IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 22, 2016 11:00:30
Does anybody can tell me how to get the baseline so clear and groovy??
I know it´s simple for the most of you but it would help me a lot.
Thank you Have a nice day,Lucas
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 22, 2016 13:31
i rarely hear such basslines in the workshop area. so not sure if its simple for people here.
but it really is the same deal everytime. give the kick the same amount of attention that you do on the bassline.
one cant live without the other.
Other than that straight forward sawwave bass, saturation of some sort, snappy envelopes.
And i hear some swing.
maybe thats what you are looking for
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 22, 2016 14:07
you need to regtrigger the phase somwhere it s very clicky probably and play with the amp attack envelop so it sound good and not like a harsh burst, i guess you probably know that, then it will be in the eq.. and if its still not enought you may try something that change the transient, like some all pass filters at the right spot, or some crossever from a multiband saturator at the right spot stuff like this.
but i think just with a eq and the similar synth patchs you could be very close
and it sound like a other plastic va so you could maybe get something similar with most popular plugs and if it doesn t work i would try to use a compressor that can expand or transient designer, if it dosent work i would try a synth that is really clicky with a burst in the attack like es1 or the virus has a setting for this i think and see if it work, i doubt it s analog bass but this is just guess.
the trick is to get that clicky attack that sound almost like a burst and making it sound not painfull to the ears .
it would be intresting too look at the waveform so you can try to reporuce it with a oscilloscope
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 22, 2016 21:53
Thanks guys,i tried to get your hints..and it works better now...great
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 22, 2016 22:23
what you can do also is to delay the bassline, i mean make it play a few millisecond earlier to see if it improve the groove with the kick, also when doing it , look at your headroom to find a spot where the kick and bass line waveforms don t built on top of each other but rather cancel more or less so you don t loose headroom.you may adjust the kick tail pitch slighty and where in the waveform the bass retrigger for this looking at a oscilloscope or the peak meter to find a spot between both waveforms that doesn t peak. if you want really phat sound you can use longer kick that way where the kick tail mix with the first note bassline but it s not needed to get the sound you re after
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 22, 2016 23:02
Ok cool tipp..I´ll try it for sure.sounds interesting.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 22, 2016 23:06
i told you to try some compressor or transient designer and other stuff ..but it s not really needed if you tweak well the synth,the amp and filter envelop. just with tweaking the synth and maybe a bit of eq you should already have good sound. try synth like sylenth or spire if you have these, they are easy to tweak for psy bass.
i find it more easy with real knobs dunno why..so if you have controller maybe try to assign the key parameters.filter cuttof; filter enelop amount and his decay and sutain., then to get more snap fine tune the amp envelop, don t hestiate to use fast decay and little sustain and raise the ouput level to compensate
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 24, 2016 18:27
try to use 2 different envelops on the filter, one just with a short decay for the clicky attack, and the second one like usual for psy bass..will give you good control on the patch and good snape, you need good exponential envelop for tightess sound
after you tweak well this and amp envelop , maybe around 1 db or compression with the right compressor to see if it help.. light compresion cause if the synth is well tweaked you will probably make more harm than good if you re not subbtle with the comp
1 or2 db is already huge if the attack/body of the bass are well balanced, it s just to try to define a lillte more the attack and maybe slight pumping with the release to make it groove more.. but what ever work..
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 26, 2016 20:48
It's worth mentioning here that where you place your sustain level on the amp envelope is going to have an impact on the relative level between the transient and the body of the sound - which is what you control with the sustain.
Think of it this way: if the sustain is down 3dB from its maximum, then that's how much higher the decay stage is going to be, relative to the sustain part.
Using a compressor like described above is only going to dig this difference a little further. Or, in other words, you're only just making the difference between the transient and the body of the sound a little bigger.
Now, if some of you are thinking that I'm suggesting that if you set your amp envelope just right you may dispense with this, think again. I just think that whenever you're using a compressor to tailor the shape of each note, then you need to pay extra attention to the release stage, so that it can recover fast enough to work the same way on the next note. If you're doing this with 16th notes on a fast bpm, then there's only so much leeway for you to work with before you start to negatively affect the sound.
As a consequence of that, it's far better to sample the notes and apply a compressor on them - let's call this "note by note compression" just to make it easier. This works best because you don't have to worry about the notes that come next and how much harm you can do to them with your compressor.
Situations in which I think a compressor can be used as an insert, besides the obvious sidechain compressor, is where you really just want to reduce the dynamics - in which case you'll need a fast reacting, hard knee and a big ratio, but you still need to watch those gain reduction levels and monitor how smoothly the compressor is operating and listen real careful to the results (the most important part!). If you think the description here matches a limiter, you're absolutely right - just don't accuse me of telling anyone to squash the living shit out of their bass with a limiter.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 26, 2016 20:57
Then the obvious things:
in both kick and bass, there's more highs in the transient and more lows in the body/tail of the sound. so with the volume shape you're actually controlling the tonal shape of the sounds.
Cosmo Circle
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 4, 2016 14:20
all you need is a Bazzism 2 and Zebra 2 plugins
all the other fx's are flstudio native ones.
the setup is very simple and it can be ported and adapted to other sequencers
No big secret on this, i use both zebra and bazzism because it let me adapt the shape of the elements... maximus compressor is also very good for adjust low-end and colouring certain frequencies, since is it offer multiple-band options.
about lifeforms bassline, its very well designed, i cant be sure about synth he used to make the bass, but i would say that this things depend a lot of your taste and your room conditions, the way you ear it influences a lot the output...
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 4, 2016 16:20