IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 27, 2011 20:33
On 2011-02-04 22:18:17, chefchaouen wrote:
In the 80's was Ibiza...,90's Goa...
Both places still good for having a party, but after many years both are overcrowded and everything is more comercial and prices much expensive than before...
I hear many times "the old goa vibe disappeared"...
So can you tell me which places are actually good (and not overcrowded...) to have a great psytrance party? or which ones you think it will be in the future?
I personally think some exotic places like islands in the south east Asia (from Thailand, Cambodia, Philipines, Indonesia...) will be some of the future places to meet open minded people and have a great psychedelic party.
i believe , thailand is very overcrowded these days as well. 100 percent of my best friends went to thailand this year, which might be a great place to spend money, make holidays, have sex and good stuff, but i dont think it has much of that beloved spirit of those days. just a tourist destination for people who want to spend their money on overcrowded parties, sex and drugs, and come back home exactly as empty in the soul as they have been before.
nostalgia is beautiful, actually the whole psychedelic culture is a nostalgia for the ancient tribal ritual that has been abandoned in western societies through the years.
just watched the official movie of ozora 2010 today,
ozora is thought to be one of the few places where the spirit still lives. and although it started euphorically to me, with beautiful styled girls, dancing styles freaks, artists having big crowds and expensive decorations, at the end i felt as lost as usual. fair of vanity. it is exactly what people need, but it is not what i need. i would be happy throwing private parties for ever, small, tidy, visionary, real. and if possible, somewhere far away from germany, but also far from crowdy goa and crowdy thailand.
your thread is throwing a very good question, and i wanna finally get out of berlin as well, somewhere away, the whole winter, like in early years. i am a slave of nostalgia. nothing stops me from doing this. but i dont know where. i dont like these big crowds at all. at all. thailand is same, although i actually wanted to fly in march there. but at the end of the day i probably give the money for a much better sound card and continue the nostalgia in my own head in my private room.
big crowds and big dance, big money and big fishes. so tired of it all.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 27, 2011 22:45
just wanted to express big respect for those who produced and shared the video though! great work
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 27, 2011 22:47
The only place I know of that still keeps that surreal atmospherere of the 1990s is the Japanese luxurious mountains, especially the West coast, Nagano, Ishikawa, Niigata. Unfortunately, parties there are crowded with Japanese Brazilians who things ugly.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 28, 2011 10:30
do you mean festivals of this kind:
japan is extremely expensive and you used the right word : " luxurous". after i watched this dvd with skazi and stuff , i somehow got the impression that these japanese karahanas are not good for me . there must be balance in giving and taking, and i dont feel good to spend 2000 euro on a trip for few days and at the same time to have given not even one tenth of it for social organisations for charity for the third world, for animal rights, for human rights etc. no balance, no good trip. this hedonistic festivals were never my trip. on the contrary a journey to india, thailand, cambodia, etc can always be connected to a humanitarian task, if one wants to. i dont go to pay 2000 euro for nice bellies.
my intuition tells me that nepal, and may be cambodia, are the right places to go nowadays. may be thailand but not in the high season and not to the fullmoon crowds. i can imagine that thailand is really beautiful in april and mai. the problem is, that in the early days of goa parties we all knew where is the destination, and we didnt need any information or people to come with us and show us the land. it was clear where the trip happened.
nowadays we have to search in the internet, look in online communities, waste time. not to mention that there are trance communities where i would never take a festival tip seriously, because i know who will visit it:
retarded egoistic rich trance kids with rich parents, who never did anything in life to work hard for what they have. or elder egoistic hedonists who shit on everything that is not western wealth and comfortable life on the costs of others. no thanks, no upper class trancing for me, i can live perfectly without it.
so at the end, i think it is a question of intuition where this place is. like a call in your own heart. just take the bag, make some fast vaccinations, and chose the first destination that sounds reasonable to you. at the end you might probably even miss the parties but you will at least find the call of your heart.... although, i am actually talking to myself. the question of your thread is actually exactly the reason why i open isratrance. but it always tells me where i dont wanna go and not where i do wanna go. but this is some orientation at least. )))
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Posted : Mar 1, 2011 17:34
Interesting entry, moki. The problem is that nowadays psytrance appeals also to club crowd. I have no problem with people from neither class but it's obvious that many people don't respect themselves, others or the environment. I don't care how high their income is but expensive parties tend to exclude poorer trancers and cheap parties attract bums that have no spirit in them.
At first, I was very idealistic about psychedelic parties. I saw magick, spirituality and higher ideals. Now I no longer feel at home when I attend those. It's still fun and a nice way to do drugs but somehow the point is missing. Spirituality has became only a marketing tool and when it's not working, it's dropped. Music has changed and while I still enjoy many productions I see that it's way more commercial then before. The aim of music has shifted from transcendental trance dance experience to having fun on a party.
