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line ups, when they became monopolized?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 31, 2010 23:59
why not just giggle

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 31, 2010 23:59

On 2010-12-31 23:44, Mike A wrote:
Kris, seems like you're just whining about not getting any gigs.

1 gig in 2 years? Maybe the fault is not the organizers, it's you?
Even the crappiest artists get more than 1 gig in 2 years.

Heck, even myself with only 4-5 tracks released as Subra played more than 10 in the past 2 years and I wasn't even trying too hard (being a student). I guess if I was actively looking for gigs this could have been well over 30 or 40.

Again, no offense and not trying to start a flame war, but it just looks than whenever there is a thread about this kind of stuff you show up and start crying that no one gives a shit about you.

No offense... yeah sure

As I wrote in the beginning. No I am not whining as I have stopped playing in this scene. I was merely engaging in a debate and sharing my experience but as usual some joker comes along and makes it personal

Happy New Year Mike

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 1, 2011 09:27

On 2010-12-31 23:59, Beat Agency wrote:

On 2010-12-31 23:44, Mike A wrote:
Kris, seems like you're just whining about not getting any gigs.

1 gig in 2 years? Maybe the fault is not the organizers, it's you?
Even the crappiest artists get more than 1 gig in 2 years.

Heck, even myself with only 4-5 tracks released as Subra played more than 10 in the past 2 years and I wasn't even trying too hard (being a student). I guess if I was actively looking for gigs this could have been well over 30 or 40.

Again, no offense and not trying to start a flame war, but it just looks than whenever there is a thread about this kind of stuff you show up and start crying that no one gives a shit about you.

No offense... yeah sure

As I wrote in the beginning. No I am not whining as I have stopped playing in this scene. I was merely engaging in a debate and sharing my experience but as usual some joker comes along and makes it personal

Happy New Year Mike

+ 1, Lame attitude, no Need for Jokes, the work it's the Work, Subra, if You Are LUCKY ENOUGH to get GIGS...good for you, this ain't about HOW MANY TIMES YOUR ARE REQUIRED IN A GIG, sounds so Phatetic to Say how many Gigs you Got,That's Ego Stuff ...this is About...well...the Topic Title Said it all, i don't think he's whinning, just Sharing his Experience...

keep the Respect Guys...
Mike A

Started Topics :  185
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Posted : Jan 1, 2011 10:32
Yea! 10 gigs in 2 years! I'm such a showoff!
Get real.

Anyway I was saying that Mr. Kris here keeps getting banned from places and generally annoys people, so that could be a reason he is not getting any gigs, and not the fact that no one gives a shit about "Elysium" name, and people only look for superstars.

Started Topics :  23
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Posted : Jan 1, 2011 15:39

On 2011-01-01 10:32, Mike A wrote: that could be a reason he is not getting any gigs, and not the fact that no one gives a shit about "Elysium" name, and people only look for superstars.

Nah simply, mosbunal of the promoters are the biggest load of two-faced fuckwits and slimey cunts you could imagine and hope not to meet.

2,000,000+ views and counting.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 1, 2011 15:54

On 2011-01-01 10:32, Mike A wrote:
Yea! 10 gigs in 2 years! I'm such a showoff!
Get real.

Anyway I was saying that Mr. Kris here keeps getting banned from places and generally annoys people, so that could be a reason he is not getting any gigs, and not the fact that no one gives a shit about "Elysium" name, and people only look for superstars.

First of all I doubt many serious organizers ever come here except for reading comments about their festivals and promoting their festivals! 2nd. And if they do read this forum so what? Artists are not allowed to have an opinion? Your old grudges are getting so pathetic. Grow up!

And 3rd. I will never stop speaking my mind no matter if you or other people think it's wrong (because you are stuck in the past with old grudges). So live with it. Get back into the debate in a proper manner instead of this low way of debating.

