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logic pro x new update

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  115
Posts :  873
Posted : Jan 22, 2015 19:43:25

IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posts :  1352
Posted : Jan 23, 2015 12:42
I was actually pretty excited with some of the new features! Mainly those more "under-the-hood" like the vca-faders and per region automation, the new midi piano roll also just feels right. made the program so much more interesting, almost to the point of actually making it worth learning all the new key shortcuts (after I don't know how many years using the same ones, pfffuuuuu...)
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  115
Posts :  873
Posted : Jan 23, 2015 15:34
yep great new feature i really love it
they make some Ab Live and cubase feature.
and the Automations is the best of any daw i ever see (even before the update i really love logic Aut).

just great update waiting to the new update
if they make same like in AB live the wave editor it will be awesome           -------------------------------------------------
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  10
Posts :  1352
Posted : Jan 23, 2015 17:52
Well, I heard that on some reviews I saw. Guess that might be true. I'm so used to Logic that editing audio there is much faster for me then on Live.

But feel like if you turn flex mode on, and select slicing mode it's much similar to the time warp thing in Live. Except for the envelopes, but then you press "A" key and it's so much better for writing automation.

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  115
Posts :  873
Posted : Jan 24, 2015 17:38
dammit check the new flex midi cool new feature
in the function

IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  10
Posts :  1352
Posted : Jan 31, 2015 07:21
it's actually quite nice once we get used to the new shortcuts or assign the old ones to do the stuff we've expected them to do, at this point that's probably written into our DNA code, so unless there's some alien technology at hand, it's best to follow nature's law, hey? anyway, flex pitch is kind of cool. same way ESX24 can be cool, it's more about the integration then the length of features, right? 'cause melodyne runs circles 'round it for sure. same way Kontakt can eat ESX's features for breakfast while tapping the namm news with the other hand on a tablet. but I actually like the "have everything in one place" thing, makes workflow a lot better. like that they've placed quantise and swing functions in there just like it was midi.
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