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Live Acts


Started Topics :  4
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Posted : Sep 24, 2006 18:30
What about Eat Static? I heard that they were quite "live".

(Not my cuppa.)
code a
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 26, 2006 15:05
what about ghreg on earth? don't you timecode people like his music anymore or what? (rhetorical question)

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Posts :  67
Posted : Sep 29, 2006 12:25
im with gem37 on this one. where are ur tunes I137??? u got anything for us to hear? surely u have written a few masterpieces with all that knowledge.............
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 29, 2006 22:33

On 2006-09-29 12:25, =consection= wrote:
im with gem37 on this one. where are ur tunes I137??? u got anything for us to hear? surely u have written a few masterpieces with all that knowledge.............

no i hvant written any masterpieces yet....havnt had time....sorry to dissapoint ......

stop being a lemming =consection=

as is , since i suggested a positive contribution that all those in the know post about playing live ...there have been no replies... everyone was quick to attack me for tuning about this subject, but no one has stood up and proved me wrong...

so you know long as everyone is loading up a couple of waves in cubase/appleton, tweaking a knob and calling that live..... my opinion stands
Rabdom L

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Posted : Oct 1, 2006 07:35
there is and always has been a common mis-conception about the nature of live acts - "ooh wow, check he's playing live" In most cases when an artist is playing live, it just means he's playing his own music, thats it!! Either using a laptop or PC and jamming his/her tracks out of a sequencer like Cubase or Logic or Ableton. With most acts being one or two people strong (sumtimes 3) and with most tracks having about 60 different sounds at over 140 bpm's, I dont see how its possible to actually make trance live - as in create it right there on the spot. For sure there are bands like sun project, but they are quite literally a band with several members.

I cant really speak for other artists here, but when I or we play live, we use DSP FX to fuck with shit, midi controller with pre-programmed set of instructions allowing for knob tweaking to control stuff like bit crusshers and choruss' etc and a synth for added textures and sound FX. Our music is pretty busy so dont reallly add alot of sequenced stuff, more stabs, pads, atmospheres - that type of thing - firstly to give us something to do while we on stage, secondly to add a little extra.

In truth it should be called Live PA (personal appearance) but its not - its called a LIVE act!!

"what goes around - comes around"
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  55
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Posted : Oct 1, 2006 13:20
ya .... as far as making trance live on the spot, that is very limited, and would have to be very very well planned, with the bass/beat presampled , and then one would only really have the option of arpeggios for live synth (or the likes)

Live PA, much better name, than live act, i know that all the eurotrance guys tend to call it a PA opposed to an act

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Posted : Oct 2, 2006 16:58
Son Kite are Rainbow Serpent was the BEST live act i have ever seen.

that is all.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 19, 2006 02:55
have seen some killer live acts and some crap ones

the best were highlight tribe and star sound orchestra and the worst was 1200 mics (which was like watching an MTV unplugged session )

the term LIVE has gotten very muddled as skraag pointed out and should insted reffer to Live performing Artist or such like.

Adding in an instrument is always a good way to actually go live like sub 6 and psysex do with their drum pads or son kite with the violin....... but i suppose youre always gonna get the fakers that will try and fool the crowd
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 19, 2006 10:37
haha sparx you should have taken my advice and skipped 1200 mics. god DAMN they're bad live.

i was quite disappointed with cpu live in morocco.. and he's one of my favourites.. not because his set wasn't great.. i loved the tunes.. but he clearly wasn't doing anything at all..           difficile est non saturam scribere
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 19, 2006 11:30
we then have to ask ourselves...what is it that we really yearn for...

to hear the music or see the active performance..

for instance...whenever someone is going off to watch a rock concert or is never "i went to listen to linkon park" always "i went to see..."

so i suppose the same should be said for electonic music... everyone wants to SEE their favourite artists in action...

ok so they have a midi controller and a laptop on stage... how much can you see anyway? they are up there and you are down here....

I personally prefer dj sets to lives...

firstly the variation

and secondly

they just have a nice coolness about pretentiousness (not spelt right)

for me the greatest attribute has to be is nice to hear all of one artists tunes for an hour...but ..i think we are all missing out on the magic of brilliant dj sets...with careful track selection...

if an artist doent have much is just fullon of one style ...then its going to be the same stuff for an hour (with exception to a few) however with dj sets, you can mix it up.... alter the mood and therefore the overall journey of the set

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 19, 2006 12:01
Andromeda have got a good visual act going with his midi suit that he wears , the crowd laps it up and youre right 1337 it is more about seeing your fav artists perform more about them doing anything LIVE and it is about the music at the end of the day (and that was 1200 micis saving grace was that the music was wicked and they pulled it off without a hitch - more to the thanks of GMS me thinks than raja and chicago stumbling around the stage )

So at the end of the day a LIVE act should be more of an audio visual experince ie. The crowd want to see you do summin and hear it at the same time and tweaking a pot just isnt enough
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 19, 2006 12:31
raja and chicago just look like two ageing, overweight hippies.. and yes, they are carried by GMS. its entertaining in a sense.. but its not psytrance.

forgot about andromeda completely (even though i saw him at boom and in morocco..) man thats some weird shit.

i prefer a live act, as long as i can hear a distinct difference to an album version.. that was the problem with cpu.. his tracks were identical to the album version.. the only change is that they flowed into one another. whereas every time i see space tribe he changes little pieces and the order and flow of everything is altered a bit.. but effectively.           difficile est non saturam scribere
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  58
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Posted : Oct 19, 2006 14:35
wait untill you see highlight tribe or star sound thats really LIVE
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 19, 2006 14:59
i saw highlight tribe too.. and enjoyed the music.. especially the sampled didge and the vocal pieces.. but its not music one can dance too.. but rather watch and listen.. so while its a great live act, its more a concert than anything.           difficile est non saturam scribere

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  227
Posted : Oct 19, 2006 15:31
Then wait until you see S.U.N. Project. That's life and if you don't dance to it you must be dead.

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