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Looking for a track played at Boom Festival 12

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  10
Posts :  70
Posted : Oct 16, 2012 22:45:58
Hi guys I'm looking for a Psy-Trance track that was played at least twice at Boom 2012 (during Swarup's set and then in the closing set if I'm not mistaken).

The track had a slow groove to it and some Michael Jackson voice samples like the "hee-hee" and other stuff that he says in his songs.

Any idea? Thanks in advance!

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  12
Posted : Oct 19, 2012 18:26
Hey unretro,

You might know this already, but if not, you can download Swarup's first set from the boom website. I'm not sure about what song you're talking about, but I'd be glad to do a breakdown of the set, since there are some songs I'd like to id too... I've tried starting a thread, but it seems there isn't much interest. Anyhow, I'll start a rough guide, feel free to fill in any blanks;)
Trance Forum » » Forum  Unidentified - Looking for a track played at Boom Festival 12
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