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live act or dj set ?


Started Topics :  18
Posts :  783
Posted : Mar 26, 2009 17:33

On 2009-03-26 16:19, Kane wrote:
Unreleased tracks are unreleased for a reason.

Yeah, in some cases for many reasons, one can be that the narrow minded label owners, dont understand the style or concept of the music, another could be that the artist who made the tracks is not "in the scene". A third could be that the artist actually demand a fair portion of money for his work, and that he never got a decent deal. A fourth could be that the music was utter bull-crap, not ready for release etc. A fifth could be that they just didnt get around to it yet.

Underestimating unreleased music is clearly as worthless as worshipping it.

Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Mar 27, 2009 03:26

On 2009-03-26 14:45, Zoolog wrote:
"there is a long way from a guitar and a mic, to what you try to put in the category "live-music".

Replace 'guitar' with 'MIDI controller' and remove the mic and you'd have something that I would describe as live music - as long as that controller is in use somehow to influence what the audience is hearing. Not so far from a guitar at all I don't care how you do it, you can be triggering sections of tracks to extend the arrangement using the computer keyboard, or you can make bleepy noises with some VSTs whilst the track plays back, or you can have yourself wired up to so many sensors and MIDI triggers you're playing the hihats with your eyelids, as long as you're actually doing something.

I don't mean to start a war, I'm just putting forth some strong opinions. My dayjob is to teach 10-year olds how to do what we're talking about so I hope you can see how seeing grown men try to make excuses for their own laziness just makes me feel like I'm back at school!           Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
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Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Mar 27, 2009 08:17
@ zoolog - since when exacly electronic isntruments like synths are any less musical instruments then guitar or piano?? only thing is that they are not acoustic but offcourse we are talking about electronic music. electric guitar is not acoustic as well btw...
groovebox is my drummer and synths are my band! how come playing guitar chords is any more live?? its just not!
btw laptop today can function as hole studio.. im sure u know that.. its way more then 1 guitar ha
(btw ive been preforming with guitar dozens of times since i was 17)

when i said i rather live its about how the live interaction can make the hole diffrence... feeling the crowd and change the atmosphere while still using your own stems gives u much more options then dj who is so limited to the tracks he got on his cds... (not to mention many of todays djs come with 20 cds only and got the set ready in their mind from before they even see the party)

unrealese lol people still say this word didnt we finished that story in 2001 soulseek rooms hahahah
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 27, 2009 10:18
this is fucking bullshit.

no1 isbetter than any1 , and every1 is best at wat they do. even if its wearing the sunglasses.

Started Topics :  94
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Posted : Mar 27, 2009 11:00
ok i preferred when this topic got offtopic and was more random association about the topic.
the actual topic kinda bores me a bit.
'live act or dj set?'
when clearly its "both" to make a scene.
if it were up to only artists (yes ok everyone is an artist, you are dancing very artistically mr) erm musical producers
if it were up to them (us) there would be no parties.
someone has to be interested in the music. dj's need to collect it, categorize it, rate it, criticize it, play it badly or well mixed with other music, tell the person asking that this is the new unreleased track by artist x etc...
and most importantly is the actual scene of people - rotating every few years or not, the actual scene is how the music appreciation and feeling is passed on.
hearing it at a party on an open-air sound system - wow. its different than at home alone or in the car or ipod or whatever...

so correct answer is "both"

i respect both Elad (Tsabi) and Mikkel Zoolog,
both are highly talented individuals.
i realize this is a public forum so people want to look good- its a form of promotion etc... so you guys could please just go into a corner and make-out or make-up or whatever

one side note- if you at a party see a liveact trying to play but being bothered by people who talk to them and tell them to play more whatever etc... kindly grab that person bothering the musicant and get them away from the musicant so the musicant can musicize.

if they aactually were playing anything live the person bugging them would have just fucked everything up so thats the most important thing...

almost_human KROX ( Phantasm Rec .)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 27, 2009 18:31
^ agreed + 10000           UVV Project / Mandala Project / Crystal noize Project / Cosmic Crew

Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 29, 2009 22:47
I prefer to see a highly skilled dj who carefully choose every track he will play
to create the journey and also makes a flawless
beatmatch, I think it can be more trippe and more cutting edge, but there is also a super well created live that can make killer vibe
but the vibe can't change much it's kinda limited but the effects and synths make some nice fills too wich can't be done with dj set.
But for sure I prefer to listen to a pro dj set
instead of live act 
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 29, 2009 23:24
OH MAAAN1!!!!11 A couple of days ago I saw Squeerpusher LIVE! It was mad cool. He had a drummer and he played the bass
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  21
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Posted : Mar 30, 2009 03:48

On 2009-03-26 17:33, Zoolog wrote:

Yeah, in some cases for many reasons, one can be that the narrow minded label owners, dont understand the style or concept of the music, another could be that the artist who made the tracks is not "in the scene". A third could be that the artist actually demand a fair portion of money for his work, and that he never got a decent deal.

Why does anyone need record labels anymore? There are many websites that you can sell digital tracks on yourself for no or very little initial investment.

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Posts :  20
Posted : Mar 30, 2009 07:22

On 2009-03-18 10:30, Dogon wrote:
DJ sets please.....

there are hardly any real live acts!

This is the sad true...

And they even make you rent a Virus and other equipment that they actually don't use!! WTF?!           dj Asura (Fungi rec. / Full Moon Culture / Vision Tek rec. / Buddah Mantra / RuviProd)


Alliance Myspace (chill out project)
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posts :  5306
Posted : Mar 30, 2009 09:36

On 2009-03-30 07:22, dj_Asura wrote:

On 2009-03-18 10:30, Dogon wrote:
DJ sets please.....

there are hardly any real live acts!

This is the sad true...

And they even make you rent a Virus and other equipment that they actually don't use!! WTF?!

but the topic is about dj vs real live.
when thats happening i rather live... only from expirience where i enjoyed the most.
fake live i rather the dude to step off the stage and come dance with evryone.. need some ego chillers for that and quite hard to charge for i supose


Started Topics :  18
Posts :  783
Posted : Mar 31, 2009 12:48


On 2009-03-30 03:48, RK9 wrote:

On 2009-03-26 17:33, Zoolog wrote:

Yeah, in some cases for many reasons, one can be that the narrow minded label owners, dont understand the style or concept of the music, another could be that the artist who made the tracks is not "in the scene". A third could be that the artist actually demand a fair portion of money for his work, and that he never got a decent deal.

Why does anyone need record labels anymore? There are many websites that you can sell digital tracks on yourself for no or very little initial investment.

They dont, however it used to be the practice and still is for alot of this scene. DJ's still want discs (some of them). We are seeing a change in that field which has been discussed plenty in other threads (use the search function?). I still believe in labels and i think that its the future in music promotion and distribution. Labels represents, gathers styles and introduces the scene to new artists.
Why does anyone need pants !?

I saw squarepusher too - was epic!

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  58
Posts :  165
Posted : Apr 15, 2009 08:53
i think trance artists should add more live sounds and explore new horizons
,analog sound has a unique vibe           "Noscete Ipsum"
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  40
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Posted : Apr 20, 2009 19:43
if you are an organiser, it is better to spend less money for a good DJ instead of paying assets for a middle range live act only for having his name on the flyer

just my 2 cents...           We watch a monkey perform not because he is an artist, but a monkey performing
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
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Posted : Apr 22, 2009 18:17
good dj any day on 95% of live acts. good djs and long dj sets. but are there any good djs left or we killed them all with this chasing of big names?
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