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Legalization of Marihuana and Other Drugs for Personal Use


Started Topics :  4
Posts :  104
Posted : Apr 27, 2006 02:07
Yesterday the mexican government passed a law which allows the personal use of certain drugs, and a possession of such in regulated amounts.

Check it out:

What are your thoughts about this?


Started Topics :  3
Posts :  78
Posted : Apr 27, 2006 02:20
It was about time... new we can carry sum stash without being arrested or robbed by our police officers!

no mas mordidas!!!! jaja

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  104
Posted : Apr 27, 2006 05:38
For me it was shocking!!!! I have lived in Mexico for most of my life and i would have never imagined that this was even a posiblity. So now every time you get mugged by a cop you will not have to give a mordida! Sounds cool... but in reality how will society respond to this? The plan is good we all know that this is the only way for our country to fight el narcotrafico, but will this really work? We all know how powerfull they are how will they go down that easy? And whats up with the press?How will they react? Maybe they are to ocuppied covering the 1o de Mayo streak...
Lets wait and see what happens... please share your comments.

Best of vibes...


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Posted : Apr 27, 2006 08:15
this also surprised me because i read the article today on LA CRONiCA and i had not heard anything about this before. it's like it just magically happened
i guess they think in time, people wont want 2 take drugs because theyll see all the effects it has on older people (us). but hey if we want to use them... that's freedom!
& this will also make users lineup outside the dealers's homes/plazas (bien calientito ) and we'll see more dealers in jail as opposed to well behaved/smart users... interesting days we live in
how has this turned out in canada & holland?
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  17
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Posted : Apr 27, 2006 11:10
Is this some sort of joke? So I can
like...go to the mall and whip out
a joint? Is this for real? I mean,
I think some drugs are great for people
that know how to use them but isnt
this a little risky?

If its real though, party at my house XD

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Posts :  27
Posted : Apr 27, 2006 15:18
maann...i cant really belive this...
doesnt sound true at all...its like we leaving in a twiglight zone here...
imagine all the ppl consumming shit loads of drugs now.,..that will change all the ppl in our soceity..all the youth, there will be weirder ppl around...shiit....still cant belive this!!...sounds in a way...but bad in an know¿¿

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Posts :  37
Posted : Apr 27, 2006 15:41
Hi to all...i read the article that digitaldancer quoted and.......its unbelievable
is this for true?In Greece laws about drugs are very strict,there is no legalization of any kind of drug and I dont thing that there will never be and in mexico it is all right to have 1gram of coka with you?
what can i say........Viva Mexico           --------Our current state is a result of our yesterday thoughts and todays thoughts create our tomorrow life:our life is a creation of our thought---------------
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  514
Posted : Apr 27, 2006 19:08

On 2006-04-27 11:10, l!l wrote:
Is this some sort of joke? So I can
like...go to the mall and whip out
a joint? Is this for real? I mean,
I think some drugs are great for people
that know how to use them but isnt
this a little risky?

If its real though, party at my house XD

Nou Nou it's for personal use only, taking personal use as that u cant take drugs in any public place cause u will be taken out to the police , it's only for personal use in your home where u can't disturbe anybody, this law only aplies if u carry something in the street and the police stop u for whatever cause and find something this way they cant take you to anywhere unless of course u are carring more than the estipulated maximum of dosis per person. For example u can carry 1 joint of Marihuana(5grms) or 1kg of peyote, if u have more surely police will fuck u up, so remeber dudes u can carry it but u cant take it in the bus backway home
          If u are Something, Dont ask for nothing
If u are Nothing, Dont ask for something
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  10
Posts :  375
Posted : Apr 27, 2006 19:20
Hi all!!

Well, i find out yesterday i believe, bya friend who sent me the link, but the link was to el universal, and in there it saiis that u can carry 5 grams of pot, but on the link 2 la cronica, it said 50 grams!!!!... thats about 2 ounces, or a toston jiji... i just want to know, which one of this 2 is telling the truth, cuz i dont want 2 risk my ass, and go out with my tosotn, and then get busted lmao!!!!, if anyone knows please tell me XD

Best wishes 2 all


          Memento Mori
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  725
Posted : Apr 27, 2006 19:22

Well I hope its really true, it would be very progressive thinking.

