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Life in London...


Started Topics :  193
Posts :  3858
Posted : Nov 7, 2012 19:32:30
Hi guys, hope you freaks are well.

I'm seriously considering taking some time off Brazil to live in London. As hard as this may be to believe but I've never been so fond about the life in Brazil. lol

I'll be using my 6 months tourist visa and will stay there after it.
So if someone could be a lamb and help me out with some pointers such as visa options, difficulty level to find a job without papers/visa, good locations or even a more direct help such as job references and opportunities.

I'm a pretty quiet and easygoing chap, very tidy and responsible (even though I'be been a member in IsraTrance for almost 10 years now).

Sorry if pissed you off for disturbing the peace while posting an offtopic thread but I'm a bit desperate to find a job so I won't have to go there to start looking.

Thx in avance, guys!

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