Darkpsy is different then fullon or progressive but somehow most of productions are focused on qualities that aren't spiritual at all. It's more of a fucked up overdose hard sound then deep Journey through the Universe.
When I was on Ozora 2007 I've dosed an LSD from a Japanese hippie but when I was looking at everything around me I saw no point in it. I didn't understand why we where doing it. When I was listening to some dark sets I thought that it's the sound of angry, of rejected, of frustrated. I've came to conclusion that THEY made us to do it. Wars, poverty, hypocrisy, massive manipulation is the root and main reason for darkpsy.
On the other hand, hedonistic and sexual day-time music. Mostly not serious but fun. Yet, I saw it as yet another club-thing. Good for MDMA and even fun on LSD but not pushing your mind to the boundaries.
I doubt that this will ever change. Sex, drugs and rock'n'roll. I think that for spiritually-oriented there is only one solution: distance yourself from the scene and seek calm, simple living without all those overstimulating sound pollution.
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Posted : Mar 1, 2011 18:46
On 2011-03-01 17:34, Kras wrote:
.....I think that for spiritually-oriented there is only one solution:
Surely there are many solutions for each person that change according to circumstance, spacetime and other maybe factors, and to even consider that everybody, or even any given group should fit into some format and formulae is a delusion of the pattern-forming-nature-of-mind...
You're all uniquely divine, and deserve to treated as such. Each of us has a/some/many ways, and that should be encouraged, celebrated and shared....
Heck, I guess that is what a psychedelic party should be about, particularly as a spacetime where people are safe enough to express themselves freely without free and repression, with lots of funs, smiley reassurance, generally an amazing atomsphere which everyone is partaking of and contributing to.
Oh no that's right, I forgot. Its all just about a certain style of music, that was somebodys throw away trip back in the 90's.
*assumes his totally high hippie voice*
It's not a freaking type of music, maaaaaaaaan, it's a beautiful experience you have with other people.
*hippie voice off*
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Posted : Mar 1, 2011 18:59
On 2011-03-01 18:46, TranceVisuals wrote:
On 2011-03-01 17:34, Kras wrote:
.....I think that for spiritually-oriented there is only one solution:
Surely there are many solutions for each person that change according to circumstance, spacetime and other maybe factors, and to even consider that everybody, or even any given group should fit into some format and formulae is a delusion of the pattern-forming-nature-of-mind...
You're all uniquely divine, and deserve to treated as such. Each of us has a/some/many ways, and that should be encouraged, celebrated and shared....
Heck, I guess that is what a psychedelic party should be about, particularly as a spacetime where people are safe enough to express themselves freely without free and repression, with lots of funs, smiley reassurance, generally an amazing atomsphere which everyone is partaking of and contributing to.
Oh no that's right, I forgot. Its all just about a certain style of music, that was somebodys throw away trip back in the 90's.
*assumes his totally high hippie voice*
It's not a freaking type of music, maaaaaaaaan, it's a beautiful experience you have with other people.
*hippie voice off*
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Mar 2, 2011 17:50
@Kras, nice to read between the lines that there are others who feel very similarly...
Honestly, i think it is all about our own creativity. It is a normal human behaviour to feel lost - or to feel you don't know what is the point of a festival and why are we doing it - if we cannot be creative ourselves. The whole life can lose its meaning if we cannot be creative in one way or another. Starting from most trivial activities in life.
So there we are, dancing like puppets, between 10000 other puppets, preaching scorny visions of peace and humanity.
i had countless festivals like that, where i missed the point completely. i was continuously seeing bodies of dancing puppets, who were temporarily left by their spiritual inhabitants.
may be i would have a point, if i liked drugs, but i truely hate them (psychedelic ethnobotany not included) and i always had my problems inbetween all those puppet theaters of happy dancing.
And humans love to be creative, in any way, to feel " needed" , to feel like their vision is important, their creative potential is welcome . This is mostly happening far away from the big crowds, the latest are mostly killing individualism and creativity to highest extent, although they are saying to do the opposite. a few chosen people are the artists to be worshipped and the rest are the puppets to follow.
i always feel like that on the huge festivals where i go as a guest. But i think that smaller visionary events on the contrary have a lot of future, if they are made all over the world as cybertribe entities of small scales. there are countless freaks who are tired of those big vanity fairs, although i dont say anything against it - just say it is not my trip. and spiritual isolation is not my trip either. done it way to long to know what i am talking about....
we are humans to be part of communities, to interact with each other....i give you, you give me, is the basics of all happiness. we are not here to spend the journey alone and if we try, it will bring more grief and sorrow than balance.
the basic problem is how to connect those small tribes together. there must be a way to create a new infrastructure of cybertribes deeper than the surface....
