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Leinad from Guadalajara to the Blacklist of promoters


Started Topics :  87
Posts :  703
Posted : Dec 10, 2006 03:21
hey there

im very very sad to reach the point where i have to post this. i dont like throwing bad vibes, but i want everyone to know the truth so you can have all the facts when you consider working with Leinad from Guadalajara.

His name is Daniel Herrera, plays as a dj with the name Leinad. He is the head of Itnot, a party organizer based in guadalajara, he also makes bookings for artists in other cities of mexico. At first i read about what had happened to Xyla when leinad brought her. I talked with everyone involved and i reasoned that Leinad had learnt the lesson and he would not fuck up again. Everyone told me not to deal with him, but i decided to trust him, he seemed a good guy, not professional, but not a bad guy at all.

so the original deal was like this. 2 gigs, one in hermosillo, and one in guadalajara. both of them for 500 dollars and flight share which was 640 (320 per each party). i decided to trust him and he only sent the flight shares, with the promise he would send the fee while we stayed in mexico. we lowered our price and we were kind enough to wait for him to send the fee later.

so the first party was in Hermosillo on the 4th of november. leinad was part of the organization together with a group called Philosmatika, specifically a guy called Trino. I reached hermosillo and everything was ok, i was promised to be payed before playing on saturday night. Again i was kind and i decided to wait until they got organized, always trusting them. The day of the party finally came, i start to play, and no fee. Lots of good vibes of the people, but Leinad and Trino were already very very drunk, Leinad was drinking whisky non stop and talking like an idiot withouth realizing how he was acting. Trino took acid and started snorting cocaine and drinking vodka nonstop.

I finished playing and i stayed to listen to madro/macros set. I go to ask for my money to Leinad and suddenly all the vibes changed. He started giving excuses, when i finally put pressure on him, we go to talk to Trino. We get in a car and start talking about this, but still no money appearing. Trino was completely fucked up on acid, with a huge bag of cocaine and the vodka bottle in his hand, and Leinad was completely drunk and unable to speak or behave properly. Trino pulls out a couple of mexican pesos all shrinked in his pocket, it was not enough at all. I started getting pissed and he dissapeared and suddenly brings more money, in total it was around 300 dollars. But i still did not have my fligh back to Mexico D.F and i had no money to pay for the hotel room for the day. In the middle of this crisis, Leinad goes to the dj booth and starts playing his dj set!!! instead of solving the issue with the money, he was so drunk that he somehow convinced himself that the people were waiting for him to play and that was more important than anything else at that moment. At that point i freaked out and i got very pissed with him, he was all night long saying things like "you are the number one priority", "anything you need i get it", etc. it was really insane how many contradictions one mind could hold.

So after realizing Trino was too fucked up to handle everything, I turned to Leinad, as he was responsible for my fee, as he had made the booking. It turns out something happened with all the money in Hermosillo, i dont know what happened, but all of the people of Philosmatika had huge bags of cocaine. Leinad was too drunk and started acting very strange, threatening to send mafia to the guys, freaking out and about to cry, but still no fucking money. All the people had treated me with the best vibes until the point where they had to pay me, its very typical of some mexicans to use the word "ahorita", "i pay you now man, anything you need". But when i put pressure on them, they algo gave excuses and dissapeared.

I ended up staying 2 days in Hermosillo, while Leinad went on a car trying to find this Trino guy. Leinad finally understood that the Philosmatika crew had fucked him, but anyways he did not do anything to get my flight back or the rest of the fee until i got very very pissed off and started shouting at him. I ended up talking with his mother, who promised me to send me the money 2 days after, which in the end was also a lie.

Leinad finally booked my flight back and promised me he would pay me in the same week, this was supposed to be around the 9th of November. Today is now the 9th of december, 1 month and 5 days after this party, and i have not received this money. I tried contacting him over msn, email and phone, and when i finally found him, he just gave more excuses and bought more time with more lies.

Today is the 9th of december, we were supposed to play in guadalajara. for the last weeks i have been talking with Leinad over email and he always promised to send the money "ahorita". We even ended up accepting that he only send part of the money and gives us the rest once we get to the gig!!!. Now its 7pm, and we stil dont have any money for the bus, he did not pay his debt and he did not send the fee for tonights party. i just called a friend of him, and he tells me the party is cancelled. In fact he never gave me this number, I went on msn and asked everyone for a number where I could reach him. Leinad even lied about this, he didnt even give us a number to contact him.

so according to our contract, he owes us 200 from Hermosillo and half the fee of the guadalajara gig as he decided to cancel it in the last hour, destroying any chance for us to get any other gigs. In total this is 450 dollars.