Another thing that was recently legalized in Mexico is prostitution, which makes a lot of sense as well.

Ok so what is next? The goberment sponsoring psychedelic festivals?

Well one thing that seriously needs to be legalized in Mexico is NUDITY, I mean its just absolute intolerance that a person can not walk nude on the street or he gets arrested. Its an insult to our most basic rights.

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  10
Posts :  375
Posted : Apr 27, 2006 19:32

On 2006-04-27 19:22, Aluxe wrote:

Well one thing that seriously needs to be legalized in Mexico is NUDITY, I mean its just absolute intolerance that a person can not walk nude on the street or he gets arrested. Its an insult to our most basic rights.

lollollollol... u went 2 far my friend!!           Memento Mori
kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 27, 2006 19:50
I read it ,I discussed it with couple of my friends and Im still undestanding in the same car crash....
how long its going to take to stop our respectable police deparments to apply this regulation? I mean you know and we all know how fucked up they are and how they live out of "mordidas" every weekend.
we´ll see sooner or later.....
until then spark it up in the living room,not in the parking lot 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  725
Posted : Apr 27, 2006 19:58

but the link was to el universal, and in there it saiis that u can carry 5 grams of pot, but on the link 2 la cronica, it said 50 grams!!!!... thats about 2 ounces, or a toston jiji... i just want to know, which one of this 2 is telling the truth, cuz i dont want 2 risk my ass, and go out with my tosotn, and then get busted lmao!!!!, if anyone knows please tell me XD

They changed it to 5 grams, the senate had originally approved 50 grams (which is far more realistic and makes more sense, but for now be happy that its at least legal):

"Los diputados adecuaron la siguiente lista de drogas y cantidades que podrá tener en su poder una persona, a partir de la minuta que el Senado ya había aprobado: opio preparado para fumar, 5 gramos; heroína, sus sales o preparados, 25 gramos; cannabis o mariguana, 5 gramos (el Senado había aprobado 50 gramos); erythroxilon novogratense o cocaína, 500 miligramos (el Senado proponía 1 gramo). Entre los narcóticos con valor terapéutico susceptibles de uso indebido o abuso, están: peyote, un kilogramo; hongos alucinantes, 250 gramos; lisergida (denominación internacional), LSD o LSD-25, 0.015 miligramos; MDA, 200 miligramos; tenanfetamin (MDMA), 200 miligramos; mezcalina, 1 gramo, y psilocobina, 100 miligramos. Mientras, en la lista de narcóticos precursores y derivados químicos que tienen valor terapéutico, pero constituyen un problema grave de salud pública, se incorporaron: anfetamina, 100 miligramos; dextroanfetamina, 40 miligramos; fenciclidina, 7 miligramos; metanfetamina, 200 miligramos; y nalbifina, 10 miligramos."
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  725
Posted : Apr 27, 2006 20:07

how long its going to take to stop our respectable police deparments to apply this regulation? I mean you know and we all know how fucked up they are and how they live out of "mordidas" every weekend.

Just as long as you are carrying NO MORE than what is legal, the police have NO RIGHT to give you trouble. And people should stand up for this right. It is the same with the prostitutes that were frequently abused by police when prostitution was illegal, now that it is legal the prostitutes are loosing their fear and are starting to stand up for their rights. You can't be to scared when you are not breaking a law, otherwise police will abuse you even more. At the begining it might be harder but eventually as we stand up for our rights the police will stop bothering those who are not doing anything wrong. Just make sure you don't carry more than the limit, that's what is important.


Started Topics :  9
Posts :  53
Posted : Apr 28, 2006 03:04
Come on people! didnt you read well? In the article says that police can`t fuck you if you have the amount permitted of drugs, but they can investigate who`s your dealer and they can fuck him or fuck her, so it`s a tramp! come on! Dont be fouls. The law clearly says that they are legalizing drugs to finish with the drugs sale, the only thing that they want is us to believe them, so that we stop to be careful and they can find out who are the ones in charge of the sale in our streets, they`re not giving us rights, they are putting us in a tramp, come on, think about it, be smart
Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - Legalization of Marihuana and Other Drugs for Personal Use

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