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Labels and Promotion.

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 4, 2011 18:12

On 2011-10-04 18:02, Basilisk wrote:
What has Parvati done right? They've been around for a decade, they put out quality releases with regularity, and then almost never ever ever deviate from their set formula. You know exactly what you are getting with every release: top quality darkpsy and forest music with that gelatinous Parvati vibe. No downtempo experiments. Nothing below or above a familiar BPM range. No unpleasant surprises

Sound a bit boring to me. Personally I like diversity.

Martian Arts

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Posted : Oct 4, 2011 18:29

On 2011-10-04 18:02, Basilisk wrote:
What has Parvati done right? They've been around for a decade, they put out quality releases with regularity, and then almost never ever ever deviate from their set formula. You know exactly what you are getting with every release: top quality darkpsy and forest music with that gelatinous Parvati vibe. No downtempo experiments. Nothing below or above a familiar BPM range. No unpleasant surprises

So having a "sound" as a label, is a good "business plan".
Then again there is the Nano output, which varies from the "hands-in-the-air-Armin-plays-it-euro-trance" that was Protoculture's last LP, to the "in-your-face-no-nonsense-psychedelic-trance" Master Blasters LP... and everything in between.
I can only assume they are doing well...they are like the opposite of Parvati in terms of sound and formula.
Then again they enjoy the "free" promotion that their amazing roster of artists, who play every major gig available, provide.

I wonder if their sales are good, cause if they are, then having no "sound" as a label, is a good business plan as well...provided you have big names on your label.

Peace out.
Inactive User

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Posted : Oct 4, 2011 18:39

On 2011-10-04 18:12, Beat Agency wrote:

On 2011-10-04 18:02, Basilisk wrote:
What has Parvati done right? They've been around for a decade, they put out quality releases with regularity, and then almost never ever ever deviate from their set formula. You know exactly what you are getting with every release: top quality darkpsy and forest music with that gelatinous Parvati vibe. No downtempo experiments. Nothing below or above a familiar BPM range. No unpleasant surprises

Sound a bit boring to me. Personally I like diversity.

But you aren't the marketing target for that particular label, so your counter argument to basilisk is irrelevant. Which makes his observation very relevant and very true. Not everybody wants diversity . One of the problems with the music industry today is excess of diversity . It has become much more difficult for A&R'S to categorize define and target what the new generations want to hear or what they will buy because there is so much to choose from.

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Posted : Oct 4, 2011 21:24
Parvati is promoting a certain sound plus keeps a certain "underground" image towards the rest of the world. Thats absolutely fine about me but the question is does the label sell enough copies?

I mean we know their artists are playing a lot around the world parties and festivals but i seriously doubt that Parvati sells more than most labels do in our days.

Especially when the people that form Parvati's "target group" are mostly people with underground, hippie, non commercial and sometimes i dare to say little bit anarchist beliefs and attitude which means they dont want to spend money on buying music because they either dont have the money to spend or simply they dont believe that music should be for sale.

          Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 4, 2011 22:11

On 2011-10-04 07:11, aXis wrote:

On 2011-10-04 03:54, Maine Coon wrote:
Great explanations, Alex!
It probably wouldn't hurt to post it on your Ektoplazm blog too.
One quick note: the average attention span was way down already at the dawn of psytrance. It's something that happened in my generation, which came of age watching MTV clips (when MTV was still about music). Mid-80s. I agree, it's even worse now because of Web browsing instead of actual reading. And it will get even worse because of Twitter and phone texting. But it was already pretty different in early 90s too.

I didn't watch MTV until I came to the US, and I don't do Twitter and texting. Which is why out of the three of us I am the only child that can still hold a meaningful conversation with my mom. She is the kind of person that can spend half a day in an art museum looking at a single painting.

and that proves ??? lolololololololol. notihng .

Was I supposed to prove something?
Sorry, I must've missed the memo.
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 4, 2011 22:20

On 2011-10-04 18:12, Beat Agency wrote:

On 2011-10-04 18:02, Basilisk wrote:
What has Parvati done right? They've been around for a decade, they put out quality releases with regularity, and then almost never ever ever deviate from their set formula. You know exactly what you are getting with every release: top quality darkpsy and forest music with that gelatinous Parvati vibe. No downtempo experiments. Nothing below or above a familiar BPM range. No unpleasant surprises

Sound a bit boring to me. Personally I like diversity.

