Labels and Promotion.
Martian Arts
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Posted : Sep 9, 2011 13:37
Labels like Nano Records sell lots because they have been around for ages, including some of the biggest names in their compilations, and most (if not all) of these big names, play constantly the biggest festivals and the best slots. The music also appeals to a lot of the people that attend the festivals, hence they look out for their releases and buy (actually most download illegaly) the music.
A new label that has new acts that nobody has heard of before, must wait and push for years before it reaches that point. There is no magic way of promoting a new label to such a level.
As with everything else, it requires time, energy and dedication.
If you are a new artist and want to reach a bigger audience, get on Ektoplazm.
Peace out. |
Wizack Twizack
Wizack Twizack
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Posted : Sep 9, 2011 15:46
Yes but new labels can release a compilation with very established and well known artist on it aswell. I think nano rec, if any, could cut back on the promotion buissniss as they already have a huge fan base and most of the time quality tracks on their stuff, while new labels that wanna get their should pump it harder.
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Posted : Sep 9, 2011 15:48
Agree with Disco Hooligans. There is no magic pill when it comes to promotion apart from hard work and dedication.
The trance-scene is also a tricky case when it comes to marketing; it's very international, and the local scenes are typically relatively small and scattered. Add to that, that you don't have any big, international meetingpoints (ok, this forum IS big but less than 1% of the psytrance-fans in the world use it) and the local forums are dieing because of facebook.
Therefore you maybe sell a few hundred copies (note that I'm making these numbers up) in Germany and Japan, ~50 in the UK, Austria, Denmark, Switzerland etc. - and while you may reach these die-hard customers directly, as they are probably some of the more hardcore followers who use forums like Isratrance, it's very hard to reach more potential buyers.
As a new label and artist I definitely think Ektoplazm is the way to go. It has a large user-base and also direct feedback to the releases.
I would recommend getting a Facebook-page for the label. I started the Iboga Records fanpage a few years ago and we're now approaching 18,000 fans. Can't tell if it really has a big impact on sales, but it's a great way to reach fans directly and create a buzz. Just stop spamming...  DJ pr0fane (Iboga Records) | Multiphase | | |
Martian Arts
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Posted : Sep 9, 2011 16:25
On 2011-09-09 15:46, Wizack Twizack wrote:
Yes but new labels can release a compilation with very established and well known artist on it aswell. I think nano rec, if any, could cut back on the promotion buissniss as they already have a huge fan base and most of the time quality tracks on their stuff, while new labels that wanna get their should pump it harder.
Are the young labels that release such compilations with established names, doing well, or not? I kinda need examples to understand your point.
Peace out. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 9, 2011 17:55
On 2011-09-09 16:25, disco hooligans wrote:
On 2011-09-09 15:46, Wizack Twizack wrote:
Yes but new labels can release a compilation with very established and well known artist on it aswell. I think nano rec, if any, could cut back on the promotion buissniss as they already have a huge fan base and most of the time quality tracks on their stuff, while new labels that wanna get their should pump it harder.
Are the young labels that release such compilations with established names, doing well, or not? I kinda need examples to understand your point.
Peace out.
Blue Hour Sounds? I wonder how their sales are. - Midwest based psytrance group |
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Posted : Sep 10, 2011 04:51
What about ambient music and marketing? Ambient music interests lots of people from all walks of life, not at all only psy geeks, yeah, someone might repeat the usual boring underground bla bla, I see it different, why not turn everybody on to sound in general? Psy geek or not, goa freak or not, office manager or not... any human being or not...I mean common, are we all so wound up in an underground drama that ceased to exist in 1990 in the first place?
So far no label answered to my question I posted in this forum about how they market their releases, are they all afraid to give away their trade secrets? When they could learn from each other... at least Profane put a couple links in there, thank you for it mate. I would really like to see some labels responding to that one...
  Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here: |
Martian Arts
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Posted : Sep 10, 2011 06:15
On 2011-09-09 17:55, Ascension wrote:
On 2011-09-09 16:25, disco hooligans wrote:
On 2011-09-09 15:46, Wizack Twizack wrote:
Yes but new labels can release a compilation with very established and well known artist on it aswell. I think nano rec, if any, could cut back on the promotion buissniss as they already have a huge fan base and most of the time quality tracks on their stuff, while new labels that wanna get their should pump it harder.
Are the young labels that release such compilations with established names, doing well, or not? I kinda need examples to understand your point.
Peace out.
Blue Hour Sounds? I wonder how their sales are.
Who is on Blue Hour Sounds? All I know about it is a username on here, not saying I constantly keep an ear on the ground...
Peace out. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 10, 2011 07:06
Inactive User
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Posted : Sep 10, 2011 09:18
I think when it comes to to labels using ones with a strong glue base is better than the cheaper options, as the promotional labels will then just fall off.
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Martian Arts
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Posted : Sep 10, 2011 12:59
I see. Well Tristan's released music on there, that is the best promotion in the world, imo.
Generally it all comes down to the music that gets released on a label. If the output is good and consistent, it will become a big label, but not overnight.
Peace out. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 10, 2011 13:56
On 2011-09-10 04:51, Upavas wrote:
So far no label answered to my question I posted in this forum about how they market their releases, are they all afraid to give away their trade secrets? When they could learn from each other...
Personally I would not tell the secrets of the trade, in the end of the day it is a business and there are competitors, if the competition does not follow the leaders they are just plain ignorant...
In any business you have to innovate and follow the leaders closely, now in this market many leaders do fuck all so...
Isn't Apple and Samsung and others in constant battles for rights in new innovations? They follow closely each other I can assure you... It's not by chance that certain configurations are similar... Anyway this might be a bad example but I hope you get me...
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 10, 2011 14:16
Really nice topic there!
As we are a newstarted label with only two releases behind..those are avaliable for free dough. So IT's just the case))
Personally I dont have much experience with label managment, but I've learned a lot until now, one of the things is: if you dont do the thing - no one will do it for you. Its important to remember why you're doing it too)
It is nice to have some support from fellas and professionals, suggestions on how it could be done better and so on - but I dont really see much of it these days, its became easier to critisise.))
Its a hardwork for the newcomers..always - but hey! - its a lot of fun too!!!
so I'll take advantage and post a link to our latest release here
bOM |
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 10, 2011 14:25
I think people need a wake up pill in this debate. There are NO MONEY in this scene as 99.9% of the audience could care less about investing their money into artists music.
Labels are DEAD!!! Release your own music digital (Or release it free) and be your own master. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 10, 2011 14:47
On 2011-09-10 14:25, Beat Agency wrote:
I think people need a wake up pill in this debate. There are NO MONEY in this scene as 99.9% of the audience could care less about investing their money into artists music.
Labels are DEAD!!! Release your own music digital (Or release it free) and be your own master.
As always I disagree with you...
In my own opinion I think releasing as free is still classed as non professional, that is the PERCEPTION and not a FACT... Hope u understand.
And yeah releases are a by-product, what makes money are gigs but without releases there are no gigs... they are interconnected so in reality it does make money...
Maybe labels have to find other ways of generating money... Anyway my mouth is closed in regards to that...
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Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 10, 2011 15:42
It's not you who always disagrees with him. It is he who always disagrees with everybody. And you just happened to be one of those "everybody" people here.
Back on topic: there is nothing that smells of amateurish cluelessness at Ektoplazm. It is set up and operated as a professional outfit, although it is not Alex’s main occupation. Free promotional releases are very common in many industries, including the music industry. If somebody – a label or an artist – decides to make 100% of their releases promotional (and free), there is nothing wrong with it.
In short, I agree with you: labels are promotional vehicles for gigs. And as such they are still an important part of the music business. This is not going to change just because a grouchy you-know-who does not get paid enough from his CD sales any more.