Legalization of Marihuana and Other Drugs for Personal Use
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 28, 2006 06:09
But they can investigate who is your dealer and fuck him regardless of this new law.
From the dealers point of view it may mean more risk, but from the consumers point of view its a great blessing. Imagine, a cop stops you and finds a joint in your car. He may ask you who sold it to you and you can answer him whatever nonsense: some guy called "el guero" in Iguala, Guerrero, good shit by the way. Now if you will excuse me officer, I am in a hurry as me and some friends are going to get HIGH at home. Adios
Before this it was horrible, they would find a bachita, even just a seed and they were already scaring you and giving you all this hell. Now you can legally tell them to go fuck themselves if they plan to bother you.
I guess we'll see what the reality of this law really is. But so far to me it sounds very good.
deliria mara
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Posted : Apr 28, 2006 16:04
I wish I feel this is right, but how many laws exist and how many are actually able to applied...Plus the iniciative comes from PAN party, the most conservatives, USA ass lickers, it smells strange...
Yesterday I saw on the news that of course they can investigate who's your dealer and also they can send you to rehab!!!!!!!!!! So even if its legal to carry is still ilegal to buy, and we'll give mordida anyway in order to skip the terapy.... in my opinion we still have to discreet
But of course Im happy this changes are coming anyway, i just to hope they throw a law realistic and complete, if you legalize the use at least have information and educational programs about drugs, etc....
Anyway, enjoy your joints!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bio Genesis
Bio Genesis
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Posted : Apr 28, 2006 17:56
All we need now is good quality weed and some coffeeshops ambulantes
Better than amsterdam
deliria mara
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Posted : Apr 28, 2006 20:15
I will enjoy mines!!!!!!!!!!! |
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Posted : Apr 29, 2006 23:57
Never trust the goverment and their secret intentions, they never act just for acting they have a whole conspiracy behind.....
Rush , say cheers be happy enjoy this situation then sit down and THINK what really is behind all this, life is a been smart over smarter game, are u playing it or are you been played.>???
  -Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the MUSIC- |
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Posted : Apr 30, 2006 21:14
pls...dont trust the goverment!!!
this is way to strange...take care...and dont forget....we are usa neighbors...scary innit?
DJ Hoffman
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 3, 2006 10:26
This is SOOO nice .... definetly is a 20yr quantum leap i think.... of course before this law they could investigate you or your dealer and all...... but now its like making drug users legal.... not smoking or usign drugs in public places (unless is with religious purposes like peyote) LOL well I know this really sounds confusing but it sounds to me like EVOLUTION and tolerance..... of course panik if you are a dealer .... or if you you carry larger doses...because this doses are very personal indeed jejeje but selling drugs, and consuming them has always beign OUTLAWED here... so how can it be more outlawed than its already... ?? i think there are much more penalties in countries like japan or usa.. for simple drug users ... so see this more like a step forward rather than a trap....
so far each person can carry the following dosages... 5 grms of Marijuana or hash i think , 250grms of mushrooms so far not specified if fresh or dried LOL..... 1 LSD ,1 kg of peyote !! SO FAR THIS SOUNDS REALLY NICE TO ME also... half gram of coke, 1 xtc pill, 5grms of opium, .250mg of heroin ....
so imagine, now each person can LEGALLY carry this around LOL...... just try to be discreet, dont push your luck too far guys...
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 3, 2006 21:35
Well president Fox still needs to sign the bill before its an established law. Apparently its almost certain he will, but so hold your horses before this happens. |
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Posted : May 4, 2006 06:11
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Posted : May 5, 2006 02:59
If the Law was originally proposed by his party why is he backing out now???
Yes, it is some sort of advancement, but maybe the consequences will not be favorable. Maybe they cant combat the narcotrafico at all and drug abuse grows. Why are mexican officials worried that it will become a place packed with thrill-seeking tourists... places like cancun and acapulco are already full of tourists anyway, so what is the difference? If their plan was to follow each and every one of us into the delears layer, i dont think it will work out for them since most of the patrullas (police cars) who will probably be sent out to search are on the dealers "mordida" payrole. Hopefully Fox will not be threatened by the big bad white house and this law that favors us partiers will be passed.
Stay Positive....
  "If our gods and our hopes are nothing but scientific phenomena, then it must be said that our love is scientific as well"
- "L'Eve Future" |
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Posted : May 5, 2006 16:21
He is backing up for the reason that almost everything is done by the president fox, because the usa is putting a lot of pressure on mexican goberment, is obvious!!!!!
All good things are always destroyed by USA!!!!All bad things come from them!!!!!!! ( USA gobernment and followers) |
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Posted : May 13, 2006 12:51
I am travelling to Mexico soon and I saw this and spoke to a Mexican friend about it and he hadn't heard anything about it either. When I went to find the article I read about it in tho I found another article saying that the president bowed down to US pressure and want s the bill revised to take out the bits legalising drugs. I think there were al lot of other things in the bill too, like increasing penalties for drug trafficking near schools and increasing penalties for drug use among government workers or something. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 16, 2006 03:05
On 2006-05-03 10:26, DJ Hoffman wrote:
This is SOOO nice .... definetly is a 20yr quantum leap i think.... of course before this law they could investigate you or your dealer and all...... but now its like making drug users legal.... not smoking or usign drugs in public places (unless is with religious purposes like peyote) LOL well I know this really sounds confusing but it sounds to me like EVOLUTION and tolerance..... of course panik if you are a dealer .... or if you you carry larger doses...because this doses are very personal indeed jejeje but selling drugs, and consuming them has always beign OUTLAWED here... so how can it be more outlawed than its already... ?? i think there are much more penalties in countries like japan or usa.. for simple drug users ... so see this more like a step forward rather than a trap....
so far each person can carry the following dosages... 5 grms of Marijuana or hash i think , 250grms of mushrooms so far not specified if fresh or dried LOL..... 1 LSD ,1 kg of peyote !! SO FAR THIS SOUNDS REALLY NICE TO ME also... half gram of coke, 1 xtc pill, 5grms of opium, .250mg of heroin ....
so imagine, now each person can LEGALLY carry this around LOL...... just try to be discreet, dont push your luck too far guys...
what if you carrying the small amount of everything?????? is that legal????
  -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 16, 2006 03:45
it didn't pass yo |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 23, 2006 12:28
hey you lucky mexican smokers,recently we had the cannabis protestival in athens greece with music and much happenings,we still fight for our freedom...keep it freeeeeeeeeeeeeee
After the End,a new Begining startS.. |