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Posted : Mar 2, 2011 18:44
On 2011-03-01 17:34, Kras wrote:
Interesting entry, moki. The problem is that nowadays psytrance appeals also to club crowd. I have no problem with people from neither class but it's obvious that many people don't respect themselves, others or the environment. I don't care how high their income is but expensive parties tend to exclude poorer trancers and cheap parties attract bums that have no spirit in them.
At first, I was very idealistic about psychedelic parties. I saw magick, spirituality and higher ideals. Now I no longer feel at home when I attend those. It's still fun and a nice way to do drugs but somehow the point is missing. Spirituality has became only a marketing tool and when it's not working, it's dropped. Music has changed and while I still enjoy many productions I see that it's way more commercial then before. The aim of music has shifted from transcendental trance dance experience to having fun on a party.
Darkpsy is different then fullon or progressive but somehow most of productions are focused on qualities that aren't spiritual at all. It's more of a fucked up overdose hard sound then deep Journey through the Universe.
When I was on Ozora 2007 I've dosed an LSD from a Japanese hippie but when I was looking at everything around me I saw no point in it. I didn't understand why we where doing it. When I was listening to some dark sets I thought that it's the sound of angry, of rejected, of frustrated. I've came to conclusion that THEY made us to do it. Wars, poverty, hypocrisy, massive manipulation is the root and main reason for darkpsy.
On the other hand, hedonistic and sexual day-time music. Mostly not serious but fun. Yet, I saw it as yet another club-thing. Good for MDMA and even fun on LSD but not pushing your mind to the boundaries.
I doubt that this will ever change. Sex, drugs and rock'n'roll. I think that for spiritually-oriented there is only one solution: distance yourself from the scene and seek calm, simple living without all those overstimulating sound pollution.
very nicelly put Boom!
Sérgio Xamanist
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 26, 2011 17:48
On 2011-03-02 18:44, Xamanist wrote:
On 2011-03-01 17:34, Kras wrote:
Interesting entry, moki. The problem is that nowadays psytrance appeals also to club crowd. I have no problem with people from neither class but it's obvious that many people don't respect themselves, others or the environment. I don't care how high their income is but expensive parties tend to exclude poorer trancers and cheap parties attract bums that have no spirit in them.
At first, I was very idealistic about psychedelic parties. I saw magick, spirituality and higher ideals. Now I no longer feel at home when I attend those. It's still fun and a nice way to do drugs but somehow the point is missing. Spirituality has became only a marketing tool and when it's not working, it's dropped. Music has changed and while I still enjoy many productions I see that it's way more commercial then before. The aim of music has shifted from transcendental trance dance experience to having fun on a party.
Darkpsy is different then fullon or progressive but somehow most of productions are focused on qualities that aren't spiritual at all. It's more of a fucked up overdose hard sound then deep Journey through the Universe.
When I was on Ozora 2007 I've dosed an LSD from a Japanese hippie but when I was looking at everything around me I saw no point in it. I didn't understand why we where doing it. When I was listening to some dark sets I thought that it's the sound of angry, of rejected, of frustrated. I've came to conclusion that THEY made us to do it. Wars, poverty, hypocrisy, massive manipulation is the root and main reason for darkpsy.
On the other hand, hedonistic and sexual day-time music. Mostly not serious but fun. Yet, I saw it as yet another club-thing. Good for MDMA and even fun on LSD but not pushing your mind to the boundaries.
I doubt that this will ever change. Sex, drugs and rock'n'roll. I think that for spiritually-oriented there is only one solution: distance yourself from the scene and seek calm, simple living without all those overstimulating sound pollution.
very nicelly put Boom!
Thanks for sharing your thoughs dude
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 26, 2011 17:56
On 2011-02-14 17:17, PoM wrote:
i guess there is still some good places but to keep these place great they dont talk much about it... good place you dont need big names playing or the commercial aspect of parties ,just some local djs setting up some sound system every week end on some paradisiac beachs + a crowd of travellers that stay there to enjoy the good season, that make it even harder to find if there is some place like this cause it s not yet big and that why it s good.
I saw something like this a few years ago in a fisherman village in Brazil called Trancoso, with parties every weekend made by locals for no more than 100 people in a really exotic coconut tree beach for all night and part of the day..., but too close (15km) to a really turistic destination called Arraial D'Ajuda overcrowded by israeli soldiers looking more for mainfloor music and sex than a real psychedelic vibe party.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 26, 2011 20:50
it remind me a party samy from cpu talked me about, it was in a village center in front of the sea (that suprised me cause a party in a village is not comon )in brazil too if i remember, maybe the same place who know.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 26, 2011 23:41
Costa Rica a good place to be!!
Dance like nobody is watching
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 29, 2011 19:03
trancoso... been there in 2005 - definately great vibes in those parties... i loved the location too... at then end of a river coming out from a canyon ending up on the beach
had an unforgettable time just walking to the party from ajuda... good times
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 30, 2011 00:05
Knysna, about 5 hours away from Cape Town in South Africa. They have clifftop parties overlooking the Gwaing River