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let`s share some good ideas!

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  58
Posts :  167
Posted : Nov 24, 2010 18:02:50
c,mon, lets share some new and fresh ideas about music,,...
music is expression of our culture it reflects the state of conciussness about society,, im a little bit sad, `cause this forum (Talking about mexican topics) are quite empty (most of them)... repeating the same,, just pasting & copying,, sounds & ideas from another countries,, just following that consumist way, and lefting all behind ...
that the reason of the "non-evolution" of this concept labeled as "trance"...
we must look forward and go for it .
Some people may say "music has nothing to deal with politics and ideals, this is only for trance..." let me tell you something,,
on "old school days" there were and amazing vibe around , there were the massification of digital revolution (PC, internet,Mass-media-postcapitalism ideals of utopic organization in order to that the results were cultural expression like goa psytrance proposing ideals on young people of respect of nature, harmony , peace and sustentability,,,!!!!!
just follow the right way, trance must be involved with new kind of vision, it must help young people to engrow their conciussness, and offer possibilities to experience a different ideal the ideal of a new generation of renovation,, and evolutioned planetary human beigns!!!!
that all.....
are you moving, or are you static?
are you a lion or are you a sheep?
are you a psychenaut or are you part of that non-thinking species like most people are?

          "Noscete Ipsum"
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  58
Posts :  167
Posted : Nov 24, 2010 18:04
if you ignore where all this came from,, you will never find out where to go....

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  65
Posts :  1707
Posted : Nov 25, 2010 05:38
One of the main reasons I love trance, psy and electronic music in general is how its artist and promoters are very proactive and had created its own scene with its own resources.

Totally independent from corps or goverments.

I mean, its really nice to feel that vibe of independence and still people in this scene are not quite political active, like punk and reggae crowd.

Its a more pragmatic aproach: make your own world, live by your rules.

I said this cause i found a lot of people that likes rock, reggae to be quite loud about how much they hate the system and still they attend the shows backed up by the goverment and big corps. For example the Ollinkan festival in Mexico city.

And then this people support causes like state owned oil monopoly and state owned energy. They dont have an idea of the grave they are digging.

Another thing I found quite annoying right now in our country is how people disagrees with everything, its like they just want a perfect society from one day to another, and nothing cant be done cuase "its not good enough, or it can be done better", but they dont move a damn finger.

So, a good idea? Keep being creative, keep being proactive, constructive and support change no matter thats its just a little bit.

          "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - let`s share some good ideas!
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