This is very sad for me, because when i reached hermosillo and i met all thie people everything was great, we smoked, we ate and hanged out, talked and everything was completely cool, but at the time of saying the truth, everybody just dissapeared. Leinad is responsible as he was the person who i talked too, its really sad, he is a nice guy, but clearly he is either an idiot, a coward or too crazy to realize what he is doing. He never had the money to pay us and he still does not have it, he never had the resources to organize any of the parties properly and in the end i trusted him to be let down completely in a spiral of ridiculous lies and plain disrespect.

Im posting this so everyone knows who he is, he fucked xyla and now he fucked us, i will do my best to let everyone on the global and mexican scene know what this guy is about. I hope he appears and pays his debts, i hope he realizes that this is something he could have avoided simply by calling us and telling us the truth. we have been talking with him for one month and he always had a new lie, either about the party, either about when he was going to send the money, etc, etc.

Leinad if you are reading this, you left us no choice, you fucked us with out reason and you ended being up a coward who could not face his own mess. i hope you can fix this, i trusted you and you fucked me in the ass. the mexico scene is a beautiful one and its because of people like you that artists are afraid to go to mexico and trust the promoters.

i know that Mexico is not Leinad, but for fucks sake, we need to get together and not let weasels lie Leinad grow.

so lets see what happens, usually forums make promoters react, it seems proud is much more powerful than respect.           Psychedelic Trance from Argentina

Megalopsy Travel Blog

Started Topics :  87
Posts :  703
Posted : Dec 10, 2006 03:29
also to add to this

there were several artists booked for this party that never had any kind of answer from leinad

ive been in contact with undertaker and xiwkry neyra, both of them did not receive any kind of concrete replies from leinad. he never paid any fee or transport.           Psychedelic Trance from Argentina

Megalopsy Travel Blog
Substance / The Ataris

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Posts :  172
Posted : Dec 10, 2006 03:44
i wonder... did u signed any contract? and if u did i think the fault its right away from the beginning the guy already had some history fucking artist and after that still u trust him, i mean thiefs are still thiefs even if they smile or get u a drink. im sorry again to see that somehow he managed to get away of this kind of situation. and im also sorry that u didnt got what u supposed to have. still cant understand why u agreed any deal with him, ive been working under a contract the last months and even when their parties didnt went cool, i always got the money.

im pretty much sure u will get 10 replies, of guys saying apologies and saying they are on ur back, but in the end... i suggest u from artist to artist to work 100% professional not 90% and never play anywhere till u got what u ask. sounds like beeing a bitch, and u might have to be it. good luck for the next

Started Topics :  87
Posts :  703
Posted : Dec 10, 2006 03:57
im very sorry to reach this conclusion, im also latin american and i know what its like to have barely enought to make the party. unfortunately with mexico you have to play it hard and ask for the money before. i expected a unprofessional scene but with better vibes, i guess im too innoccent but we have learned our lesson.

i just want everyone to know about this guy, he did not learn his lesson, but i hope this topic makes him react and at least make him pay his debts.

          Psychedelic Trance from Argentina

Megalopsy Travel Blog
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  208
Posted : Dec 10, 2006 04:03
contract or no contract thats just wrong, ONCE AGAIN same idiot ruins the mexican scene.. i find it really unfair for these type of organizers breaking promisses, it makes other promotors like me (that work really hard to throw a great party in mexico) look bad.

Leinad & Trino are a big NO on my list now..

but i want to say this is not in every part of Mexico, there are many very profesional organizers, artists should just know where to go. Unfortunetly there is always some moron with no word. What a disgrace.           Gorump Peyya - \\\"Mystery of Nitzzy\\\"
VA - \\\"No Mercy for the Weak\\\"
eniChkin - \\\"A Particle of Infinity\\\"
VA - \\\"Ten Reasons to eat dust\\\"

Started Topics :  87
Posts :  703
Posted : Dec 10, 2006 04:08
hey there umbra, thanks for your support

by the way i want to say that 5th element, psy productions and the Unreal crew from san luis were excellent organizers. Also ponce in monterrey and carlos in Torreon. they treat us with respect and they respected their word.

