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line ups, when they became monopolized?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 27, 2010 17:35:22
I feel that as time goes by line ups have become more stagnant with the same artist over and over and very few new artist.

How and when artist like the ones released on ektoplasm will begin to make appereances in big festivals?

why if nobody sells cd's, all that matters for having gigs is releasing cd´s?

why is so hard for new artist to be booked?
          "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 27, 2010 17:43
cause no one know them ,big names = more ppl at the partie = more money + some know what they are doing since years they are touring ,they wont disapoint, ppl know what to expect from them.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 27, 2010 19:06
Speaking of Ektoplazm - If I'm not mistaken Ekoplex is touring pretty extensively!            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe

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Posted : Dec 27, 2010 19:58
SubConsiousMind will appear at Ozora 2011?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 27, 2010 20:02

On 2010-12-27 17:43, PoM wrote:
cause no one know them ,big names = more ppl at the partie = more money + some know what they are doing since years they are touring ,they wont disapoint, ppl know what to expect from them.

that is obvious, but there was a begining and very few artist were famous, and line ups laways had some 2 or 3 good new artist. At some point that stopped.           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 27, 2010 20:37
It makes sense for big international parties like ozora, boom, etc. Not as many people would travel a far distance to see artists they had never heard of before. I'm sure there are some acts at these parties that are new, given the total number of acts they have.

I did have some UK folks mention to me that they were tired of seeing tristan and laughing buddha headlining what seemed like every party this year.  - Midwest based psytrance group
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Dec 27, 2010 20:40

On 2010-12-27 17:35:22, Login wrote:
why is so hard for new artist to be booked?

Not just new artists, sometimes.           Mastering - ::
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 27, 2010 20:58
Some of the more forward-thinking promoters have been realizing that booking artists with free music available is smart marketing. They can post their event info and link to an actual release by an artist they are featuring instead of just posting Youtube video versions of commercially-released music or something. I notice a lot of links back to the site for this purpose. So, things are changing, slowly... and some of the acts releasing via Ektoplazm have been getting more international attention, particularly those, like Ekoplex, who have invested heavily in the concept.

Still, more bookings would be nice
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 27, 2010 21:50

On 2010-12-27 17:35:22, Login wrote:
I feel that as time goes by line ups have become more stagnant with the same artist over and over and very few new artist.

How and when artist like the ones released on ektoplasm will begin to make appereances in big festivals?

why if nobody sells cd's, all that matters for having gigs is releasing cd´s?

why is so hard for new artist to be booked?

Probably never! As you correctly pointed out its the same artists and djs playing all festivals year after year. When other artists less "famous" try to get gigs they are usually ignored by those festivals. All they end up with is tons of spam from the Festivals.

It's a "I scratch your back you scratch my back" situation these days. Its not about talent, new sound etc. It's all about who knows who.

But this is not unique to this scene. But compared to example the House scene this scene is very monopolized these days leaving out a lot of new fresh talent. They ones that miss out are all the party goers being subject to only listening to the same old same. But at the end of the day if they want change they should just stop buying the tickets.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 27, 2010 23:19
just pick up the lesser known festivals for lesser known acts, cos they exist!
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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 29, 2010 09:49
I often look at the major festival line ups and ask what is different from last year, or the what is different from another festival happening on another continent. To be honest each year the differences are subtle.

Boom (I have never been) but seems to always have had a pretty dynamic line up year to year.

maybe that has to do with attendees putting their faith in boom as a whole. Burningman for instance has very little publicity focused on the line up despite some of the legendary performances.

Martian Arts

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Posted : Dec 29, 2010 12:06
You cannot have a big festival without the big names, imo. You just gotta have someone like Tristan for example and that is not simply because he is massive in the scene and has gained his reputation by playing belting sets for decades. He is an example of a big name that is currently active.
There are some other big names that are not active though, they don't even play/make trance music anymore, yet still enjoy a peak time set on a big psy-trance festival.

The things to consider regarding big festivals, are these.

A major festival costs mega bucks to put together and it needs to make mega bucks, in order for it to take place again the next year. So big festival organisers MUST do anything they can to pull the numbers in and they start by booking all the big acts that will draw the crowds in. Unfortounately that includes IM fans, but there you go

Now a big festival goes on for days, that means hours upon hours of slots to fill. So after the big names, you get the organiser's mates that DJ/started a new act. These people vary from festival to festival.

Then you get the new acts that broke through. There have been some new people making appearances in festivals, very small in numbers, but the "logistics" of a big festival line up, don't allow for a large margin of "improvising" with the young blood.

After that there is also the people who have been releasing music for decades issue and keep doing so, yet not getting a slot in the big festivals...I assume this has to do with "communication" that is not on the best level...

Most importantly though, think! What do you really expect from a massive festival that needs like 10000 paying tickets to break even? Don't expect long hours of underground dance music. Do expect quite a bit of techno, sorry prog that fills Beatport's charts and be prepared for some awful singing.
Festivals, as in, an extremely deep and sustainable state of trance, died for me after Sola Luna 2002.
They are good fun though + a great chance to meet once more with old friends that you meet every few years in some remote dancefloor.

Peace out.

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 29, 2010 14:44

On 2010-12-29 12:06, disco hooligans wrote:After that there is also the people who have been releasing music for decades issue and keep doing so, yet not getting a slot in the big festivals...I assume this has to do with "communication" that is not on the best level...

You mean the level of communication from the festivals/organizers side (a part from all the spam they start to send you)? Take my example and this is not whining as I dont want to play in this scene any longer.

When I tried to get gigs with Elysium (brand new fresh and IMO a top quality live-set with 2009 sound quality etc.) I was met with a wall of "we could not care less" organizers from not only the big festivals but basically most organizers and not to forget ignorant "cheap talk" we get back to you organizers from Greece. A place where I would have thought I had at least a chance to get a gig with the past history of Elysiums name in Greece. I know Elysium had been away for quite a while from the scene and probably many did not know the name any longer. But after contacting 250+ organizers, doing a lot of promotion and only landing ONE gig in 2 years I gave up. It made it crystal clear to me that "new" artists are not welcome in this scene unless they release their music on a high profiled label. Actually its all about the labels these days (in the mind of the organizer). Release on a high profiled label - no matter the quality of your music - and you are guaranteed gigs every weekend.

Sad but true.

Martian Arts

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Posted : Dec 29, 2010 16:15
I mean some past disagreements that lead to "x" artist landing on some sort of "trance festival black list"...its a wild assumption anyway.

I think the high profile label does help though.
To my limited knowledge, if a label person is involved with a festival, all his label artists, play the festival, irrespective of their recent output.

It all counts. Having said that I ain't going to start making tunes that fit to "insert-name-of-commercial-full-on-label-here" in order to get gigs. I ain't gonna bitch about traveling every second month and not every weekend, either. Not implying Elysium or Colin are by the way.
Its the order of things right, its not enough to make the tunes, you gotta create a fuss about you making the tunes, meet the label bods and "break/slide in the circle of gigs".
I think its like that for any genre really.

Another wild guess is that, the amount of parties and generally party goers/hence party fees, get smaller. So for lack of a better word, "the cake" is getting smaller. So the people that have "the cake" are even less willing to share it....sort of speak...fuck knows.

Peace out.

Peace out.  
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 29, 2010 16:29
Start throwing parties
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