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Look what a mainsream rock promoter is doing in San Francisco...

IsraTrance Full Member
Started Topics :  116
Posts :  1219
Posted : Aug 3, 2010 18:12
infected is to psytrance as pendulum is to drum n bass...

it's irritating to have people I meet say they like drum and bass and when I try to ask them their opinion of spor, black sun empire, teebee etc they get a blank look on their face and then reveal that the only group they really know is pendulum.

They may be the most popular groups of their respective genres but the reason why they're popular is because they /broke out/ of the genre, so to use them to represent the genre is silly as they are far on the outer edge of it.

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
Posts :  2848
Posted : Aug 3, 2010 18:26
i guess they are not confident enough yet of their music and themselves and want to keep their psytrance fanbase as "backup"
they still havent broken out of their shell
and seem insecure...they are like frogs in a well who want to go into the ocean but are scared           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member
Started Topics :  116
Posts :  1219
Posted : Aug 3, 2010 20:00
I feel like because the psytrance community has such a warm and special vibe to it, people are reluctant to lose the "psytrance" label even when their music clearly doesn't fit that category anymore

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  41
Posted : Aug 10, 2010 16:17
Listen to Sound Tribe Sector 9.....they are a US electronic jam band and they are better and more intelligent then IM will ever be (referring to new material.....this is just one example, but there are so many electronic bands out there that are not well known but still rock. I saw IM live in Georgia, Athens and was surprised by how lame they were even to people that are open to that kind of music.

Started Topics :  82
Posts :  3087
Posted : Aug 21, 2010 15:31
it is second half of 2010 and people still discussing IM became pop. lol.  
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