          Psychedelic Trance from Argentina

Megalopsy Travel Blog

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Posts :  6
Posted : Dec 10, 2006 04:34
i don't know too much about organiznig parties, and contracts and all that, but, is there a way to put him in jail?????

that kind of people like "shitleniad" and the other guy must be in jail

hey amigo, like substance said: "never play anywhere till u got what u ask. sounds like beeing a bitch, and u might have to be it." i think is the best to avoid shitty situations like this

good look, and my best wishes to you           tennok ॐ
Mr Ponce
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  117
Posted : Dec 10, 2006 05:59
too bad Leniad is doing himself in as an event organizer...
i understand Filter & Mati's descontent, i hope they dont get a bad idea
of Mexico from all of this.
i still dont understand what happened with Leinad, because from what people
tell me NOW its not the first time that this has happenned: it happened
to Xyla, then it happened again but a third time, well, this leaves the impression
that they have a very bad organization LOL
internal organization from ITNOT
i too, wanted to go to Guadalajara with no more than the idea of playing and only
receiving money for transportation, because i wanted to see the Argentinian pibes off, and well,

im stuck on this computer 4 tonight.
i was only contacted by PRoYECTO GDL publicity/staff where the "UNDERTAKER" act
was announced, sadly, i am left with only the idea of going there.

undertaker-Mr ponce

Biomechanix crew

Shaman Films Records
Shaman Films Records

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  349
Posted : Dec 10, 2006 06:31
So sorry to hear that brothers, we went trough the same thing with this bastard Leinad i hope this doesnt ever happen again!!
he tried to pay xyla with a 1930s Photo Camera can you believe that! if it wasnt for good promoters like Umbra & Wicked ( Fifth Element ) they saved her and bought her a plane ticket to San Diego!

Shaman Films Media

Coming soon!
SHAMFCD012 Apocalyptic Ritual Compiled by Dark Whisper
SHAMFCD013 Engrams The Trilogy ( double cd ) <BR

Started Topics :  28
Posts :  535
Posted : Dec 10, 2006 20:18
i cannot believe that there is people like this, that can lie to you in your face without beign disturbed at all. how can they survive for such long time?

a severe lack of balls. i wasnt here for the first episode of the story in hermosillo, but the one this week really pissed me off. he was avoiding facing us all week, avoiding saying he didnt got the money, until 7pm of the very same saturday !!! leaving the artists in the last priority.

the thing about the camera is just hilarious. with this as an example should be enough to understand what leinad is about, poor Xyla to be stuck in Leinads dimension.

the other organizers we dealt with we just great, i felt like home all the time. big hug to everyone and thanks for the support. ponce and dex from monterrey, erik and the guys from 5th element , carlos ing. flo from torreon, marakame cru frum san luis. we had a great time.

boom brothers
burn fire and purify

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providing shamanic euphoria until the end of the days!

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Posts :  147
Posted : Dec 10, 2006 23:22
bring me tha mother fucker ! to fuck him up
zape !!
sorry to my carnales from argentina
kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  62
Posts :  953
Posted : Dec 10, 2006 23:24
no wonder why you guys never called me, I had everything ready,"empanadas with Quilmes" some smoke in front of the monitors ready to play with some software as we spoke online . )= I could have imagine they were about to do that again every since they hand me the flyer out but, still , just like you guys, I thought it will come through this time and make it up for what he did to Xyla, I want to clear up that Guadalajara doesnt even know who those guys are!!! and I honestly, every since i came back to Guadalajara in February never been to one of their parties(if they have had one) , or not even heard a good feedback about this ITNOT promoters or DJ LEINAD ......
Lets Burn Them Out!


Started Topics :  2
Posts :  84
Posted : Dec 11, 2006 18:39
thats really bad leinad you are now in mi black list people like you fucked up the mexico scene. hope you never do a party again NO LEINAD ITNOT RECS.
Here in Mexico they are good party promoters
who knows how to treat a artist with RESPECT.
saludos a los maniakos de argentina.

Makro MassAbduction/Pleiadian/5thelementRecs.
keep musik evil muahahahahahhaa BoOoOOm
Caffix Records
Caffix Records

Started Topics :  17
Posts :  85
Posted : Dec 11, 2006 23:51
So sad to find out about this kind of situations here in México or were ever they happen ...

i was tricked too with this party; i made the design of the flyer which could never be finished due to the lack of information of Leinad, and i was suppose to play too at the party

I just invinte all the artists to be careful with the ppl you get involved with ......
'promoters' or 'managers'..., if u can call them like that, that dont represent our growing scene.

Shame on you Itnot Crew.

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IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  43
Posts :  62
Posted : Dec 12, 2006 08:45
Its a shame to read about Leinards actittude, people like him harms all the Mexican scene, so dont make the same mistake again, dont trust him again!

No pi pi pi pinche mames! Leinard!"
Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - Leinad from Guadalajara to the Blacklist of promoters

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