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Looking for a sirius booking agent in mexico!!!

Substance / The Ataris

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  172
Posted : Dec 29, 2006 06:44

On 2006-12-29 05:47, Umbra wrote:
u are all

Of course this offtopic was all started by u

alfreak with all thou respect stop kissing a$$ as well u other "mexicants", the point of my comment was to express what chillumination posted..
and cycle sphere sorry for my comment..
but this goes to all foreign artists
im tired of artists comming to our country like if we needed them and im tired of artists crying that they didnt get paid, that they got ripped off, why won't u research where you are going and only go where u are recommended to go.. u can't just trust anybody in the whole world..
what does this has to do with cycle sphere original thread? some artist over the world get ripped off some others dont. he is not talking about anyone owing money!


and to other posts
im glad only 200-400 ppl go to sum parties, i don't give a shit if only 50 go because i know those are unique listeners and appreciate the musik we have, call it dark, fast, evil, whatever personally i don't like full on, and underground psychedelic trance is the evolution of psytrance like it or not..
u sound like a hippie LIKE IT OR NOT, im fine if thats what u want to be. u are just no one to say this! but u can improve ur whole scene if u want.


and janue heres some background on my sexual activites since ur interested, i don't have a girlfriend but i get laid almost everyday

and now u take this as a offence i mean, after what u wrote to cycle sphere, joke´s on u and makes u unconfortable.


why should i pm artists i mean if they post a topic im gonna answer there

because u reply directly to the person to give ur very own specific opinion. its a forum! it has topics. is that hard to understand?. if u reply something that has nothing to do with it then is offtopic, if u want to be funny and writte like a comediant then is offtopic im not saying u cant joke but most of the deleted ones cross the line.


it is a privilege to be in sush sacred lands sush as mexico!!

I hope 2007 is fukin better than this year

sorry but u all caught me in a "sirius" mood


locked!!!! i think cycle sphere made his point clear, and i deleted and left lots of replies that got nothing to do with his thread
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