I do too. It's not commercially viable, however. Diversity is just a stage. Then come massive bankruptsies and consolidation, followed by oligopoly. Look at the oil industry of 1920s, car industry of 1960s, IT of 1990s and what's going on as we speak in the banking and finance. Diversity, lots of promises and utopian prediction, followed by major crash and resurfacing of a few giants.

When the whole field is controlled by a few oligopolists, niches form, so that small fish can sit under a rock and live without getting eaten by sharks and whales. For that, you have to
1) Find that niche
2) Be well adapted to living in it.

Hence, Parvati and it's boring lack of diversity.

P.S. I don't find it boring at all
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 4, 2011 22:51

On 2011-10-04 18:29, disco hooligans wrote:
So having a "sound" as a label, is a good "business plan".

Yes, I'd say so. It seems to work well for a lot of the big labels in the scene. It can be boring at times... labels with a specific "sound" are predictable, and part of what drew a lot of us to psychedelic trance was the diversity of approaches... but times have changed.


On 2011-10-04 18:29, disco hooligans wrote:
Then again there is the Nano output, which varies from the "hands-in-the-air-Armin-plays-it-euro-trance" that was Protoculture's last LP, to the "in-your-face-no-nonsense-psychedelic-trance" Master Blasters LP... and everything in between.
I can only assume they are doing well...they are like the opposite of Parvati in terms of sound and formula.

I don't know about that. In my view, Nano certainly has a sound. Most of their releases sound very similar to me. It's all big room, big festival psytrance, and an occasional foray into mainstream trance vis-a-vis Protoculture is hardly what I would call a "risky experiment"

Note that these observations are not criticisms of Parvati or Nano by any means. I happen to like the output of both labels. All I'm saying is that there aren't any hugely successful labels like Matsuri Productions or Blue Room Released anymore.

Started Topics :  150
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Posted : Oct 4, 2011 23:00
Then there are a lot of labels that release all kinds of different genres, I am wondering... are they all on the lookout for the next Simon Posford/Astrix/whatever name you can think of that is a successful live act...?
          Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
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Posted : Oct 5, 2011 12:12

On 2011-10-04 22:51, Basilisk wrote:
Note that these observations are not criticisms of Parvati or Nano by any means. I happen to like the output of both labels. All I'm saying is that there aren't any hugely successful labels like Matsuri Productions or Blue Room Released anymore.

Well, things are in 2011 context, i.e. people are not buying as much music as they did in the '90s.
And psy-trance is not as "cool" as it was in the '90s...take Oakenfold's new compilation and compare it to his old '90s mix, that an awful lot of people, even the ones that were not actively listenign to psy-trance, bought. There are hardly any psychedelic tunes in the new compilation...but then again tastes do differ...

Peace out.

Started Topics :  150
Posts :  3315
Posted : Oct 6, 2011 22:30

          Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:

Started Topics :  35
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Posted : Oct 8, 2011 09:35
Just a little side note on the success of some of the labels mentioned previously... I was under the impression that these labels are pretty much their respective owners' full-time occupation, aren't they? It sounds plausible to me that selling records becomes easier if you're able to attend all the big festivals, having your own stand and just being there connecting with people, and if you have plenty of time to spend on networking, finding new stuff/preparing new releases etc.

They work hard and it seems to pay off while most of the other labels active today are run as part-time projects, that's at least my experience. To me it'd be a little unrealistic for any part-time project manager to expect a success similar to that of Parvati, for instance, unless he or she puts the same amount of time into it.
           Aural transmissions from the deep forests of Sweden - 'Patterns II EP' by Silent Horror out now!

Started Topics :  7
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Posted : Oct 9, 2011 15:52
nano stoped releasing cds after master blasters album and parvati releases mainly physical.different politics,different music styles(i enjoy both too)but yet successed labels.i think darkpsy should enter the digital market more...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 9, 2011 18:03
digital market yes,and maybe coming back to vinyl too
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