And last ask yourself who it is that are annoying people now. You or me? Find yourself a mirror and take a good long look into it Mike

Again happy New Year I hope 2011 will be a blast for you.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 1, 2011 17:38
dunno how it works but from a friend that is touring since more than a decade he know lot of ppl...seems like connection and making good set is the key, he have some friends/agents all other the world that get him gigs and i guess it work like that for lot of the big names , new names don t have these connection yet,could be a reason...
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
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Posted : Jan 1, 2011 18:58
Best way to get gigs:
Go to parties, hang out with the organizers/artists, buy them drugs/drinks. Sorted  
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  49
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Posted : Jan 1, 2011 19:05
i'll give a big fat +1 to the "throw your own parties" statement.

i mean, you expect other people to set things up for you? at least in the US there's like 50 people that are serious about all this noise, and they're the artists.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 1, 2011 19:16

On 2011-01-01 19:05, dreadieg wrote:
i'll give a big fat +1 to the "throw your own parties" statement.

i mean, you expect other people to set things up for you? at least in the US there's like 50 people that are serious about all this noise, and they're the artists.

ehmmm you want me or other artists to throw our own parties in foreign countries? That does not make any sense. This debate is not about artists own countries versus gigs but about International Festivals and gigs. Read the topic-starter's 1st post.

And by the way i have made several parties. My point is still that it's not artists job to also organize the parties even though of course any artist can do whatever he/she wants.


On 2010-12-27 17:35:22, Login wrote:

How and when artist like the ones released on ektoplasm will begin to make appereances in big festivals?

Remy [POF]
Principles Of Flight

Started Topics :  48
Posts :  509
Posted : Jan 1, 2011 19:29

On 2011-01-01 18:58, disco hooligans wrote:
Best way to get gigs:
Go to parties, hang out with the organizers/artists, buy them drugs/drinks. Sorted

bru! you forgot to mention to bring sluts also           On 2011-03-08 23:13, moki wrote:
listening only to free music is like having the free possibility to satisfy yourself with thousends of different free sexual acts.
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Jan 1, 2011 19:29

On 2010-12-27 17:35:22, Login wrote:
How and when artist like the ones released on ektoplasm will begin to make appereances in big festivals?

This summer by the looks of things  
Wizack Twizack
Wizack Twizack

Started Topics :  239
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Posted : Jan 1, 2011 22:45
Doesn't matter that much where u release your shit these days.. as long as it sounds good people will get it sooner or later anyway, wich leads to gigs. It must be something like 5% of all the people that listen to this music who really cares about more then just the music itself, what lables and stuff. And those are the ones perhaps buying the cds instead of downloading some mp3s.

cheers!           For Contact & Bookings:
New Album Out: Wizack Twizack - IV (Ovnimoon Records 2011)
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
Posts :  1752
Posted : Jan 2, 2011 00:37

On 2011-01-01 22:45, Wizack Twizack wrote:
Doesn't matter that much where u release your shit these days.. as long as it sounds good people will get it sooner or later anyway, wich leads to gigs. It must be something like 5% of all the people that listen to this music who really cares about more then just the music itself, what lables and stuff. And those are the ones perhaps buying the cds instead of downloading some mp3s.


That's not my experience and opinion. I do think what label you release on has a lot to do with how many gigs you get. Otherwise many of the free released artists on example Ektoplazm would be way more busy than they actually are. Look at the download counts there

And I can assure you that many people are very much into what label artists are on. Its almost a nature law to be mesmerized with names instead of the actual music.
the mind

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  41
Posted : Jan 3, 2011 00:07
@ Login: I agree about the booking choices at the bigger festivals. I think alot of the artists on Ektoplazm just arent established enough yet to be bookable at the festivals. It takes years whether your'e on a label or not, I dont think its about releasing cd's or no cd's, its about your name being recognized and an interest in your music and that just doesn't happen overnight.

@ Wizack Twizack I agree that it doesn't matter where you release these days, because things have cleary changed. Labels are simply not as important anymore, if your'e a shit artist on a good label, you still wont get booked (Maybe in the short term, Dali for instance was booked because she was on Hommega, where is she now?). Ekoplex gets booked because he is a good artist (not my taste though) and not because he is on Ektoplazm, I think. Its up to the artist now and not the labels.

@ Beat Agency, mate with your attitude you'll be lucky to ever play, I feel compelled to say something to you because in every thread you have to preach your negative outlook to everyone even after you've supposedly "quit the scene". Ever heard of the saying "You create your own reality"? Listen to the way you speak. Maybe the organizers DO read the forums and are by now put off considering booking you because you have nothing good to say about anything. The only reason I know who you are is because I keep seeing this Beat Agency dude being overly negative on all the threads, it led me to even listen to your stuff on the Ektoplazm site to see wtf the story is. Do you want to be known as somebody who thinks the world owes them something via Isratrance or for your music? Youre killing your own music mate. To me the word Elysium = disgruntled forum person and not killer tribal goa or whatever.

You'll be surprised at how far your attitude can get you. You reap what you sow. What are you sowing right now? Doesn't look good to me.

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