Trance
1. Purutu' (Blob Mix) - Great opener for this debut album, launching staight into funky triplet rhythms and scratchy metallic fx. tempo games towards the middle of the track break down into a straighter feel til the end. nice one!
2. Yellow Jackets - Loopus in top form once again!, its got all their signature traits, slide-y bass lines, funky wah-guitars and tweaked out sounds. This one has been a favourite of mine for morning sets for quite sometime, although this album version seems to have had a bit of a re-working. thought the original was a bit better and a little fuller.
3. Certamente' - Whoa! another of my morning fave.'s, this will rock any dance floor no problems! check out that bassline, it slides all over the place, sssssooooo funky!!! :D their amazing chorused percussion games are also evident throughout this track, my pick of the album.
4. Pezzacchio - One of the more 'straighter' tracks on the album and with a darker feel, didnt do that much for me, but im sure would rock on a big system. Loopus seem like one of those groups who write music designed especially for huge festival sound systems. Immaculate and very 'large' production.
5. Popeye - Another winner, baby! these basslines just continue to amaze me, continually evolving and morphing to keep you grooving for hours! very beautiful track!
6. Robopope - Another of the straighter epic tracks, weighing in at just over 10 minutes. the breakdown around the 8 minute mark was what really caught my attention, excellent sample work! funny stuff!
7. Can-D - Sweeeeeeet! starts off building very dark and growly for the first couple of minutes, then BOOM! - bass change and we're back in wacky loopus-ville! yummy key changes and horn section work-outs. another of my favorites here.
8. Kiwa: The Looper (Loopus remix) never heard the original by finnish group kiwa, but this sure is a funky-ass reworking! love that warbling synth sound throughout! the halfway mark sees a breakdown into more familiar loopus territory,... nice, smooth sailing with those signature key-changes. luvly!
9. Lolita - another track i've had the privledge of hearing on a larger sound system and i can definately say that this one is a pounder!!! it just gets better and better with every passing minute, building logically on each theme and those oh my f**king god basslines! :D
all in all, an absolutely amazing debut album. after being passed from label to label for so long, it was well worth the wait, their attention to detail is immaculate. Loopus must also recieve top marks for their top notch production, rivaling even the shmick minimal producers. all the sounds cut clean and clear through the mix. its good to hear the amazing production techniques taught from the progressive school being applied to the more 'fuller' styles of trance.
Big thanx to Loopus for their infectious grooves, and also much love and huge respect to Franny!
if ya like ya trance with alot of funk and high originality content, get this one now! :) |
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Posted : Mar 9, 2002 09:59:41
should be tasty+juicy:) |
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Posted : Mar 9, 2002 18:09:35
fuck it man i love loopus in fabula can you tell me when it was realesed ??? |
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Posted : Mar 9, 2002 19:10:40
ya can get it from , its out befor a week more or less , bom |
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Posted : Mar 10, 2002 02:43:22
it was released in the last couple of weeks. :)
if anyone has any trouble finding it, you can order it directly from Demon Tea, just email:
:) |
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Posted : Mar 10, 2002 12:11:08
baba now i got both of the albums aswell:) |
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Posted : Mar 10, 2002 22:06:10
Just got this, and after 2 listens to Loopus' album I can define my first impression as: Funky jazzy chaotic psychedelic trance! Seems delicious- more soon.... |
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Posted : Mar 10, 2002 23:26:13
i got the package from Demon Tea today, i think it's already reviewed well enough, i'll only add that it's probably the most original music i heard lately . very psychedelic and nuts but in such a perfectly beautiful way . |
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Posted : Mar 11, 2002 11:56:21
very nice synopsis Reece you should do these more often sounds sweet cant wait to get a copy for myself |